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Ron's Bulerias 

Found this Bulerias clip of Ron on my computer, figured it might be worth uploading.


Attachment (1)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 6 2014 21:36:18


Posts: 877
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

And the Tab of course. It is a pdf, but I had to change the extension to jpg for the upload.

Attachment (1)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 6 2014 21:38:54

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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

Cool, the Ronster was a monster.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 2:35:23


Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

That was recorded with a negra that Anders made for Ron.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 4:50:35

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

Finally, a clip privately hosted / not blocked from here!

Our Ron!
Been thinking of him just yesterday, in a mood of joining him.

Great playing, for reason of musicality.
Musicality tops all further aspects like virtuosity, grid or general compass.

I assume it comes about through either overall view and routine or through personality. The latter kind of vibe often being imperfect in regard of further aspects but speaking to me the most.

Ron had personality and it can be heard.
Thanks for the clip; really enjoyed it!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 11:20:47

Posts: 1756
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From: The Netherlands

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

Thanks Jeff.....nice to see and hear him play.


in a mood of joining him.

Everything ok with you?
If not, you have here more friends than you might think.
Is there a way we maybe can help you out?



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 14:30:23

Posts: 3782
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

Hey Peter,

That is really very kind of you, and I appreciate it a lot. (!)
Unfortunately there is not much that could be done about my being fed-up.
Since soon 7 years now I am going through one shabby betrayal after the other, and right now the latest appears to be turning out.

I need to leave the place I am, but with a perspective. Chances of first getting frauds jailed / properties back seem to constantly fade

Alternatively, for a new episode, I have hatched out an idea that should be good for a major IT project in the West, however need to have rights ensured first, before consultation specialists ( been considering to talk to Simon too, besides). Hence just been circling in on hopefully competent lawyers and shall set up for first contact tomorrow.

It´s only when things start looking as if I could be stuck here, when all spirit seems to vaporize into a black hole. It is so savage, one just can´t bear it.
( Right now in the gap to the upper paragraph I have been shouting at some PITAs who had not stopped "barking" until my dogs finally replied, only to then tell my complaining neighbour that the dogs had allegedly started first.
This mentality just keeps lying into one´s face; day in day out.

And just on Saturday some scum abandoned another poor puppy on the lot across the street while I cannot care for another, and since yesterday the killer squads being in the village shooting the stray dogs.

I there wasn´t the internet to constantly keep in contact with civilisation I would had years ago either returned already completely fleeced, or not be among the living anymore.

The connection to the foro alone makes for a considerable part that helps me keep going, and envisioning how I may return to a standard of minimum decency.

People may badmouth the internet, but I see it as great in so many ways.

Thank you once again, man!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 15:57:25

Posts: 1756
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus

Well, keep strong Ruphus,
And try to get out there, it seems to be a very unhealty place.
You are working hard to get it better, so one way or the other it will work out.
I wish you all the strenght you need.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 18:25:13

Posts: 3782
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

Thanks a bunch, my friend! :O)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 17 2014 23:20:55

Posts: 4504
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus

An interim solution between leaving the country and give up your legal fight ...... and staying in the taliban cave in which you are living right now could be moving to tehran for instance :)

Its for sure not like Germany (in terms of how dogs and cats are treated) , but in comparison to all other countries in that area, its not that bad for dog owners ;)

What you are doing right now sounds a bit masochistic to me.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 4:08:37

Posts: 6429
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus


have hatched out an idea that should be good for a major IT project in the West, however need to have rights ensured first, before consultation specialists ( been considering to talk to Simon too, besides)

Ask away, Ruphus.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 7:37:06

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Arash



What you are doing right now sounds a bit masochistic to me.

Uh yeah, thanks a bunch.
In fact I have nothing in common with neither a masochist nor with a sadist.

And that piece of bold propaganda that you posted is just as authentic like the soundtrack it comes with. Though I could only see it to 1:50 I can tell you already that it is full of bull.

