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Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 - En... 



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:38:30

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:40:30

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:41:49

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Sugar Magnolia


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:44:58

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RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:46:20

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:47:47

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:49:00

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:50:16

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

This completes the upload of all the entries received for the challenge.
Judges have 3 full days to give their scores and feedback and the results will be published at midnight UK time on Tuesday 31st May.

Until the results are published DO NOT post any comments on this thread
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2011 23:52:38

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Firstly, well done for having the guts to enter the dreaded challenge amigos.
Sorry if the comments sound pretty harsh, but personally I think that only harsh criticism really helps you get focussed, so apologies for the lack of sugar coating.
(That's the sort of criticism that I like to receive anyway.)

It was also a pretty difficult challenge this time in that there was no guideline piece to copy.

Anyway, I'm quite happy to receive any complaints from challengers who feel my comments are unjust, so don't feel intimidated or anything for heaven's sake.

That's what the Forum is about.

Anyway...scores out of 30...


I liked this....(though I thought the rasgueado a bit overdone..a little less violent would fit in better I think).
Confidently played and some very tasteful chords in the second sequence.
Very Flamenco sounding with the spirit of Malagueñas and set the mood nicely for a singer IMO.
(I'm not sure how much of a "beginner" you actually are? )



The playing sounds a bit laboured to my ear and the tremelo needs some work.
I don't think a singer would thank you for the Verdiales ending.



Pretty good technique, but the playing sounds a bit "fiddly" and goes nowhere.
Again, not an ending that would invite a singer to come in.


Sugar Magnolia:

I'm not keen on the bluesy "slides". (Makes it sound like you're playing a Fender Strat or something.)
Tremelo not bad considering it's fairly difficult.
Ending a bit harsh and jarring IMO.



I actually quite like the OTT church echo ...makes it sound like the intro to a Saura film or something!
I personally don't care for the little ligado embellishments as I think they detract from the gravitas of the rest of the piece, but this is only my personal taste.
Good sensitivity and good ending for setting up a singer IMO.

Score: 24


Sounds a bit jarring and the music goes nowhere IMO.
That "tapping" thing sounds like a thing Carlos Montoya would do for a non-Flamenco audience. No likee.
Ending not good for a singer.

Score 12


Interesting start and good "first string arpegio", but a bit thrashy with the thumb downstrokes IMO...a bit more finesse I think would sound better.
Reasonable ending.



This sounds very timid and more like part of a solo, rather than a Malagueñas intro for a singer.
Play that in Spain for a Gitano singer and you could easily get stabbed IMO .


Anyway amigos, a good effort by everyone and I'm sure a "good cop" will be along in a minute.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2011 17:18:57
Andy Culpepper

Posts: 3039
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From: NY, USA

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

First off I want to congratulate everyone for stepping up and showing some real creativity! I was suprised by how few of you went "by the book traditional". Considering the fact that, for many of you, this is probably the first time you've arranged/composed your own material I was impressed.
However, the flip side of that is that I think many of you tried to get TOO original and modern sounding and lost the essence of Malagueña! I would have liked to hear more characteristic phrases and chord sequences. In my opinion this should have been regarded more as an arrangement challenge, taking bits and pieces from the examples provided, than as an outright composition challenge.
I would have liked to hear more continuity in most of your ideas. An intro for a singer should tell a story with beginning, middle and end. Consider yourself the opening act in a way. It can be a meandering story, but it should always be aware of where it's going and how it's going to resolve in a way that emphatically states the essence of the palo and sets the stage for the cante. I think a lot of you had several ideas but no idea how to stitch them together into a story. In which case it would have been wise to fall back on more traditional ideas.


Great beginning but you lost a bit of steam in the second half and by the time you got to the resolution I felt that you lacked some conviction. But you set a nice mood and what you came up with would work very well in a solo piece. Tighten up those arpeggios.

Score: 22


You have some great ideas but some are a little difficult for you technically right now. You have to learn to express yourself in a Flamenco way, you seemed to have some trouble using your technique to create dramatic moments. But I can tell you pushed yourself and you have a passion for the music. I did not like the ending because it didn't create the right mood. Listen to the way a singer comes in por Malagueña, starting very softly "zee-ya zee-ya" on the notes F-E before starting a letra. Allow the singer to build up from what you have started instead of leading him or her in with a raucous energy.

