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Posts: 2064
Joined: Sep. 3 2009

gender violence within flamenco comm... 

my friend who is a well-known flamenco dancer in argentina, Alicia Fiuri, she was brutally beaten by her ex-bf a gypsy singer/percussionist (whom i met only once) so shocked,sad, devastated and angry... the worst part is that the police released him from jail hours later ( i heard that the gitano community there helped get him out by paying money)

a news article just came out: with picture

it seemed that he had the intention of killing her, and im afraid that he would go back after her!!

I just do not understand why this happened?? why does gender violence exist?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 15:32:27

Posts: 672
Joined: Jan. 20 2011
From: Canada

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

Sad story, my heart goes out to her.
Drinking tends to be used as a excuse for such horrific behaviour, but I can assure you any man who beats a woman while drunk, also at least seriously contemplates it sober.
He is obviously someone who cannot control his anger, and will remain a danger to her until he learns to move on without her.

Apologies for insinuating he is in any way a man.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 15:54:17


Posts: 2296
Joined: Nov. 21 2010

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

It appears that you do not understand the gitano culture. Although it is changing, slowly,in Andalucía, gitanas leave school early, marry as soon as 14, have children and spend time looking after then, helped by the mother , while the father, probably 16 years old, goes out drinking, snorting coke and chasing pibas with his friends.

I have seen it all and violence is accepted as a right, something for the chattel to endure. This is the other cara of flamenco culture
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 16:18:01

Posts: 898
Joined: Dec. 6 2012
From: Lisboa, Portugal

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

Sorry to hear that Kudo, I hope your friend is able to overcome this, if that's even possible. How can a woman sleep at night after such a thing...

I hate f*cking pieces of sh*t like this f*cking assh*le! Unfortunately, sh*t like this happens everyday... and not only with gypsies...


Although it is changing, slowly,in Andalucía, gitanas leave school early, marry as soon as 14, have children and spend time looking after then, helped by the mother , while the father, probably 16 years old, goes out drinking, snorting coke and chasing pibas with his friends.

So true... and not only in Andalucía...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 16:45:09

Posts: 1837
Joined: Apr. 10 2010

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

i remember seeing this on fb before
well its f*cked up

sorry man, I hope she's doing well now

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 17:13:16

Posts: 2064
Joined: Sep. 3 2009

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

... and here is the thing, she cant work for a while now because of her injuries.
thats the bad side about doing something for a living that requires the physical use of the body to actually make a if a guitarist loses fingers due to some accident, its all over..


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 20:11:35
Erik van Goch


Posts: 1829
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From: Netherlands

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo

Indeed a sad story....hate assh*les like that.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2013 20:26:46

Posts: 1604
Joined: Dec. 24 2007
From: Siegburg, Alemania

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to kudo


seriously contemplates it sober

I doubt that. To me "seriously contemplating" would involve conscious, rational thinking, which isn't involved IMO. This is just impulsive behavior and brainless lack of control...



El aficionado solitario
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2013 7:31:04

Posts: 41
Joined: Jun. 2 2013
From: South East USA for now

RE: gender violence within flamenco ... (in reply to Morante

I deal with this quite frequently with my Latin American clients. The woman gets a double whammy when her sole source of economic support gets deported. So sad.


Love, Liberty and Happiness to you all,
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2013 17:58:13
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