In all the years I have only met about 4 persons of this cultural sphere whome I would entrust with an animal.
Even in the hands of an animal lover of that origin, commonly hell breaks lose for the poor creature.
For the usual owner completely lacking on actual / modern / useful info (, which even the vets are being scarce of) the "pet" will always remain an exposed thing and you can typically sense the creatures primary appreciation of been let alive in the first place.

Usually the "animal lover" of that mentality will obtain a pet by its shape and colors, which tells it all.

It´s like picking plants for decoration, not bound to the actual creature at all.



Its for sure not like Germany (in terms of how dogs and cats are treated) , ...

I can ensure you that the place I am is considered liberal compared to the atmosphere existing in Tehran.

What dogs and cats inn Tehran are concerned, last year 30 of confiscated dogs were ( intentionally, you bet) left unfed to perish from thirst and hunger, whilst the parliament decided that cats in cities shall be decimated just like dogs too.

Further, waht do you mean by: "not like Germany (in terms of how dogs and cats are treated)?"

Meaning that aside of animal mistreatment it could be anyway near standards of western civilization?

The only items in common with western conditions are western innovations and products as outer attributes. Clothing, watches, cell phones, cars, etc.

But already in the way of use the difference begins.

Germany with a population of similar size and more vehicles on a geographical surface of 1/5 has a traffic toll of less than 5000 deaths yearly, with the state by statement of last year aiming for further reduction.
In Iran that you mention death toll has had 124 000 deaths last time I checked.

Due to a severe intellectual lack that primitively yields with the premisse of: "Me first, and to hell with the rest!"

Just treatment of dogs and cats?
Instead of down-playing the conditions of the culture you defend, take notice of literal Sodom & Gomorra. Of a fundamental lack of ethics, of a history without philosophical attempt to deal with pragmatical mutuality, and a dogma which reduces decency to suppressed sexuality and devoutness while leaving actual delicts excusable.

Take a look at the condition of court houses in Tehran. See how soldiers have to manage doors for to prevent overrunning by the hosts of people and how legal procedure due to the permanent onrush has turned into a disgraceful shrift on the fly with doors open and folks running in midst of trials and interrupting all the time for questions / files of other cases.
Jeez; with uncivilized customs people cannot even stand in lines. They will bypass and interrupt while not even personel behind counters can see any problem with such rude behaviour.

A defendant is even allowed to lie before court as a means to defend himself!! Will that do for now to figure pillars of mentality aside from animal tormenting?

I am experiencing selfishness, craftiness, unscrupulousness, and shamelessness about all this all the time and beyond believe, and you are reducing it on the curelty against animals!?

It is berserk and cruelty as a whole and you are not ashamed of trying to level such a blatant dissolution to boot.

Major city as pendant; what nonesense.
If you had hypothetically pointed to some remote rural example instead where people might have some dignity left over, but pointing to a place like Tehran as what, civilized example?!

You think insignia of the West like fashionable hair cuts or cars make for advanced condition?
And indeed such perspective would not wonder me.

I have an Iranian friend living in Germany who remains simply blind in view of certain basic ethical issues, as he grew up in Tehran, though only until teen age.

Though otherwise a fine guy, he is still missing out on ethical basics and I tell him all the time to get himself an ethical primer, so that he can understand how the logic of ethics works.
He won´t however, instead he keeps acting offended each time that I recommend the lecture.

Just like you, Arash.
You are a blind, viewing blatant sites as `just another way of living´.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 8:35:06

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Escribano


ORIGINAL: Escribano

Ask away, Ruphus.

Could be interesting for you as partner in the project too.
But I need to nail down rights first. Otherwise debating through electronic media could mean disposure of the concept.
The main conduct of frisking institutions, that became popular lately, after all is industrial spionage.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 8:39:52

Posts: 6429
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus


Could be interesting for you as partner in the project too.

I'm totally jammed up with work for my own company at the moment, which is not a bad problem to have but always happy to advise and know a lot of people in the industry.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 10:23:50

Posts: 3782
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

That is too kind of you.
I can use each and every bit of info on how to think and do then.