Score: 19


Again some nice ideas but you fizzled out and didn't know how to end it because you weren't telling a story. Also you didn't sound like you were sure if you wanted to make it rhythmic or not. You did your own thing on this but it didn't draw enough on the unique cadences and melodic ideas separate Malagueña from "noodling in A minor". But some of the effects you created on the treble strings were interesting, don't abandon those and try to develop them further.

Score: 18

Sugar Magnolia-

Needs some tightening up in places, and more space in others. It sounds a little jumbled and lacks dynamics until the end. The tremolo was nice and the way you ended wasn't too bad. Listen to more Malagueñas and Flamenco in general and keep working on developing your ability to create tension and release through space, technique and dynamics.

Score: 17


You clearly have a handle on the typical chord voicings in Malagueña. In the second half, reign in some of those chord extensions because some of the notes are a little too "outside" and wreck the aire a little bit. But using the C# over the E7 chord is great. Awesome ending !!!! I'd say you definitely passed this challenge.

Score: 25


A little chaotic but very gitano in some ways ;-). Unfortunately you didn't know how to end it and you made almost no literal references to Malagueña so I'd say it did not fulfill the goal of the challenge at all! You have some nice techniques present here.

Score: 10


Wow!! I appreciate your tone and I'd be very curious to know where you acquired Ramon Montoya's guitar and microphone. You have some very confident and dynamic right hand technique but some of your melodic ideas in the beginning would benefit from a stronger fretting hand. I love your playing and I think Willow just beat you by a hair because of his/her beautiful simplicity and directness. You may be on a higher level technically but I think you tried to do a little bit too much and your cohesiveness suffered.

Score: 24


Nice mellow noodle you've got going on but it lacks the energy for Flamenco. But you did some research for this and you've got some good traditional phrases under your belt. I think this piece, if played with more conviction, could make a very nice solo piece but it's not great as an intro for a singer.

Score: 15


Andy Culpepper, luthier
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2011 22:09:01

Posts: 143
Joined: Aug. 9 2010

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Before I submit my reviews, I just want to congratulate to those who are participating, both the entries and the judges, for their time. I know flamenco is an arduous art to master, but in the end, it's very rewarding.
I want to apologize that I wasnt able to enter this contest as I originally thought I
would--with school, it takes a bit of my practice time

That being said, here are my reviews for this contest. Note that I am putting my judgement to call and see my review as a constructive criticism--by all means, I am not putting anyone down.

I will be judging as follows:

10pts--"Aire" (the vibe of the palo) -- Basically, those this sound like Malaguena?
10pts--Technique-- was your technique well executed?
10pts--Creativity -- how creative were you to arrange a piece?


Aire- 9
Tech- 8
Creativity- 9

Total: 26

Beside the rasguedo that was a bit overdone in the beggining, I thought this well arranged piece. Very creative chords. Only thing I will say work on the subtle parts (eg. the legato), but other than that, well done.


Aire- 7
Tech- 6
Creative- 7

Total: 20

Two things came to my mind
1)The tremolo needs some work. It needs to be more fluid
2) Dynamic- although it wasn't static, the volume didnt change much. Try to build tension/release in the play

As other pointed out, the ending was meh. Good work though



Tech- 7

Total: 22

I liked how you were going with the introduction. It had a sense of "story-telliing" vibe. However, it kinda got lost and didnt really finish it. Also, there was no cue for the singer to come in


Sugar Magnolia


Total: 18

If this is your first time playing or haven't exposed to Malaguna enough, I thought it was pretty good. However, there alot of things you need to work on, mainly the techniques. You gotta be able to play with confidence, and that requires alot of repetition. Overall, well done




Total: 26

I really liked the aire of this piece (maybe the reverb helped (?))
I thought this came will well packed--it had dynamics, flow, and a cue for the singer to come in. Very well done. Maybe toning down the reverb will help, since it tends to overmask your playing




