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RE: This is why I dont want to trave... (in reply to daffeey)
Bill, I don't have knowledge of this issue, but if the illegal drugs were made legal with a stroke of the pen, would the criminal activity and strife continue?
I think the cartels are so powerful at this point that all that would do is legitimize them.
RE: This is why I dont want to trave... (in reply to daffeey)
It's always been touch and go in ole Mexico. My grandfather was running his step-fathers silver mines some where down there and the revolutions of 1910 or thereabouts made him decide to check out for good. He went to work for my grandmothers uncle on the Kenedy ranch (La Parra) and in a letter to John Gregorio said he was not going back to Mexico and would take any position. He worked there the rest of his life as a valued employee as County Judge. I used to ride the bus down to Mexico City from Brownsville to visit my oldest sister and yeah there were a few times I sensed hostility and quickly made my way back to the bus to avoid confrontation. But now is a whole new deal as I read recently that the citizens of Mier established in 1752 for Spanish settlers waiting to distribution of land grants which included my mothers ancestors, had fled to Ciudad Miguel Alemán as 2 cartels had invaded as it was such a remote spot near the border and were fighting it out. I feel sorry for them as I had good friends in Matamoros and prized my friendships as did my sister in Mexico city. Will it ever end? I am not optimistic.
Posts: 898
Joined: Dec. 6 2012
From: Lisboa, Portugal
RE: This is why I dont want to trave... (in reply to aeolus)
Aeolus, I just read more on that invasion and massacres on your home town. Terrible story... Is it safer now with the military headquarters nearby and with the soldiers patroling the streets? Are the people returning to their homes? Or is the city still abandoned? What a terrible misfortune those people had...
RE: This is why I dont want to trave... (in reply to Leñador)
Aeolus, I just read more on that invasion and massacres on your home town. Terrible story... Is it safer now with the military headquarters nearby and with the soldiers patroling the streets? Are the people returning to their homes? Or is the city still abandoned? What a terrible misfortune those people had...
The reports are that things are getting back to normal with the Army establishing a base there. They have also manning bases in other cities along the border.
RE: This is why I dont want to trave... (in reply to Leñador)
Your grandfather ran silver mines? You mean where people get sent to work as slaves when they do something wrong!? :)
It was only fifteen years ago that my family and I were wandering around downtown Juarez... didn't seem like a big deal.
I wouldn't try that today. Over spring break the kids that go to South Padre Island are warned NOT to go to Matamoros. I sure wouldn't and I had some good friends there.