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hit and run in China - this world is a sad place   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 811
Joined: Nov. 23 2009
From: Canada

hit and run in China - this world is... 

In case you have not heard of this, I read in the paper today.
This is just sad. We are messed up.
This is not fun to watch, sorry.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 1:28:41


Posts: 161
Joined: Nov. 30 2010

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

Yes I saw that. Very graphic video by the way, and this should probably belong in off topic.

Many of those who passed by said they were afraid of helping the child due to the risk of being responsible.

There are cases in China where good bystanders have helped victims, and in turn the victims or even the court have extorted the good bystander.

Major major cultural problem.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 1:44:31

Posts: 296
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

I also watched this video today... I just dont understand how people can see the little girl still moving and do NOTHING!

In my opinion even if there is a risk of getting blamed of it, I could not just walk away from the little girl and go on with my day...

as rogeliocan said . We are messed up


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 2:16:07

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 2:56:07

Posts: 67
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From: Brisvagas

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

Hmm I find this one of the most thought-provoking to the masses incidents in the last couple of years. Whose to say. Although I think naturally we all have that instinct to go help, culturally it is very different in China, what's to say we are right in saying that those who stood by are horrible people. Does human life have any innate value? If it hadn't gone viral, would her death have had any significance? Just a few philosophical questions here. I'm a thinker in my spare time.


“I’m retired now so the practice is down to just 4 hours” - Julian Bream
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 11:02:19
Gimar Yestra


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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

actually, the most odd thing to me is that the driver could easily have seen the kid walking there, and deffinatly be able to stop in time.
Atleast so it seems from the video, the guy wasn't driver 50 km-h, seemd like he drove quit slow...

also it seemes the clip the dutch news showed wasn't edited, or slowmotioned like this one.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 11:33:53

Posts: 3782
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to ArtZumer



... up here in Canada we had a similar situation a few years ago .....

This is saddening news.

Even in the challenging times of the gold rush there remained a lot of the civility common to that area. Despite own hardship helpfulness and cincerity vastly prevailed.
Typical for areas of northern hemisphere, from the Inuit, over Alaskian, Canadian, Siberian to Scandinavian mentality where rough natural conditions provided traditional culture of solidarity.

I suspect contemporary cultural changes in Canada to be due to intensive immigration of past decades.



Hmm I find this one of the most thought-provoking to the masses incidents in the last couple of years. Whose to say.

Common denominator should, which allowed a weak link like us to survive yet over millions of years.
The minute thelike not be clear to us anymore, we will be lost.
- Unfortunately, as is in the meantime, taking with us all the higher developed fellow species of this magnificient evolution.



Although I think naturally we all have that instinct to go help, ...

Soberly / scientifically humans have no instinct. There exist several genetically provided preconditions, none of which however equals wholy conditioning like with instinct.
I just wished common sense would finally realize the fact and let the wishful thinking / romantic idea of human "instinct" aside for good.

In regard of this very example, we are stuffed with precondition of empathic / social capacity from birth, which however need to be entertained and developed to establish. If upbringing however won´t provide necessary conditions, humans can become the most apathic and cruel creature of all.



... culturally it is very different in China, what's to say we are right in saying that those who stood by are horrible people.

Characteristically provided / humane mind will tell instantly by its very nature.

With such passive stand-by as hypothetically natural attitude we long since wouldn´t be in existance as a species, to start with.

Yes, Far Eastern cultures with their major and misled custom of pretending no emotion / emotional sensitivity represent the worlds peak of detouched and cruel culture.
And who, for a misunderstood conception of tolerance, thought it PC to let such culture be as is in sight of human dealings; should realize that the defenseless animal world at the latest would be definite reason to voice critique and channel retarded cultures towards reconsideration / empathical sensation.

Daily, billions of animals are being finned, skinned, amputated and boiled alive, and no human being of his mind should consider such a needless hell tolerable.
Thoughtlessness and cruelty are no cultural section worth preserving for the sake of some misunderstood, literally stupid sense of political correctness.

