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Paco de Lucia tries a guitar from an Ecuadorian Luthier   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 2869
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Paco de Lucia tries a guitar from an... 

I found this clip of Paco playing a guitar from an Ecuadorian Luthier. The look on Paco's face towards the Luthier while he was trying out the guitar was hilarious.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 0:49:52

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 1:57:00

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

What I got out of it was the guitar pretty much sucked, but he didn’t want to be rude to the guy.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 5:18:05

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

after one minute i am already laughing so hard i had to stop the video, now i will press play back again. man this is comedy
edit: YES, it DOES get funnier OMG

edit2: how much for one photo of Paco holding a guitar of one luthier?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 13:42:52


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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Patrick

I agree Shroomy. I think you are right Patrick. Deniz, I'm afraid I was not there to witness this but I think I'm going to rip off his little chord progression that he was doing por Tarantas.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 14:12:34

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

Poor Paco...and the guy was being so nice to him!
He must have a garage full of gift guitars by now.

P.S. Do Ecuadorian guitars TM have a sonorious tone as well?


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 15:16:04


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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Pimientito


P.S. Do Ecuadorian guitars TM have a sonorious tone as well?

I can't answer that Pimientito because I never tried one. I've played some really nice Argentinian and Colombian guitars. I just can't remember the Luthiers.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 15:32:45


Posts: 187
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From: London

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Pimientito

I think the Sonorious guitars are from Mexico. That's where Jaco Sonorious came from.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 17:39:25

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

It must be a total pain in the ass being Paco and everybody thrusting guitars into your hands at any time of day or night and expecting you to play amazing stuff while somebody points a video camera at you.

No wonder he's a recluse.



PS: Probably if Paco took a leak in his toilet, he'd rip it out and put it up on eBay as the toilet Paco pissed into...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 17:56:10

Posts: 7867
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Ron.M


PS: Probably if Paco took a leak in his toilet, he'd rip it out and put it up on eBay as the toilet Paco pissed into...

I'd buy it. Or have you already, and hence mentioning that?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 18:00:00

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

And you know the guy has told anyone that would listen that Paco owns one of his guitars. Hey….I would do the same.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 18:28:11
Richard Jernigan

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Pimientito

Sorry if I offended anyone.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 20:30:21

Posts: 1938
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From: Torontolucía

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Richard Jernigan


Ruben Diaz really does have a close connection with Paco. Paco gives Ruben all the junk guitars people give Paco as he travels around the planet. Ruben chops off the headstocks and sells them for $14,000 apiece. Paco's garage doesn't fill up, and Ruben performs a generous service to all the beginning flamencos of the world.

Mysteries solved!


Me da igual. La música es música.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 20:42:19

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

I love it when every one gossips about Ruben Diaz
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 20:57:49

Posts: 1926
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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Patrick

hey, Paco heard me playing guitar, who cares what types of guitars he has lying around in his garage?

but really, you can appreciate how the guy must've felt...he'll cherish this moment for the rest of his life!...even if his guitar doesn't get played by Paco...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 21:04:15


Posts: 163
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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

paco reads this forum too in his spare time
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 23:27:35


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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to erictjie


paco reads this forum too in his spare time

Did I do something wrong? If I did, my apologies.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 23:30:11

Posts: 495
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From: North Carolina, USA

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to erictjie

I really really doubt that...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 2 2011 1:05:31


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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

What I get out of the video is that the luthier was proud to represent his country and honored to give his work to Paco. What I also get out of the video is that Paco is very much a gentleman, which is not what I can say about some of the respondents in this thread.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 2 2011 22:44:53

Posts: 1240
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From: Sydney, Australia

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

ermm what's wrong with the video?
I didn't notice that Paco was displeased with the guitar.
The luthier obviously revere Paco and is happy that Paco is able to play on his guitars, I'm sure any luthier on this forum would be in the same state if put in the same situation.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 4:31:15

Posts: 1821
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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

I imagine that when Paco got home and had some spare time, he would have really enjoyed sussing this guitar out.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 7:45:00

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Alatriste


What I get out of the video is that the luthier was proud to represent his country and honored to give his work to Paco. What I also get out of the video is that Paco is very much a gentleman, which is not what I can say about some of the respondents in this thread.

