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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Feb. 16 2012 11:59:35
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 11:38:35

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to Munin


You seriously bring up a bigoted televangelist and con artist as your "evidence"?

Anyway considering how enthusiastically you stick to the nonsense you spout maybe you should become one of those guys yourself, I hear there's a lot of money in it.

Religious fanatics are not LESS religious than the normal believers but MORE. So i would expect THEM to know more about it than the others. About the money being the true reason for such statements (instead of belief): i dont think it is a good counter, because it doesnt falsify anything being said, but is only aimed at the persons credibility. For the same reason, i would NOT advise to criticize religion for its hipocricy (eg eating pork while its forbidden according to the Bible), but for the insanity that it claims to dictate people what they should eat or not.

edit: Ron, i saw your post. And marrow3, yours too . Please have some balls and just post it ffs, it wasnt offensive anyway.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 15:44:17

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to marduk

More support for Kudo's theory!

(It was the 12 slices of bacon wot dunnit!)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 15:47:28


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From: Hong Kong

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to kudo




you should reconsider your condescending know-it-all attitude

I NEVER had such attitude and never will, and If you read carefully , one of my posts, I said very clearly that im just like everyone else, there are things i know, and things i don't know. if you dont read carefully and if you analyze things differently, its your problem!


I'm very sorry to hear about your religious indoctrination and the utter lack of reason and intellect it has brought upon on you.

yea yea whatever.... I'm sorry but you really don't know anything about me, and just who are you to judge me? you are not God to judge me.
and for your info: there are things that all religions allow to eat and I don't eat because I think they are nasty!

vague nonsense like "there is no doubt that pigs are unclean".
that is not nonsense. go ahead and present strong evidence to support that pigs are clean IF YOU CAN!

again as I said, at the end if you want to believe they are clean or unclean, its totally up to you. I think further argument about that is useless anyway

The fact that a simple Google search would bring up tons of evidence to the contrary regarding your concept of pigs being "dirty" but you wouldn't even do the "research" yourself shows how brainwashed you are, whether by your religion or culture or whatever.

I could go on and on though of course that won't matter to you because like you say


at the end, no matter what you say, I will always believe that there is no doubt that pigs are unclean. you never presented strong evidence to support that pigs are clean, and you can not possibly do so.

Anyway, anyone who seriously thinks that the sexual or social behavior of an animal could somehow transfer to a person via meat consumption needs their head examined. I'm baffled how you even got into university, because you apparently have the mental age of a six year old. Therefore I have no interest in winning any "argument" (not least because there's none to be had here), but I am really curious to see how you'll keep digging yourself deeper in your crazy little hole.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 15:50:46


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 16:54:06

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to marrow3

you know what animals are the real sluts of nature? rabbits! they screw like crazy.

look at those two whores.

btw, i'm a vegetarian. so i'm morally superior to everyone here. i win.
just kidding...

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 18:29:22

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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to at_leo_87


btw, i'm a vegetarian

Pimientito wrote this in a post back in 2009 about Andalucia...

"Pork is pretty much considered a vegetable (or at least not really meat) and is added to most dishes.."


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 18:34:20


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 18:34:21

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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to kudo

I love vegetarian cuisine, served as a side dish to a good thick steak...yum.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 18:40:07

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to Ron.M


"Pork is pretty much considered a vegetable (or at least not really meat) and is added to most dishes.."

i was there last year and i had to be VERY careful. people got confused when i told them i didn't eat meat. i read on the foro that there was a vegetarian restaurant in jerez. i got very excited and walked there for lunch only to find out.... it was shut down...


I always wanted to be a vegetarian + seafood kind of guy, but I found it very hard to give up lamb and chicken. however, I managed to reduce the amount of lamb/beef/chicken per week.

i initially thought vegetarianism was a bad idea. just as an experiment, i tried it for a month. i liked it and lost any desire for meat.

as stephen pointed out, it's impossible to stay away from all animal products, just as it's impossible for those earth activist hippies to have absolutely no negative impact on the earth. but trying to reduce any amount of fatty pork, locker room disco orgies, and obese people in thongs may help improve your life.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 18:54:07

Posts: 404
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From: Italy

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to Ron.M


I love vegetarian cuisine, served as a side dish to a good thick steak...yum.