Lesser even while nearly all of the worlds big game are being on extinct, with a major part of it due to vanishing in Chinese cooking pots and traditional pharmacies, merely for utterly idiotic superstition ( in the year 20011, still, damnit!), whilst the Chinese government couldn´t care less to produce a number of educational TV-spots to finally end the horrible background and yieldings of their peoples´ crude being.



Does human life have any innate value?

While evolution has no specific aim other than prevail, life has the innate rational value of foregone efforts and actual ecological contribution.
Hence, the value depending on quantity of a species ( whether idle, on decline or over populating ) and its effects on an ecological system.

From there human beings factually are currently the least valuable and most destructive to the evolution of higher developed species, including itself. ( A paradox, right. Our major cultures of the past 5 millenia have been worshipping paradoxum.)

It is our simplicistic and aribitrary bias that catgorizes value of species by ranking what appears to subjectively ressemble the observer ( as thinking species ) the most, without yet a clue of inherent failure within the arbitrary category.

Science in the meantime is exponentially discovering more and more on unconceived cognition among fellow species on a daily basis. Making startling explorations on cognitive abilities, up from the higher developed species to down to the most "primitive" ones like croaches and mosquitos, and even microbes.

We are about to learn how apart of our ways there exist diverse forms of intelligence, only that the observed species will have gone extinct until we will have remotely comprehended.

Our evolutionary specialisation and means of survival has been reason.

Considering that where there is no empathy there is no reasoning, we may sense the estranging / inhumane path we have went to.
The example in the video being only indicator and tip of the ice berg.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 13:26:05

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

I read that Chinese culture avoids dealing with injured or ill strangers. Can't make a blanket assessment of this of course. Sad days for sure.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 13:52:59

Posts: 2064
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to Guest


Everyone is scared of getting sued or getting involved

are you ****ing kidding me?? sued for what?? sued for saving someone's life?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 15:54:49

Posts: 170
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

Here's a perspective from a Chinese man (this is some sort of financial blog):
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 17:53:13

Posts: 2064
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

check out there related stories happening here in canada. on todays news:

Call an ambulance, senior injured in hospital: old lady wait 28 minutes for help:

Calgary motel staff ‘ignored’ sex assault victim: report


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 18:08:29

Posts: 1837
Joined: Apr. 10 2010

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

really this is so disturbing
with all respect to Chinese people .. but seriously how do these people think, no manners at all ? they just left that little girl laying on street with no help
weird .. ugh

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 18:26:05

Posts: 2064
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan


At least the dog had more heart than the puke garbage in China. Yea, walk by a run over toddler. Oh wait, run over twice! 15.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 19:17:11

Posts: 811
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From: Canada

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to Elie

I was thinking it was the same as people going by an injured squirl on the road, pretty bad.

The comments in the link posted by matakka are pretty interesting, if it's true you can understand why people don't get involved; and if so, there is a problem in this formula.

But as mentionned in other posts, this stuff happens everywhere, not just in China. And until you face a similar situation don't be too quick to judge because the devil is in the detail and the circumstances. The reasons for people not helping are all different and add to this the 'surprise of the moment' effect. I'm not saying it's ok.

I faced a similar situation where I saw a man lying on the ground accross the street at a bus stop. I was in a rush and I had to be somewhere. After the fact, I was surprised that I actually thought before deciding to go. My reaction to go over was not instantaneous. My first thoughts were --- man I don't have time for this ---


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 19:23:05

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan


My first thoughts were --- man I don't have time for this ---

When I grew up in the 50's and 60's...there was a surprising lack of rules and regulations everywhere.
Everybody just expected you to act as a Human Being with commonsense.

Everything I see today is automated and folk are required to register, get a card and insert a PIN number etc etc...Proof of Identity..even in your own country and people taking every opportunity to sell you stuff you don't want over the internet, home telephone, post or in the street or at your front door..