Wise words!
There's a lot of condescension in this thread.


TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt
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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 8:57:59

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

Its pretty clear that what is funny to some cultures is not to others. I dont see that anyone is being particularly mean or condescending. Its very clear Paco is the consumate gentleman. Its also clear he is a little uncomfortable being treated like a demi- God on camera. Much European humour is based on laughing at people in uncomfortable situations which is why I find this scenario amusing , particularly considering what a down to earth and easy going kind of guy Paco is. Obviously other people could see that too.

Other members have pointed out that this is a very proud moment for the luthier which makes the video very poignent in some ways and you can feel his true happiness at being able to give Paco a gift (even if he has at least 100 guitars). American humour I have noticed is more sympathetic than derisory which is why sometimes things dont translate. If you imagine the scene from his point of view then there is nothing funny about it and I can understand that some of the comments may seem harsher than in the spirit in which they were posted.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 11:02:59
Kevin James Shanahan

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

Good post Pim , I recently nearly fell of the verandah at a friends bbq when I realized one of the guests was a well known surfboard shaper ( Rod Dalbherg ) . I can't imagine how I would conduct myself in front of Paco . I know that I could be human and normal , i just don't think that any amount of time with him would be enough and I would eventually make a fool of myself ( in my eyes anyway ) .


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 11:18:40

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Kevin James Shanahan

It would be hard to not be nervous. I was told a story where someone wanted a photo of himself with Paco. When the moment came to take the photo, Paco extended his hand to shake hands with the photographer and the guy simply forgot he had the camera in his hand and let it smash to the floor....

Even professionals get nervous. Emilio Maya said he met Paco once and Paco asked him to play something but his hands turned to jelly and he couldnt play the guitar in front of him.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 11:43:21

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RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Pimientito


ORIGINAL: Pimientito
Much European humour is based on laughing at people in uncomfortable situations which is why I find this scenario amusing

yeah, but not necessarily laughing "at" him. Its also the social limitations, the actions which we have made habits later on, which can be quite funny. I have always been of the opinion that reflecting things is a good idea, but not everybody in out society seems to be willing to do so. Now, i could care less about people who dont have a sense of humor, it doesnt hold me from LMAO, but calling it condescension is a bit far stretched and authoritarian, me thinks.

Dont know about the luthiers on the forum, but i were one, it wouldnt mean much to me if Paco played my guitar for 10s for the camera. I mean, it be cool, but i wouldnt flip out like the guy. Id be happier about being able to give many customers their "dream guitar" instead of giving Paco my guitar and knowing it will probably never been played anyway...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 15:03:06

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 15:14:49

Posts: 927
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From: Bahrain

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to jg7238

i think the guitar sounds so nice,

and this gentelmen from ecuador was so happy to meet paco,

I may do worse thatn this guy when i meet paco,

kiss his hands and bow for him,

or maybe faint

there is too much love for paco that my heart cannot contain,



Bahrain is my country and Andalucia is my dream
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 15:53:52

Posts: 1409
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From: .fr

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to Haithamflamenco

IMO it's hard to tell what Paco thinks about the guy and his guitar. For me he's not annoyed. He looks like more amused by the character.
PERCEPTION is what's all about. We're projecting our feeling in the Paco's mind. Somes are sure that Paco is laughting at the guy and his crappy guitar, somes others are convinced that Paco respect the work of this man...
Imo unless you ask directly to Paco what he thinks of the guitar, you should not consider that he finds it a badass one. (maybe it's the case, but maybe not. It's a matter of interpretation and perception of the viewer).
How could you judge if a guitar is good or not via a single yutu clip?

Condescension or racism? maybe. An ecuatorian luthier can't make good flamenco guitar (well for some person at least).

When we watch a movie, we don't project the same feeling on the characters and the story. Everyone perceive the movie differently. At least for my 2 cents of view!


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 3 2011 17:37:16

Posts: 1156
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From: Hamilton, ON

RE: Paco de Lucia tries a guitar fro... (in reply to mezzo



Condescension or racism? maybe. An ecuatorian luthier can't make good flamenco guitar (well for some person at least).

Aaaaand out comes the racism card.

I think you're racist for even suggesting it!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 4 2011 9:27:49
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