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 19:18:45


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 19:55:58

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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to kudo

Kudo and Munin,

As a Moderator on the Foro, I must insist you two guys do not exchange posts between each other for the next week.
For everyone name calling, or belittling, provocative or nasty language por favor.

Keep it intellectual, educational, entertaining or funny, but no personal nasty stuff.

That's always been the Golden Rule of ForoFlamenco.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 20:07:48


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Feb. 16 2012 21:08:42
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 20:54:14

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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to Ron.M

You too Chester.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 21:09:50

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to Ron.M

Hey hey Ron, I wasn't being nasty or personal. Just pointing out some discrepancies.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 21:14:14

Posts: 3462
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to kudo


Sorry guys, I do not normally do such a thing, but I was left with no option. I offered a job, no one took it and I am seriously screwed at school, and this BS course makes things even worse for me. what other option do i have?? can you find me someone who would take that job and get rid of this headache for me?

Sorry for wasting your time, but at least I now have some idea of what to do for this stuff, but i dont know how far it will take me. i just want to pass my courses, nothing more I could ask for.

Here is Kudo (quoted above) in his own words. He cannot even get his arms around a university course, so he tries to get someone on the Foro to do his work for him. As he said, he "offered a job, no one took it and I am seriously screwed at school." Then he opens up the thread on pigs so he can elicit responses that he can use to frame his course-work. When his bluff is called and he is forced to confess that he cribbed his arguments from the internet, he writes, "Sorry for wasting your time, but at least I now have some idea of what to do for this stuff, but i dont know how far it will take me. i just want to pass my courses, nothing more I could ask for."

The mewling and whining, as well as the false pretenses under which he posted his fraudulent comments, are pathetic.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 21:14:59

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From: Scotland

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to chester


Hey hey Ron, I wasn't being nasty or personal. Just pointing out some discrepancies

Agreed Chester, but starting your post off with "Ha ha that's funny." was provoking and unneccessary.

Stay cool, stay calm..


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 21:27:36

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to kudo

Sorry Ron, I'll give it another shot:



I'm baffled how you even got into university, because you apparently have the mental age of a six year old.

one piece of advice to you MR smart guy: never judge the intelligence of someone you never met and do not know jackshit about , based on such a thing...pfft. I am shocked by how people like you can judge others that way....holyshit!

Kudo, weren't you just passing judgment on the entire continent of North America just a few pages ago?

Nothing personal - if you don't like pork, that's fine. Saying that everyone who eats pork doesn't have any morals is different. Claiming that you have scientific evidence is preposterous. Presenting a document from the 1950s and religious propaganda as your evidence is just plain...I don't know what to say.

No one is expecting anyone to be an enlightened genius. Just have some respect for the other members here. The same members who try to help and support your guitar playing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 21:47:20


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Aug. 23 2012 20:13:00
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2012 22:49:22

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to at_leo_87


btw, i'm a vegetarian. so i'm morally superior to everyone here. i win.

vegetarians kill trees and foliage :P
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2012 0:16:34

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to marduk


vegetarians kill trees and foliage :P

yes, but creating meat factories and the space required to store all the animals kill more trees and foliage. so i still win.


lessons learned from this thread: Never argue online, whether you are right or wrong,win or lose, its a waste of time, and it does not get anyone anywhere.

i disagree. let's go on for a few pages about this. j/k


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2012 1:19:35

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to marrow3


gotta up that trolling game. boring thread.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2012 5:22:58


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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to BarkellWH

You obviously do not know the joy of eating a delicious plate of bacon and eggs for breakfast. There is nothing in the world that smells as good and tastes as delicious as bacon for breakfast.



Can I get an Amen?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2012 6:05:07

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RE: Play the Hambone (in reply to laughing_stock

Well folks, there were 2155 hits and 143 replies to estebanana's original non controversial post .

Puts me in mind of a Robbie Robertson (The Band) quote from when they first started.

It went something like...

We were playing this pretty rough bar in Dallas called The Starlighter Lounge.
It was practically empty...only two couples and a drunk waiter.... not enough people to even get angry... and a fight breaks out!

Anyway, I think the subject is completely porked out now and continuation will only lead to exchanging insults etc, so I guess we'll say goodnight and lock the gates on this one and let it drift off into the forum archives for our grandchildren to read

Good thread, but let's get back to Flamenco.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2012 7:34:04
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