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My Buleria...   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 225
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My Buleria... 

I finally got my a$$ in gear and finished this bulería....


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 11:42:58


Posts: 6
Joined: Apr. 12 2015

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Fantastic, to say the least.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 12:08:37
Sr. Martins

Posts: 3079
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Ahah, that beat sounds so cheerful, makes me smile even before the guitar comes in.

With the guitars it makes me want to headbang
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 13:06:13

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Great stuff Thomas!!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 13:22:48

Posts: 1767
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From: The Netherlands

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Well done Thomas,
Very tasty!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 14:43:47

Posts: 881
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From: Hungary

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Olé! I really like that, good ideas there!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 21:45:09

Posts: 438
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From: España

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Great job! very clean playing...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 23:01:50

Posts: 8002
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

I was hoping for one of those superb videos too. This is awesome nonetheless.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 14 2015 23:22:37

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Thank you very much guys for taking your time to listen and comment - much appreciated !


I was hoping for one of those superb videos too. This is awesome nonetheless.

Ramzi, I am glad that you like those other videos.....and my still-framing Buleria 😃
see you @ fb ...


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 15 2015 6:18:09

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Ole !
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 15 2015 7:29:45

Posts: 225
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to johnnefastis

Thank you John


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2015 13:40:55
Sr. Martins

Posts: 3079
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas


my still-framing Buleria

Is that a way of saying you're editing the video for that audio?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2015 14:07:27

Posts: 15470
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From: Washington DC

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

excellent, unique sound and arrangement.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2015 14:53:10
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Very good , i hear a lot of work has gone into it ..and all modern style ..

A bit disappointing that there was not an actual video of playing at least the main part . tell me what instruments / guitars were used ?
not a big fan of the fade out endings , it usually means the composer was a bit lazy to think of a good way out ...
i have to say i like the begining half more than the second half .. i think it started to get a bit over orchestrated toward the end ..
strange ' harpy ' kind of sound at times ...which works but makes it sound a bit connercial .. to me ..

sounds like im having a go at it , but overall, i liked it .. i listened enough times ...if i didnt like it i wouldnt have listened more than once ...


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2015 18:23:49

Posts: 225
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to El Kiko

thank you for the detailed review, Kiko.


not a big fan of the fade out endings , it usually means the composer was a bit lazy to think of a good way out ...

there's nothing easier than to finish a Bulería with a llamada, and originally the tune actually ended this way...I changed it however to that fade out cause I found it to be more suitable.


strange ' harpy ' kind of sound at times ...which works but makes it sound a bit connercial .. to me ..

not quite sure what you mean with strange "harpy" kind of sound...
perhaps my use of arpeggios in the accompaniment during the two steelstring solos ?
and if so : are arpeggios "commercial" ? (not that I would have in the slightest a problem with that term...)


i think it started to get a bit over orchestrated toward the end ..

one of my greatest pleasure during the recording of my own stuff is the arranging...
I love to add complementary parts and instruments...and possibly overdo it here and there sometimes...but hey: better to have too much ideas than to suffer from a "writers block"
This tune however has only 2 accompaniment gtrs, a solo gtr and a fretless bass in the densier parts of the arrangement...I do not at all think it is over orchestrated...
tastes differ .

@Ricardo: thanks a lot, tio - I am glad you liked it .


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 20 2015 7:57:34


Posts: 222
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

wow thomas amazing stuff purity in the playing and well just love it im listening again what a sound - silly question to ask what guitars ur using ?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 20 2015 8:53:16

Posts: 225
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to minorthang


wow thomas amazing stuff purity in the playing and well just love it im listening again what a sound - silly question to ask what guitars ur using ?

Thanks very much minorthang!

the flamenco gtr is a Francisco Barba Blanca and the steelstring is an old Martin D25


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 20 2015 9:01:52

Posts: 898
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From: Lisboa, Portugal

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Sounds great olé!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 21 2015 23:04:13

Posts: 76
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Very nice composition & enjoyable to listen to. Congrats!!!


Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 21 2015 23:38:35

[Deleted] (in reply to Thomas

[Deleted by Admins]


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 21 2015 23:38:56

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Guest

Thanks so much guys !

Shroomy, I do not have any plans to release an album. I guess nobody would buy it anyways...and that somehow keeps my ambition within limits .
The only way nowadays to sell records is by gigging your butt off...
I know a lot of way better guitarists than myself who hardly sell any records there's nothing worth worrying about for me.


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2015 9:37:41


Posts: 60
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas


I know a lot of way better guitarists than myself who hardly sell any records there's nothing worth worrying about for me.

But there are also way worse guitarists that sell alot! Especially in the fakemenco industry.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2015 18:17:23

[Deleted] (in reply to Thomas

[Deleted by Admins]


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2015 22:12:25

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

I'm with Shroomy, I've got every foro members album(s) at least that I know about. I even bought the Ricardo/Jesus Montoya one twice. I do so much bitching about radio music I feel it's my duty to support people making quality music however I can.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2015 22:37:18

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

I don't think it should be a question of what sells or not sells. The music industry is changing. There are pages like now that makes it easier for small-folk to release their albums. I think the future will be interesting for musicians like Thomas. There will be new opportunists.

It is of course not my decision to make and Thomas or anyone else who are in the position of producing an album must them self decide why they choose to produce or not produce.

None the less I am left feeling somewhat robbed when I read that Thomas does not want to record an album because of this or that reason. I feel robbed of the opportunity to listen to something special, something unique. It might not be on the same level as PDL or any other big-shot legend, but I am sure it would be a product that you and no one else would be able to produce. It would be uniquely a product of your imagination and anyone who would have the chance to listen to it should feel privileged.

Anyway, great track Thomas! I liked it!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 23 2015 15:09:06

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Thank you so much for your encouragement, guys !
Not that I needed it - but it is a very nice touch.


I don't think it should be a question of what sells or not sells.

I agree with you, UnderTheSun: it should'nt be reduced to that question exclusively...but since the 80's I make my living as a full-time musician and I have learned one thing: investments and expenses I do for my job have to amortize within an appropriate time-limit. If I lust for a new guitar, or some compelling gear for my studio etc...somehow I have to cover these costs.
Otherwise i would be a hobbyist with a pretty expensive hobby .

I see myself as an independent "small-scale entrepreneur" who has to keep the balance between economical considerations and the readiness to assume a creative or artistic risk.
I do not feel frustrated or demotivated about these circumstances...its my life and I love it and I am very grateful that my profession allows me to feed my family


I even bought the Ricardo/Jesus Montoya one twice.

Wow Lenador, I know that means a lot...isn't it you who thinks that el cante flamenco in general is a bit annoying ?

Thanks again for all of your great comments, guys !



TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2015 6:53:27

Posts: 8002
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas


Wow Lenador, I know that means a lot...isn't it you who thinks that el cante flamenco in general is a bit annoying ?

Only when Lenador himself is doing the cante.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2015 6:58:28

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to rombsix

recognising one’s shortcomings is the first step towards self-improvement


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
Cuadro Sur Guitar Trio
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2015 9:01:46

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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to rombsix


ORIGINAL: rombsix


Wow Lenador, I know that means a lot...isn't it you who thinks that el cante flamenco in general is a bit annoying ?

Only when Lenador himself is doing the cante.

I'd buy Lenador's Antologia de Cante Flamenco, especially if there were translated letra sheets, one or two metal riffs and the furious footwork of an LA dance group.

Thomas, how about a compromise, do a live album? Very little time spent in the studio, we get to hear a whole lot more of your music and live recordings are always special too.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2015 11:07:08


Posts: 530
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RE: My Buleria... (in reply to Thomas

Great stuff, very original.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2015 11:19:24
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