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Imagine being the face of a brand of butter for example:
id like that...
or i could just be the unsuspecting guy that creeps into the news in the background smiling and waving to the camera while they talking about some disaster or something serious
or even worst...if i become a fugitive and they post me on the most wanted list but this is the only photo they find of me...would hurt my street cred
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id like that...would i have to grow my hair long like fabio ?
You know that guy who could turn a hairclip into an explosive device and who could turn a rubber band into a parachute and stuff like that? Thats what we call real hair.
or i could just be the unsuspecting guy that creeps into the news in the background smiling while they talking about some disaster or something serious
i didn't know who you meant first but looking at the photo now lol...we lied to him , we told him it was at the Carnegie hall and heaps of other famous people were gonna be there...also we paid him in $5 notes and told him they were $100's...love working with blind people
i was gonna do another , was gonna be that photo again with me coming out of a pregnant woman instead of a baby while the father and mother have a look of surprise on their face....but i just traumatized myself... do not !!! search "birth" in Google images...
anyway this is just my second choice
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btw i dont get the xendrix one ...am i giving him a blow job or am i just wearing lipstick ?.....i hope you meant it like I am giving him a blow job cause only gays wear lipstick and i am defenetly not gay....not that there's anything wrong with that
WHOA !!! shes sexy...i dont like what you did with my lipstick but i like her i forgive you
.......funny tho
anyway we should probably stop, its probably annoying to those trying to discuss flamenco that this thread keeps coming up in last post, i feel kind of bad...i never intended it to be this long its a bit addictive tho...doit started something