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RE: Advice about HD camcorder (in reply to rombsix)
imo in this price range all the camcorder you linked are more or less the same IQ. I'd favor one with good low light capacity. Also you should focus on the external mic features. There's where you're gonna found some differences. They all have external mic input, but e.g panasonic do not have headphone socket so you couldn't be able to monitoring your sound. From what I read the Canon had also more features than the Sony in the manual control field of the external mic...
If you have some time you should go to a mall, and ask the seller infos about these features (infos you found on the web aren't always reliable). And put your hands on one. Like a guitar, you should try it before
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
RE: Advice about HD camcorder (in reply to rombsix)
Why just $100 or $200 more you could buy a entry level DSLR in that price range like the Canon Rebel T3 with video funcationality and enjoy superior image quality compared to camcorders. And get a great camera for photos on top. I'm not sure if the Rebel etc. ranges allow for external mics though.
RE: Advice about HD camcorder (in reply to rombsix)
30fps is hardly subpar, it's a standard. Unless you want to film yourself playing guitar in slow motion, why would you need more? And the jump in image quality compared to your webcam would be enormous.
30fps is hardly subpar, it's a standard. Unless you want to film yourself playing guitar in slow motion, why would you need more? And the jump in image quality compared to your webcam would be enormous.
My webcam now can do 720p at 30 FPS. With flamenco techniques, frames still get dropped at that rate. You need 60 FPS to get the hand looking more fluid and "in sync with the sound" with flamenco techniques...