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Tal momento de la magnificencia !! Y, no entiendo nada
Para la Caña de Rafael Romero (El Gallina)...
aquel que tiene tres viñas y el tiempo le quita dos que se conforme con una y le de gracias a Dios tienes muchas cosas mías pero te falta un renglón que no esta en la letanía
y otro...
Ay, un grito de libertad dio Joaquín García Hernández un grito de libertad tembló el trono y la corona y con el dolor hizo triunfar (*) la república española
ya no tengo quien la riegue las flores de mi balcón ya no tengo prima mía de alma quien la riegue (**) ha muerto mi jardinera se me acabó mi alegría (*) aunque cien años viviera
Looks like google didn't hash up the translation too bad this time...
There is a cry for freedom Joaquin Garcia Hernandez (a Mexican soccer player??) a cry for freedom He shook the throne and crown and the pain did succeed (*) the Spanish Republic
I no longer have anyone to water it flowers from my balcony I have no soul my cousin who irrigate (**) my gardener has died I ran out my joy (*) although he lived one hundred years
Some extra information on Antonio El Alvarez"Canijo"
Antonio is being considered one of the best singers of Fandangos by many, Never recorded a single cd, he prefers to sing for his friends whenever he feels like it, He says that money and fame will polute him, he has been and still is working as a streetsweeper in the center of Málaga. When he was asked why he didn´t become a profesional singer his answer was: And who is going to clean the streets of my neighborhood then??
This guy is admired by many of the greats like Camaron, Poveda, Farruquito, La Cañeta etc. Last summer I got to meet him, we went to a festival in Torremolinos with some friends to go and see Juanito Villar, Capullo de Jeréz, Niño Jero etc. When they found out Antonio was with us we all got invited in the dressingrooms so Antonio could sing Fandangos for them, they all cried like babies. Later he was invited on stage to repeat some more. My friend got it all on film but Juanito asked us very friendly not to put it on Youtube because they where getting dressed and had no shirts on. So here´s the video when he sung on stage(I think I allready uploaded it last year)
ORIGINAL: orsonw Here's Camaron singing the same letra.
Ole Orsonw!!! Excellent spot there!!
And another version from Camaron, this time as second letra
Ay que tan despacio caminas dime que llevas en el carro ay que tan despacio tú caminas. Llevo al probe de mi hermano que un barreno en la mina y le ha cortao, las dos manos.
Y que arañaba con las uñas un niño como un león y arañaba con las uñas. Ay es que hubo una derrumbación, y en una mina de Asturias ay su pare dentro queó.
A modified google of letra 1...
Oh how slowly walk tell me what you carry in the cart oh how slowly you walk. I carry my poor brother Who in a hole in the mine Had cut both his hands.
Most of it makes sense to me, but not line 4, "Llevo al probe de mi hermano". Is it something like something like "You have to prove that my brother, in a hole in the mine, cut both his hands" ?
Most of it makes sense to me, but not line 4, "Llevo al probe de mi hermano". Is it something like something like "You have to prove that my brother, in a hole in the mine, cut both his hands" ?
I really think it just a typo, I never heard anyone say probe...
This is very common in the barrios of Andalucía, not only in flamenco, probe for pobre, barde for balde, Grabiel for Gabriel etc.
Thanks guys. I first suspected this when Ricardo wrote on (page 3 of) the All The Solea thread...
ORIGINAL: Ricardo My point about accent is more about the detail of copying the original than what might be more correct.
For example if you copy Camaron "era morenit-ay pro-bay"... But change it to "era morenita y pobre", then you are probably also missing musical details that are tied to that.
In Chocolate's taranto "A la boca de una mina" he sings "Probre de lo minerico...".
Turns out probre is the singular masculin vocative declension of probus . Now my knowledge of Latin is too scant to even guess what that might be... https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/probre#Latin
...but to come back to flamenco letras, it seems possible that this could be not so much an Andalu corruption of modern Spanish, but a more ancient form that remains in use in Andalu dialect.
In Chocolate's taranto "A la boca de una mina" he sings "Probre de lo minerico...".
Turns out probre is the singular masculin vocative declension of probus . Now my knowledge of Latin is too scant to even guess what that might be... https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/probre#Latin
...but to come back to flamenco letras, it seems possible that this could be not so much an Andalu corruption of modern Spanish, but a more ancient form that remains in use in Andalu dialect.
Probe de ti..."poor of you"
Perhaps Nuke-you-ler bomb is an ancient alien astronaut weapon.