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Posts: 15509
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
Yes! @ 17"00 he says I don't like to call it classical guitar, I call it Spanish guitar.
I would love to hear him interpret other standard CG stuff such as Bach, with his personal take on compas. He has a great sound and feeling when he plays.
I wonder about the comment regarding Paco only doing Concierto 11 times. I am sure he refers to the concerts that only HE conducted because the existing recordings (audio and video) have a different orchestra and conductor (obviously) than what he is talking about. Or perhaps he did that tour then only played it a few times more for the recordings?
And regards to chick Corea..."Spain" is loosely based harmonically and melodically on the adagio and it is a jazz standard (i.e. In the REAL book) to introduce that piece with the Adagio. I would not be surprised if Paco already knew the adagio more or less from playing "Spain" countless times with Coryell McLaughlin and Dimeola. In the Francisco Sanchez documentary Chick and Paco where just talking through the Montreux gig backstage (hence chick singing the adagio as PDL is playing it).
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to Ricardo)
I would love to hear him interpret other standard CG stuff such as Bach, with his personal take on compas. He has a great sound and feeling when he plays
Yep and Grisha for that matter too. Just not the cello suites, I dislike we they poach them.
Gallardos sound is really to my liking and he has teaching vids and the stuff on you tube. He really does bridge that sonic place between Spanish rep influenced by folk idioms a flamenco and stiff upper lip "correct" classical playing. Good stuff.
Usually "Sevilla" is kind of boring to me, but he gives it the edginess it needs to have guts.
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to El Kiko)
P.S. Kiko - I know your Spanish is much better than your Russian; there's another vid with Jose etc. etc. where he talks more about his experience of working with Paco and other flamencos, and his ideas about how non-flamenco Spanish music should be played:
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
I would love to hear him interpret other standard CG stuff such as Bach, with his personal take on compas. He has a great sound and feeling when he plays
Yep and Grisha for that matter too. Just not the cello suites, I dislike we they poach them.
But the violin sonatas are fair game? That almost looks like another light dig at Anders LOL
Better - Grisha doing Bach's cello suites on a Faulk's Celluitar (or is it a Guitello?)
Talking of hybrids... they say the violin is the Devil's instrument, but (having recently tried one) I'd say the Guilele is a far stronger candidate.
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to Estevan)
P.S. Kiko - I know your Spanish is much better than your Russian; there's another vid with Jose etc. etc. where he talks more about his experience of working with Paco and other flamencos, and his ideas about how non-flamenco Spanish music should be played:
Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to Dudnote)
they say the violin is the Devil's instrument
That bit of folklore comes down to the present day in both music and literature. In 1979 the charlie Daniels band recorded a hit entitled "The Devil Went Down to Georgia," in which the devil engages in a violin-playing contest with a young man, in an effort to steal his soul.
In Cormac McCarthy's magnificent novel, "Blood Meridian," a character known as "The Judge" appears as a hairless, almost supernatural being among a group of scalp-hunters in the Texas-Mexican Borderlands. He begins dancing while playing the violin wildly, and it is clearly McCarthy's reference to the devil playing the violin.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to Dudnote)
But the violin sonatas are fair game? That almost looks like another light dig at Anders LOL
Better - Grisha doing Bach's cello suites on a Faulk's Celluitar (or is it a Guitello?)
Talking of hybrids... they say the violin is the Devil's instrument, but (having recently tried one) I'd say the Guilele is a far stronger candidate.
Also really enjoyed the above verion of Sevilla
Not a dig at Anders at all. My comments about violin vs cello are not meant as digs, but just as silly competition. Not anything bad. I decided to call mu instrument the 'Arco Seco' - like palo seco. The instrument is a cello without a bow, so it is "dry of the bow".
However much it bothers me they will never stop playing the cello suites on the guitar, and hope they enjoy it and get something out of it. It is really out of my control, right? I've said many ties why I don't like it, but very few people really understand what I am talking about when I explain why it is annoying, the ones that get it are usually violinists. Celllists of course get it.
It is my opinion that the cello suites should be played on instrument tuned in fifths not fourths, transcribing them to seat on fourths ruins them. They are also sacred to me in some special way, not like other music. Guitarsists challenge them like a sporting event and I hate that, which I why I will walk out on a guitarist who plays them in a concert.
It is a highly personal and irrational thing for me.
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana Not a dig at Anders at all. My comments about violin vs cello are not meant as digs, but just as silly competition. Not anything bad.
Aye aye aye! I hadn't realised 'light dig' could be interpretted as bad. I was just making light fun because I enjoyed the cello vs violin exchanges. Anyway, as the saying goes, size isn't everything
It is really out of my control, right?
I wonder? Your Arco Seco could have a niche market among guitarist who love the Bach cello suites. Pethaps all you need is a world class virtuoso to show case them on one of your instruments. There must be plenty of guitarists that would enjoy working with cello tuning on such timeless pieces.
RE: Grisha Goryachev & Jose Maria Ga... (in reply to Dudnote)
I wonder? Your Arco Seco could have a niche market among guitarist who love the Bach cello suites. Pethaps all you need is a world class virtuoso to show case them on one of your instruments. There must be plenty of guitarists that would enjoy working with cello tuning on such timeless pieces.
Most people have ignored it, but I have gotten a few emails from guitar makers who said they had also thought of it but never tried to build it. One of them is also a cellist.
A few have thought it was a great project, and I think it has potential as a part of a classical guitar ensemble. I saw it a cross over instrument for cellists who wanted to pluck.