Total: 17

I felt it was very static. Maybe relax a bit when you are playing. I wasnt big fan of the tapping. Plus, I felt it wasnt going anywhere. Brush on the techniques




Total: 23

Very old-school ish. Me likey. I thought the techniques was well executed. As I mentioned earlier, it felt very static--I feel the only element you are missing is to play more relaxed and embellish with dynamics and the aire. Well done




Total: 16

I am sensing you got most of the idea from Juan Serrano's book ( ). As other pointed out, this contest was more towards the accompaniment of singer. Technique wise, brush up a bit. In addition, add more volume-dynamic....make tension and release it!!! like making love!!!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2011 1:50:10

Posts: 1837
Joined: Apr. 10 2010

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

I want to congratulate the challengers for their entries .. all of them were good and interesting .
judging a "composing challenge" is harder than a regular challenge .. because everyone plays different thing
I judged according to aire and technique ... maybe it is not fair as each one has different entry ... but I did my best to differentiate and my points went to the entries I liked most ... although I felt some of you guys are beyond the level of “ a beginner “
no hard feelings .. you can have your revenge when you get the opportunity to judge me in one of the upcoming challenges lol

Redwood : Man the chords at the beginning were not in the right place,
very good playing I think you’re an intermediate more than a beginner technically …
you have very good skills, and your piece fits the challenge very well, it flew very well and created a very lovely atmosphere
A13+ T12=25
Elm : interesting work … but not suitable for cante in my opinion …
some techniques are really lagging your playing such as tremolo …
some ideas were repeated and that was boring little bit but overall that was a good job.
A11+ T11=22
Rowan : very good , I really liked your playing … it started like something very interesting
and promising but then it fell apart … the ending ruined the whole mood ... but I was really amazed by your entry ...
Sugar Magnolia : very nice try , but maybe little bit over your level … some strings sounded dull ,
you need to work on your technique and avoid posting an entry with mistakes , I think I caught 2-3 mistakes …
there is a clear lack of dynamics … but I think considering your technique you did a pretty good job.
Willow: very good aire and techniques … the playing were very smooth and clear …
I felt you’re kinda trying to mix traditional with modern by using different chords combination …
it drove you little bit out of the mood … but you got your way back, well done.
Hornbeam: nice try man … keep working on your technique …
the tapping wasn’t that flashy … I think you can do better than this …
you should have added some more ideas … because your playing was dull somehow
A7+ T6=13
Cedar: very very nice … man you took me back to Gastor’s and Montoya’s times …
your sound is very authentic … but your techniques needs some work, very interesting entry.
Oak : man very nice smooth and simple, but that could make the audience sleep … I like your traditional ideas
the E,G#,B,A,C,B,A,G,F,E sequence was nice to be added but to win you gotta do something special .. nice work.
A8+ T8=16
so I think my vote goes to Willow as 1st, Redwood as 2nd, Rowan as 3rd

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2011 6:41:18

Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Elie

first of all congrats, secondly, my apologies because i could spend less time with judging as i originally there are less comments too...i felt Cedar and Willow stood out in this competition, and judging by their technique they should compete with the intermediates in the future...i gave them the same amount of points, Willow plays a bit better, but i liked Cedar's arrangement more...

Cedar - 28 points

Excellent, just minor technical mistakes, very traditional, very malaguena-ish...but I feel you're over the beginners' level and I'm looking forward to your future entries one category higher!

Elm - 21 points

It would've been great, but the Verdiales ending ruined it for me, all the tension built up before, for all of it to be released, so you left little for the singer...he wouldn't have liked you very much for that...i feel your playing is a bit tense, but have a good idea about how it should sounds...keep it up!

Hornbeam - 14 points

Unfortunately, you didn't make a whole lot of sense there musically and you tried to show that you're capable of doing different kinds of should've chosen the ones you're most comfortable with and built something around those...the tapping was horrible, sounds like you improvised this and didn't spend much time with it before recording...

Oak - 17 points

I felt like I was listening to a classical guitarist recording, it really lacked the power at places where it could've used some...but you did exactly what I'm recommending to Hornbeam, to build on your stronger points...still, the recording was a bit too long, which would've been okay if you had varied it more and added "more moods"...

