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RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to rombsix)
ORIGINAL: rombsix
What is that "jet-pack strap" kind of setup the guy in blue is using?
That's Ivan Rijos.. yes clearly custom-made !
BTW He is the composer of a very nice classical all-tremolo piece, about the same length as Recuerdos de la Alhambra, called "Lagrimas de Jesus". Here he is playing his composition. Might be the same guitar too, but no strap :-)
Unfortunately it does not seem to have been published anywhere.
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to kitarist)
BTW He is the composer of a very nice classical all-tremolo piece, about the same length as Recuerdos de la Alhambra, called "Lagrimas de Jesus". Here he is playing his composition. Might be the same guitar too, but no strap :-)
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
Jacques Offenbach, have you heard of him? He was a composer, I was making a bad pun. Listne to lots of Bach, get Offenbach- 'Get off on Bach'-
The other part is that I don't like the bowed violin or solo cello rep played on guitar, it's jarring to me because the bow makes that stuff work, plucking the bowed music is perverse and disappointing- In my opinion only.
Drop your prejudices....that tune was not originally for lute it was for violin anyway, so J.S. Bach himself did not share your opinion.
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to estebanana)
It doesn't matter what Bach thinks.
Yeah that what guitars are for. its great when they leave Bachs a violin and cello music alone because it does not fit the guitar.
The implication of your first statement is that you DID approve of the guitar version in this case....as if the piece was NOT a bowed composition (I assumed you meant the guitar arrangement is taken from the lute version and therefore acceptable to interpret by guitar twangers). Unless you meant to say that is NOT what guitars are for....
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to Ricardo)
I’m going a bit off topic here but still in reference to Bach. I was just wondering if Bach probably wrote the Chaconne in d minor first for lute. Maybe he saw some type of connection with a plucked instrument and the music of Andalucia? The reason being the key of d minor then you have the harmonic progression. Also the Spanish origin of the Chaconne? I’m no Bach scholar. I was only curious about this.
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to jg7238)
ORIGINAL: jg7238
I’m going a bit off topic here but still in reference to Bach. I was just wondering if Bach probably wrote the Chaconne in d minor first for lute. Maybe he saw some type of connection with a plucked instrument and the music of Andalucia? The reason being the key of d minor then you have the harmonic progression. Also the Spanish origin of the Chaconne? I’m no Bach scholar. I was only curious about this.
Yes, and lots of other similarities such as the 3/4 phrasing starting on beat 2 and theme and variation and modulation by parallel rather than relative key, much like flamenco...but this music is like 100 years before flamenco! . Estebana already expressed his hatred for the guitar versions but you can read about our discussion about if if you look up “segovia” topics...
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Bach's Prelude 1006a. Ivan Rijos... (in reply to jg7238)
Actually I have been working on this like a slow jaleo groove...wasn’t gonna post this as it’s got lots of mistakes and two spots I start over, I’m just practicing here, but since you brought it up and I know estebana is gonna go crazy