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RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to XXX)
I should also mention. the "steady boring click" within doctor compas still shows accents
its a regular click sound but depending what palo you have selected, it does louder beats on the accents.. (turn palmas and cajon right down and turn metronome up) I find that feature really helpful, its the same as using a normal metronome with accents that way
I use doctor compas a lot, but i will admit I also use a regular metronome for certain things.
Posts: 120
Joined: May 11 2011
From: Scotland Fife UK
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to Adam)
Quizá se deba a Compas doctor será todo cantando y bailando todos. Perhaps that is because Doctor Compas will be all singing and all dancing. Maybe it tells the time too. You can boil your eggs to it. I'm sure it will be good when it comes out.
Rhythm, grace & passion. El ritmo, gracia & la pasión Be the change you want to see in this world - Gandhi
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to Maissam)
slight digression
has anybody worked out how to how to run an app like Dr Compas and be able to record on to the phone at the same time.? the audio apps are pretty clean. guess its an iphone thing.
Posts: 898
Joined: Dec. 6 2012
From: Lisboa, Portugal
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to Elie)
Yes there are news! Finally they are working on it! If you want to know the news about Doctor Compás you got to check their facebook page, not their website.
This was posted on February 14th: "CORRECTION: We are working on the ANDROID version presently, not PC. That will be next! CORRECION: Estamos presentemente trabajando la versíon para ANDROID."
I hope they release the Android version soon, so they can start working on the PC version...
Posts: 1156
Joined: Dec. 6 2006
From: Hamilton, ON
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to RibNibbler)
ORIGINAL: RibNibbler
Yeah, it only costs a $150 more than DC, doesn't improvise and sounds completely mechanical...
Hey, don't make fun of Francisco87, he is a key member of this foro with a long and stories history - two posts deep! - of posting about this metronome in Doctor Compas threads.
Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to RibNibbler)
Sorry, RibNibbler, you're comparing apples with pears or a bicycle with a car while you're comparing a smart phone app with a powerful windows application? It seemed to me as if somebody looked for a flamenco tool for PC in this forum. And it seems you did not test the capabilities of this tool, so why do you suggest Compás Builder sounds completely mechanical? Regards, Francisco
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to Francisco57)
ORIGINAL: Francisco57 And it seems you did not test the capabilities of this tool, so why do you suggest Compás Builder sounds completely mechanical? Regards, Francisco
just checking, have you bought doctor compas and tested it's capabilities? because you said to 'forget about doctor compas'.
being totally honest, doctor compas is way underpriced for what it is. 20 bucks to replace all the compas cds that a person may buy. set to whichever bmp you want, and select improvise or not etc.
Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
RE: Doctor Compás flamenco metronom... (in reply to RibNibbler)
I listened to the recorded examples
You won! I can understand your doubts! Because I made a similar experience with the webcam of Málaga. Yesterday there were dark clouds at the Costa del Sol, so I will never take a trip to Spain beacause the weather there is not better than in Halifax.