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Posts: 3466
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
Gerundino (Hijo) Building Guitars?
On the website "La Guitarra Flamenca" there is advertised a flamenca built by the son of Gerundino Fernandez. I remember my friend and instructor Paco de Malaga mentioning some time ago that Gerundino's son had decided to try his hand at building guitars. Neither Paco nor I had heard that the son, Gerundino Fernandez Llamas, had ever worked as an understudy with his father. And Paco knew Gerundino well, buying guitars from him on trips to Spain. The only collaborator with Gerundino in building flamencas that I had heard of was Juan Manuel Gonzales, who finished some of the guitars Gerundino built in his later years. The guitar featured on the website is priced at Euros 4,600.
Here is the advertising text.
"Flamenco guitar built by the guitar builder Gerundino Fernández Llamas, son of the great master Gerundino. He was born in Almería in 1974, and from a very early age he helped his parents with tasks related to the construction of guitars, such as sanding woods, laying pawns or glueing boards and backs. He has also a vast knowledge of the woods used, thanks to his uncle Eladio, who took him many times to locate, cut and select the best woods for his father. In 2015 he decides to continue the tradition of his family, building his own guitars using the same tecniques, tools and woods as his father before him. The sound and finishes of his guitars are remarkable, always respecting the typical sound of a ‘Gerundina’."
So apparently in 2015, nine years after the death of his father, the son decides to become a luthier. The label on the featured guitar reads "Gerundino Hijo." I certainly don't want to prejudge the efforts of the son as a luthier, but I wonder if he is just trying to live off the well-deserved fame of his father? I own a Gerundino that Paco originally bought directly from Gerundino and then some years later sold to me, and it is a beauty, with the great Gerundino sound. If anyone comes across a "Gerundino Hijo," it would be interesting to get a readout on what it is like.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: Gerundino (Hijo) Building Guitars? (in reply to BarkellWH)
Bill, what you describe is very common among makers who had a reputation or command high prices. The sons or daughters often carry on the tradition however they can. Sadly, in some cases it is by purchasing factory-made instruments and affixing new labels to them. More than one great maker has had his good family name run into the ground that way.
As has been said here many times, to make guitars you need to love the craft and the instrument because very few can make a good salary at it. I am never surprised when someone who doesn't really know the craft turns to re-sale as a way to provide a higher income. Of course this only really works well if you are able to convince clients that you are a true craftsman and that the guitars you sell are much better than the ones made at the same factory and sold by the factory itself.
We can often never know what is really going on in some "workshops" and as makers we can't even talk about this publicly as we get accused of being envious and trying to sabotage someone else's business. There are, regardless, many examples. Anyway good luck to Gerundino hijo.
RE: Gerundino (Hijo) Building Guitars? (in reply to BarkellWH)
Generally speaking I agree with the previous post: it looks like in Spain there is a kind of tradition to pass the shop to a relative of yours who will carry on the name: in some cases this is just a commercial practice (I think of some shops selling guitars made elsewhere), but there is also the case of a builder that continue the tradition, by building guitars in the tradition of his predecessor. Just some examples: viuda de Santos Hernandez, Marcelo Barbero constructor or Viuda de Marcelo Barbero, Arcangel Fernandez etc.
In fact Barbero was never a direct disciple of Santos but everybody considers him to be as such, as he worked in Santos shop, using Santos' wood, tools and molds. Reyes was said to have learned from Barbero, even though he just had a meeting with him of a couple of hours.... Gerundino hijo works in the same venue of his dad, and declared openly to have been taught by a close collaborator of his dad. For sure to use the plantillas, tools and wood is a great help to make a good copy.
My opinion is that the late Gerundino had many "collaborators" but I know this is a soft spot and won't go ahead here. I just point out that at least four builders in Almeria declared publicly to have worked for Gerundino. Also, the son of Eladio Fernandez happened to write a comment on a Spanish forum quite explicative on how the things used to work.
RE: Gerundino (Hijo) Building Guitars? (in reply to BarkellWH)
Sorry for the late reply. The thread you linked is ok if you can read through the lines but I was referring to a different thread later cancelled (more clear). I used to have a nice '98 Gerundino signed by Tomatito; I had acquired that guitar from a German player who lived in Almeria and knew quite well the flamenco world down there and told me some stories about Gerundino and bla bla. I trust this guy and later found many consonances with what I was told, but you never know for sure.
I was happy of that particular guitar but tried other Gerundinas which IMO weren't made by the same hands hence my interest to know more and investigate about it. Recently I even spoke through Facebook with Gerundino hijo himself who confirmed something. Anyway few years ago I bought an '82 Gerundino which wasn't really better than my 98 Gerundino. I think Gerundino was a great maker though and each guitar speaks for itself. Later on I appreciated more the Madrid style of guitar making, but this is just me.