Factory Farming civilization....

Just a number...not a person...

People disturbing your day by ringing up and saying "Hi ..I''m are you? The information we hold for you is........and would like you to confirm if this is correct before telling you of the wonderful offers we have for you today..."

And if you have no number, or look like somebody who has no number...then nobody wants to know...

(Thinks) "There are people who deal with that....I shouldn't get involved and be late for my meeting" carry on without worrying...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 19:46:12

Posts: 811
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From: Canada

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to Ron.M


(Thinks) "There are people who deal with that....I shouldn't get involved and be late for my meeting" carry on without worrying...

I think you are right on there... there are other people around, I don't have time, or can't... somebody else will deal with it.

But the thing is, as your posts shows, everybody is busy (for good or bad reasons) so YOU have to deal with it because everybody is just as stupidly running around as you are!
I was just surprised that when this situation presented itself, my reaction to run over there was not instant, it took me 5 seconds to think before going.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 20:34:31


Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan

Many states in the US have Good Samaritan laws. If someone needs help, or there's an emergency, any citizen can do what they think is best without incurring any legal liability. This type of law was in response to all of the law suits that were filed against folks who made an effort to help others in distress.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 21:04:35

Posts: 811
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From: Canada

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to kudo


At least the dog had more heart

That is wild.

Makes you want to rethink the definition of the word <humane>, I think the current definition no longer works.


Having or showing compassion or benevolence.
Inflicting the minimum of pain.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 19 2011 21:38:26

Posts: 3782
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan


ORIGINAL: rogeliocan

That is wild.

Makes you want to rethink the definition of the word <humane>, I think the current definition no longer works.


That "e" of a difference between "humane" and "human" should not mean a world of a difference, but it´s what it does at status quo.


ORIGINAL: rogeliocan

Inflicting the minimum of pain.

That definition should be a fundamental of any upright and modern constitution. If put through, feudalism, capitalism and dispise of fellow creature would be a nobrainer.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 20 2011 11:51:12

Posts: 67
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From: Brisvagas

RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to rogeliocan


Common denominator should, which allowed a weak link like us to survive yet over millions of years.
The minute thelike not be clear to us anymore, we will be lost.

I don't understand what your trying to say here?


Soberly / scientifically humans have no instinct.

I'd like to see any actual scientific evidence to back this up. Don't you think humans have an innate instinct to help each other - and help the human race continue. I wouldn't say it's a romantic idea rather an evolutionary traite for specias survival.


Daily, billions of animals are being finned, skinned, amputated and boiled alive, and no human being of his mind should consider such a needless hell tolerable.

I completely agree, the senseless and mass killing of animals is contradictory to how we treat fellow humans. Personally I'm vegetarian.


While evolution has no specific aim other than prevail, life has the innate rational value of foregone efforts and actual ecological contribution.

Yes but put it in the big picture and none of this truly matters at all. If that footage hadn't been given then the girls death would have had no true effect. Eventually IMO your value of life falls upon your belief system especially your afterlife belief system. If you assume that there is no afterlife or god then I don't personally see that life had any true value. If the same destination is being reached and from that point there is no recollection, does how we act change anything?

Also I think there can be reason without empathy, simply because of self survival will promote reason.


“I’m retired now so the practice is down to just 4 hours” - Julian Bream
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 21 2011 22:31:20

Posts: 3782
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RE: hit and run in China - this worl... (in reply to ArtZumer




Common denominator should, which allowed a weak link like us to survive yet over millions of years.
The minute thelike not be clear to us anymore, we will be lost.

I don't understand what your trying to say here?

Humans are a physically weak species which was only able to survive in an ambience filled with superiour predators and of natural catastrophies by developing and maintaining strong social and solidary behaviour.
By a cultural common denominator particular to humans, individuals should be in a position to tell self-evidently the human degeneration shown in the video.
If they can´t ( hence, being incapable of basic empathical sensation ) they - other than physically- are not what makes human being.