Redwood - 22 points

Nice typical malaguena material, and you were consciously trying to play with the dynamics, but i felt you overdid it a a woman who starts yelling, then thinks a bit about her next sentence then yelling again etc. :) it was not flowing as well as it could have...still, you did a good job!

Rowan - 23 points

This was half an intro very well done, but if you had added the typical Am/G/F/E finish, you could've been a winner here...can't really say more, because i liked it very much, but it felt your case you left too much for the singer...

Super Magnolia - 22 points

Your right hand needs to be worked on, you're applying too much power...with your recording too i felt like it could've used some more variation, but i think it would've been an adequate intro for a singer...

Willow - 28 points

Too bad the recording was distorted, it was an excellent malaguena by someone obviously better than beginner level...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2011 15:05:31

Posts: 283
Joined: Jul. 10 2007
From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

OK, it's now midnight UK time on Tuesday 31st May, so here are the results:

Foro Name:changue
Entry Name:Willow

Foro Name:Riko_Kiko
Entry Name:Redwood

Foro Name:mdiago
Entry Name:Cedar

Foro Name:Pawo
Entry Name:Rowan

Foro Name:Jazzinahat
Entry Name:Elm

Foro Name:vuduchyld
Entry Name:Sugar Magnolia

Foro Name:paul.troutfisher
Entry Name:Oak

Foro Name:JieXian
Entry Name:Hornbeam

Congratulations to changue and all of the compretitors
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2011 23:36:04


Posts: 170
Joined: Feb. 20 2011

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Well, I'll be totally honest...I didn't know what the hell to expect when I entered this challenge. I've never done anything remotely like this...and with the format being so different from previous challenges, I just thought...why not?

And I have to say...I am really, really impressed by the judges and their commentary. I think every last bit of the feedback was really accurate with respect to my experience and ear, my tendency to try things beyond my capability, my technique (especially right hand), dynamics...even the fact that I knew my ending was not what belonged there. GREAT commentary from all the judges...and it's feedback that will help me improve.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart...and thank you also to Graham_B for taking care of the logistics.

Sometime in the next few days, I'll listen to the other entries and also check out the feedback they were given. I'd suspect that will help me moving forward, as well.

Muchas gracias!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 0:33:26

Posts: 120
Joined: Feb. 6 2009

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Congrats to all and to the winner Changue. Changue, send me your shipping address via PM and I will get your Cejilla off to you.
Graham_B graciously offered to pay for the shipping but no worries, a deal is a deal.
I vote we have another beginners challenge soon instead of waiting for another season. Although I didnt officially enter I did the work and it helped with the practice.
Maybe something again with the lesser known toques's Fandango, Farucca etc and not for Cante this time.

Again, congrats.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 3:06:18

Posts: 86
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From: Malaysia

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

I'm sorry I really don't know about malaguenas and was feeling like playing some "free time" stuff - not knowing enough about the palo.

I must say, the level of apparent "beginners" are really high!

About the tapping thing.. I was somewhat improvising and my fingers started to move haha but I liked it -- but of course due to me not knowing about malaguenas.

But still thanks! Listening to all the entries and the comments are very educational


Don't afraid to be harsh in criticising my play. We're here to learn.

Check out my (non-flamenco) compositions :D
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 5:21:58

Posts: 1837
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RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Congratulation changue and well done
you deserved the winning , you did a pretty good job

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 7:53:49


Posts: 187
Joined: Aug. 31 2010
From: London

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Many thanks to all who contributed time and energy (and a cejilla!) to the Challenge. I am genuinely impressed that so many people are willing to join in and contribute with no motivation other than sheer love of the guitar and the cante. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I definitely learned a lot. I'd recommend taking part to anyone who wants to improve their playing.

It was great to have a deadline. I had some, very vague, notions about what a Malaguena might involve but the challenge was a great framework for pulling the ideas together. I based my entry on Andres Heredia's playing on 'El Carro de la Pena' with Aurelio al cante, recorded in 1972. It's available on Cadiz, Arte y Salero, part of the Quejio series. I thought it gave a good sense of the Malaguena whilst remaining, pretty much, within my technical grasp.