Can´t wait until able to openly speak about it.

MS has a second round of German start-up support running since only 4 or so days now, ending in August I think. But I doubt to have base papers ready until then.

Thank your for your friendly ways once again!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 10:46:35

Posts: 4504
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus

wow Ruphus, you always make a social/political discussion out of everything in a personal and aggressive way.
I'm not defending a country, a population, a goverment, a cuture or anything else .... and am fully
aware of weaknesses and problems of societies in countries in "that area".
Bear with me if I'm not going to start a discussion about all the issues you mentioned (thats not the
place for it and often it only creates a bad online mood).
All I can say is that I dont agree with black and white type of thinking and descriptions.
Be it about Iran or any other place and I can say that my personal experience is let say less dramatic
than yours.

Of course if you go to Iran with a "fuuck you all, your culture, your religion, your goverment, your cities, your everything" attitude,
then you will have some problems

Anyway, Tehran was just a suggestion based on my own experience.
Last time I was there, it looked like many people were treating animals in a much better way and the dogs and cats i saw looked quite happy :)
I thought you might feel more comfortable in a more "liberal" city than a village, while
still being able to fight your legal fight (whatever that is). If you dont think so and have
other experiences, thats fine.

Anyway, i hope you will find a solution.
Maybe leaving the country and coming back to dogs heaven Germany is really the best for you.

Here is another political "propaganda" video


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 14:48:23

Posts: 3782
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Arash



Of course if you go to Iran with a "fuuck you all, your culture, your religion, your goverment, your cities, your everything" attitude,
then you will have some problems [:D

Initially I was told that people from abroad would always be so fed up with the conditions here, and that it would be appealing to see me in contrast so kind and tolerant about the standards.

I then replied to be having experience with living in underdeveloped countries.

But it turned out that my stay at that time had merely not been long enough.

Have not seen the second video, but the first defintly is propaganda BS.
We could discuss this culture´s traditional treatment of animals and the standards of owners and veterinarians ( specially care- and clueless as it gets) in a dedicated thread if you want.

Without wanting to be aggressive; I doubt that you could be sensing how confident pets might be looking like and behaving.

And to your information: Germany besides is far yet from "dog´s paradise".
Despite of common knowledge residing on a very different level from the one in Middle East, still much too many keepers who don´t take the hazzles to arrange and inform themselves.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 15:58:52

Posts: 4504
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Ruphus



Without wanting to be aggressive; I doubt that you could be sensing how confident pets might be looking like and behaving.


Well, right now I can only offer some budgies which I posted here (there are more now) if they count as pets :)

Ruphus, honestly, I don't have any problem with self critisism or critisism about my country, etc. and I understand how frustrating some issues can be. But your way of looking at things and describing them sounds a bit radical and exaggerated to me.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 18 2014 16:23:18

Posts: 570
Joined: Jan. 8 2013

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

For some reason I can't play the recording of Ron's bulerias at the start of this thread.
Anyone else had any problems?......any help would be appreciated.
I use a tablet device for internet.
Thanks in advance.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2014 21:05:27

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to pink



your way of looking at things and describing them sounds a bit radical and exaggerated to me.

Hey Arash,

That is, because of the actual dimensions revealing to different degrees, depending on a case.
If you are a kid from the block you will be less effected. If you be alert and keep a keen eye on your belongings, you once more be less under risk. If you will be assumed to either own no articles of value you will much less attempts to be fleeced. And best of all, if you be family member of some well connected person like say a mullah, a judge, an official etc. you might live a life with little to no coups on you.

On the contrary, for the full ogre being to unfold you need to foreigner, wealthy ( which you will be assumed to be anyway when foreigner), and at worst appearing empathetic / understanding, good-natured and topping it all: trusting.

