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RE: Some pictures of a new blanca in... (in reply to HolyEvil)
I like it! Don´t know why it makes me think of Mexico. - Maybe, because Aztecs used to symbolize the sun in a similar way or so. (?)
Just followed the link above, coming accross that sound clip from September. Great nasaly sound! ( Almost as if there should always be kept caugh drops and a tissue package in its case compartment.) And your playing too. Very nice pearling, and vital compas!
All those swinging and individual talents on this forum; it´s amazing.
PS: Just saw your video on that cedar blanca. Great posture, planting and everything! And I like how you´re sticking to the strings. A joy to hear and watch. ( Will be leaving the site in the browser to enjoy it more times.)
And best wishes to the person who aquired such open and meaty guitar for a true bargain! "Lucky Strike" could be willing to share their Label with him.
Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under
RE: Some pictures of a new blanca in... (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
Hey Andy,
That looks great mate!!
I love that rosette. So are you trying anything new with the bracing and thicknesses with this one? Is there something you are hoping to rectify sound wise in relation to previous guitars?
RE: Some pictures of a new blanca in... (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
ralexander: thanks!
SEden: thank you, the mitres are actually pretty easy for me now, and they don't take much time at all...
HolyEvil: he's referring to the way the puflings match up at a 45 degree angle at the tail stripe
RTC: thank you, no it's a machine head.
Ruphus: I appreciate the compliments, and I wish I knew what "pearling" was I have 2 more cedar top blancas coming up on the list so I'm excited to experiment with cedar some more.
Kris: I have been fine tuning the way I place and shape the braces, and how I thickness the top and back, always looking to come closer to my "ideal" guitar. I just strung this one up without finish yesterday and I can categorically say it's the best guitar I have made. In fact it is that ideal guitar for me, I would be happy if I never made anything better. I don't know if it's just one of those 1 in 20 "lucky ones".. but the one I just finished last week was also pretty exceptional. I'll definitely do some recording with this one when it's done...
RE: Some pictures of a new blanca in... (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
I just strung this one up without finish yesterday and I can categorically say it's the best guitar I have made. In fact it is that ideal guitar for me, I would be happy if I never made anything better. I don't know if it's just one of those 1 in 20 "lucky ones".. but the one I just finished last week was also pretty exceptional. I'll definitely do some recording with this one when it's done...
This is great to hear. Are you using a pattern close to an older Gerundino style? It appears that way, although I realize that there are so many patterns out there that some are going to run into each other on the path to excellence.
I have an older 1969 Gerundino plan that I built with on occasion. It fits beautifully with the Reyes fan brace (mass) to top ratio, and produces a real sweet tone, so I can see why you are using that style.
RE: Some pictures of a new blanca in... (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
ORIGINAL: deteresa1
Ruphus: I appreciate the compliments, and I wish I knew what "pearling" was
According to a dictionary me just looked into, I must have been trying to say something like "beady" or "liquid". Ya know, like when notes trickle down like pearls, or so.
You must have had quite a good teacher without doubt.