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RE: Women in the macho world of flam... (in reply to devilhand)
ORIGINAL: devilhand
This is the first woman flamenco guitar player who really impressed me with her playing(not meaning that the others aren't good), and she is also quite good looking.
Off-topic note: are you guys familiar with this guy, has very interesting ideas and great playing, great to see these new artists showing flamenco is alive and well:
RE: Women in the macho world of flam... (in reply to rombsix)
I saw Marija Temo in a performance in Asheville several years ago. She was very impressive and a really nice person. I also attended a workshop that she gave- it was great.
RE: Women in the macho world of flam... (in reply to Lcid)
I saw Marija Temo in a performance in Asheville several years ago. She was very impressive and a really nice person. I also attended a workshop that she gave- it was great.
Here you go. She accompanies herself in Solea. Something I haven't expected.
RE: Women in the macho world of flam... (in reply to rombsix)
At 1:35 she talks about the macho world of jazz guitar. Btw, at 2:50 out of the blue, she said Nürnberg Trial. I dont know why she said it on German tv.