People then expect you:
to not realize losses. ( The more clumsy your language skills, the more they estimate you clueless in general.)
to have picked your money from western trees for nothing.
to have no track of your belongings while focussed on intellectual matters.
to be incapable of engaging the bizzare apparatus of criminal procedure. ( Justifiedly thinking so. That system really is some weirdo thing to boot, while naturally with limited language you´ll on top understand zero of the special speech applied.)
And finally that there be no issue anyway with fleecing you as an infidel.

You need to be exposed as a foreigner to experience the full dimension of given disgracefulness. That is why the actual status will appear exaggerated to you.

Naturally, when you live through an incredible abyss you will once in a while suspect something which may however not be what you think.
Like with the alleged killer squads I mentioned these days. Though they have been called, after the strays having attacked a girl near by, they have not come yet. I am glad to say that the bangs I heard over the past week actually were folks firing fireworks. ( And I had a same misassumption once already 3 years or so ago.)

Similar one time when I thought to have been once more deprived of a certain kind of goods, whilst in that case it turned out to still be in the house.
But unfortunately, such errings are in the very minority of ongoing occurances.

And even if we´d claim that yours truely was overdoing the conditions ... Even if we´d say they weren´t as extreme as experienced by unbuffered foreigners, they yet are way crass enough for the people in the cultural realm to finally get indignant about the ways and finally request a thinking about the roots of the ethical neglect and a paradigm change.

But instead of returning from civilized standards abroad and requesting an according change at home, you see them messing up standards abroad / often times following through home customs intensified even in the diaspora.

After all there is a reason why you as a foreigner will be firmly briefed by native acquaintances to never let anyone into your house. ( Which I did not understand well enough.)
Such circumstance alone for aware and concerned natives should be shame enough to finally target the abyss openly and fully.

On a positive note:
My guitar student of the same name as you, besides, kindly searched and found someone probably suitable to adopt two of my dogs. A guitarist of a metal band, wealthy and with a garden. And with the candidate impressed by the dogs history, hopefully also suited as a calm keeper. Will be meeting and see these days.
This message really was an inspiring gift for me.

Also through musican circles came the message that possibly someone might bring me over a special axe from USA for a humble pay. ( Don´t know yet how and if we can ensure integrity of the transporting person, but for now at least a heads up on the matter, which made me quite happy as well.
I have not been that cheerful in years. :O)



For some reason I can't play the recording of Ron's bulerias at the start of this thread.
Anyone else had any problems?......any help would be appreciated.
I use a tablet device for internet.
Thanks in advance.



Have you possibly checked prevention of flashplayer / javascripst in your browser?
If you can see vids in youtube the above upload should work as well.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 21 2014 8:01:21

Posts: 6429
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to pink


For some reason I can't play the recording of Ron's bulerias at the start of this thread.
Anyone else had any problems?......any help would be appreciated.
I use a tablet device for internet.

It's in Windows Media Format, which some browsers on tablets cannot play.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 21 2014 8:57:02

Posts: 570
Joined: Jan. 8 2013

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to Escribano


ORIGINAL: Escribano


For some reason I can't play the recording of Ron's bulerias at the start of this thread.
Anyone else had any problems?......any help would be appreciated.
I use a tablet device for internet.

It's in Windows Media Format, which some browsers on tablets cannot play.

[Quote] Ruphus

Have you possibly checked prevention of flashplayer / javascripst in your browser? If you can see vids in youtube the above upload should work as well.



Thank you for the help gents......the windows media format appears to be the issue!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 23 2014 10:15:20
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to pink

I play it OK ..on a computer using Win XP .. With Chrome browser and it comes on using the VCL media player ..which is a good programme if you dont have it , seems to play everything .. although it was a bit slow to load up ......


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 23 2014 11:06:28

Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia

RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

just a .mp4 format of the video.
helps with the slow loading when you open the file

Attachment (1)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 8 2014 1:02:46

Posts: 600
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RE: Ron's Bulerias (in reply to n85ae

i still have this on my computer somewhere, one of the first buleria falsetas i learned
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 5 2014 16:08:33
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