Soberly / scientifically humans have no instinct.

I'd like to see any actual scientific evidence to back this up.

That isn´t hard to do. It is basic behavioural science, that can be read up on.



Don't you think humans have an innate instinct to help each other - and help the human race continue. I wouldn't say it's a romantic idea rather an evolutionary traite for specias survival.

As mentioned already, humans do not have instincts. With humans instincts have been replaced by consciousness.
Human behaviour is determined by culture and upbringing. ( With a blank yet highly potential precondition for learning that represents special opportunity of progressing, but can be just as much detrimental if neglected, depending on the surrounding.)
And when culture of humane standards is absent, individuals will turn out correspondingly. Surpassed then in social ability by any of the herd / group living fellow species ( who besides, unlike men, do have genetically preconditioned social routines to which they learn additional customs after birth. ( Individual proportions depending on species in question [ cats for instcance at 50:50, while squirrels for instance being 100% stuffed with innate routines]).

Humans are exclusively able to commiserate / feel the urge to help if they have had the chance to learn the associative ability.

Their mirroring neurons and emotional brain sections need to be wired up through corresponding interaction at the age before 6.




While evolution has no specific aim other than prevail, life has the innate rational value of foregone efforts and actual ecological contribution.

Yes but put it in the big picture and none of this truly matters at all. If that footage hadn't been given then the girls death would have had no true effect.

That video is not the only indicator of contemporary culture.
Minimal state of education provided, a look around alone will do to realize a downhill of culture and menatlity.


Eventually IMO your value of life falls upon your belief system especially your afterlife belief system.

It is a matter of philosophy in the first place. In the sense of philosophy as the mother of science and reason.

Mythology on the other hand may occupy who deems worldy matters to be so much in order for a luxury of going into ifs and whens of the undefined and paint in.

In sight of the world however it is about definite matters like disintegrating and tormenting effects on fellow humans and fellow creatures who in fact shouldn´t be affected by arbitrary outcome of irrationality, insanity and thoughtlessness.
What must be unquestionably innate to every creature is its right to a life without molestation, at the least however at our premisse of "inflicting the minimum of pain" as quoted above.

Noone knows whether there be the hypothetical afterlife of cockaigne and granted virgins, court, paradise, hell, reincarnation or just a rather likely plain switch off.

What is tangible instead however are the happenings while we are walking on earth.
And we stay responsible for our effects on surrounding and environment in the here and now, independently from whatever mythology one might want to hole up with, or not.
Wordly conditions are what definitly counts to either life or devastation on earth.


If you assume that there is no afterlife or god then I don't personally see that life had any true value. If the same destination is being reached and from that point there is no recollection, does how we act change anything?

Maybe if you took more time on thinking it through.
You certainly don´t believe that the apes we once were used to phone each other up with cell phones and arrange for baby sitting before going on holiday with their 16 valve-engine automobile, right? Obviously the way of acting does change something.

The value of life is its expanding diversity.
And the value of a species like ours as a thinking one is its progress of ratio. A forthcoming achieved by questioning, learning, exchanging and passing on from generation to generation towards objectivity and reason.



Also I think there can be reason without empathy, simply because of self survival will promote reason.

The second part of the sentence makes sense ( and it has a beauty in there, hasn´t it); unlike the first part.

You cannot come to reason on your own. For, it needs many generation´s accumulated empirics and conlusions to provide the basics for reasoning. Your fellows, not to mention ancestors´, insights however you cannot receive without being empathical first. As for an egocentric solitary the boundary wouldn´t be there to start with.

Reason leads to empathy and vice versa.


Came to see a censored version of the video in German TV-news two days ago. It left me wrecked, and I´m having a hard time getting it out of my head. How the hell are yet the poor parents supposed to get through if they see this video?
Eventhough no new insight on inhumanity, it leaves you fathomless how retarded people actually can become.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 22 2011 13:31:51
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