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RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Bulerias2005)
Here is the cover. The album is all finished now (finally). I havent got the relaese date but I assume its iminent since he is writing and telling his students the news.
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RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Pimientito)
wow!! nice cover, I cant wait to buy it!! let us know where its available . travesia means voyage I guess? and I wonder if the title has anything to do with his injury..anyways im really excited!
Posts: 1156
Joined: Dec. 6 2006
From: Hamilton, ON
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Pimientito)
WOW, fantastic news Mark! Where did you hear about this/get the cover? It's not on his Facebook page, and I didn't get an e-mail so I'm assuming it didn't go to the curso list...
Posts: 233
Joined: Apr. 7 2005
From: Adelaide, Australia
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Pimientito)
Yes !!!! * ( does series of cartwheels and triple backward summersault ) * can't wait to hear this, heard the rough cut in Sanlucar last year and it was cranking.
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Adam)
@Adam -Gerardo sent me a copy of the cover to post for you guys. He thinks it will be released sometime later this month. He is promoting the album in Germany next week from 11th to 14th April.
@Aloysius - I remember hearing that rough cut and thinking "who is Gerardo listening to" then realizing it was a studio master. He didn't like half of it at the time though and re-recorded a lot of the material ....which was insane because there was a fabulous new bulerias which I'm sure he discarded.
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Pimientito)
ORIGINAL: Pimientito
@Adam -Gerardo sent me a copy of the cover to post for you guys. He thinks it will be released sometime later this month. He is promoting the album in Germany next week from 11th to 14th April.
Am I correct in assuming that this means Gerardo will actually start selling the CD tomorrow? Hopefully he puts it up for sale online somehow during the next few days as well!
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Ricardo)
On a positive note he is on facebook loading some nice short clips every once in a while...for example doing an arp mixed with picado exercize that made us all very hopeful that he is continually working on getting back what he once had. But in concert he is not putting that on display and playing it "safe" so to speak. The day he plays Trafalgar in concert will be the day I will be sleeping better about this issue.
Here's what I don't get about his injury: Even if his right index was injured, still, his picado technique is so versatile on the Encuentro DVD (i.e. he could play amazing picado with pairs of fingers not involving the index). Certainly, if he can't use the index at full strength, then he won't be able to play many of the things he's recorded in the past. But, still, it seems like he's playing less picado, overall, when, say, the m-a picado demonstrated on the DVD was so impressive.
I'm certainly not an anatomist, and maybe the injury just means he's not able to play picado with any fingers. But it just seemed like an odd discrepancy.
Posts: 15506
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to machopicasso)
Point understood...but the degree of "amazing" is the thing. While he has ability with a m fingers you can't compare to the speeds and sound required that he was doing with i m. Those exercises were meant to be building independance and control, not to be performance methods. Anyway, he IS using a m fingers that way as much as he can.
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Pimientito)
So hopefully we get good music! That all what matters! I think its sad that one of the greatest suffered from an injury...but like that, since he is one of the most interesting composers, it will be extremely interesting to see what is possible without maniac techniques. Well,...he still has ridiculous abilities...but he´ll focus more on thumb which I personally like a lot. And highly developed compositions with a limited set of techniques could lead flamenco into a new direction, again. I think he rules without any doubts. Even if I think his newest CD will be very Jazzy and less flamenco tasty. But,...all what comes from him was awesome so far. So,.. darn interesting for sure no matter what. I can´t wait for his new CD.
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to Bulerias2005)
Only 7 tracks, with a barely 40 minute running time? No offense, but after years of waiting, that's kind of lame.......
Frankly, if he seriously damaged his index, then it's a miracle he's releasing anything, at all. I have a lot of respect for a musician who can navigate that kind of injury. Many would just pack it in.
To my ears, the samples sound pulgar-heavy. I'll be interested to hear the whole thing.
RE: Gerardo Nuñez - BACK in Business!!! (in reply to machopicasso)
ORIGINAL: machopicasso
Only 7 tracks, with a barely 40 minute running time? No offense, but after years of waiting, that's kind of lame.......
Frankly, if he seriously damaged his index, then it's a miracle he's releasing anything, at all. I have a lot of respect for a musician who can navigate that kind of injury. Many would just pack it in.
To my ears, the samples sound pulgar-heavy. I'll be interested to hear the whole thing.
Yes, but if there's any truth to the fact that he trashed a lot of material that was originally going to be on the CD, then the 36 minute running time is incredibly disappointing. I realize that I'm not in a position to judge Gerardo's decisions, but perhaps what wasn't quite up to his standards (which I'm sure was related to the injury) was still incredible music. :(
Edit - There's a pretty long spoken-word introduction in the title track, "A Chicken Dog" isn't one of his compositions, and "A Rumbo" features a lot of saxophone/piano soloing. There's barely any Nunez on this album. :( :( He is my favorite guitarist and this is just incredibly disappointing...