I think the big lesson that I learned (yet again!) is that it really pays to record something from time to time and listen to what you're doing.

Several of the judges noticed the subtle reverb effect on my recording. This was produced by the stairwell in my block of flats! I thought it gave a bit of a liturgical feel. The other benefit was that I played faster as I thought a whistling postman might barge in at any moment.

Thanks again and here's to the next challenge!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 8:01:15

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to changue

Yeah, congratulations Changue and respect to everyone for having the guts to enter.
That was a (deceptively) difficult challenge for a number of reasons.

At least you all got an HONEST appraisal from fellow Flamenco players and enthusiasts, be it good or bad.

Improving is all about listening and practising and taking on board the good advice and tips from some of the brilliant and experienced players who contribute to this Forum.

Many thanks to Graham for all his work in organising this challenge so efficiently.

Great job!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 8:39:43

Posts: 161
Joined: Feb. 16 2011
From: Danville, CA

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Ron.M

Congratulations Changue, your playing was amazing. You, and the others set the bar very high.

Thanks to Graham for running the show. He kept a tight ship.

And thanks to Ron, Andy, Kenzo, Elie, and Richard for judging.

I started playing classical guitar about four years ago at the ripe age of 44. I want to make custom classical&flamenco guitars when I retire - so thought it would be wise to be able to play them too :) Always wanted to play, but was never able to make the commitment or find the time. About one year ago I started working on Flamenco. Boy it's hard! I realize that I don't have any natural talent for playing, yet love it. I can't get over how addictive it is - it drives my family nuts!

I really enjoyed the challenge. It forced me to focus on one song and try to nail it (didn't quite get there). Judge's comments were great - however, I'm a bit worried about getting stabbed whilst visiting Spain (Ron's comment) ;-)

Recording yourself is NOT for the faint of heart :) I kind of ran out of time and had to get it done in the last three hours. Getting a clean run was impossible - I kept screwing up at a different place each time :( Had one real clean one going and was right near the end - when... my youngest runs in the room shouting Dad Dad. In retrospect should have just used that one :)

Can't wait for the next challenge.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 13:58:51


Posts: 187
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From: London

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to paul.troutfisher

Hey Paul, good to hear from you.

I'm another late starter. It definitely is addictive. Good luck with the practicing.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 14:52:43

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to paul.troutfisher


About one year ago I started working on Flamenco. Boy it's hard! I realize that I don't have any natural talent for playing, yet love it. I can't get over how addictive it is - it drives my family nuts!

Hi Paul,

I think what you ought to do is to keep things as simple as possible.
Start off with the traditional strumming chords for say, Soleares.
Keep playing the sequence over and over again while sticking to the 12 beat compás and pay a LOT of attention to your sound.
Try to make it sound as close to the Flamenco records you have.
Keep a recorder running while you are practising and play it back and listen to your tone critically.
Ask yourself "Does that sound Flamenco?".
If the answer is No, then ask yourself what you need to change to get the sound you want. (dig in deeper...change thumb angle..etc etc).


A lot of beginners make the mistake of neglecting TONE and concentrate on trying to play fiddly left hand stuff from tabs.

This mistake is FATAL for learning Flamenco.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 15:41:27

Posts: 9
Joined: Jul. 15 2010

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Thanks judges for your advice. Seeing the comments and hearing how far other people have come as begginers is really pushing me to want to practice even more.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 16:13:15

Posts: 161
Joined: Feb. 16 2011
From: Danville, CA

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Ron.M

Thanks Ron, that sounds like very good advice. Sometimes it's overwhelming to know what to focus on. I don't take lessons, rather work from books, so don't have a critical ear listening. I guess your message is don't neglect the basics, and get that sound first then take it from there. Makes sense.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 17:03:47


Posts: 104
Joined: Mar. 15 2010

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Also would like to thank the judges for giving their time and for their useful on for me they were....can't ever finish anything properly...I have stacks of unfinished song ideas...mainly with electric guitar...I start off with what I think is a nice lick, melody, noodle or whatever...then don't really know where to take it...I've just bought this book called musical compositions for dummies....maybe that'll help!

Cheers all
Dave S
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 18:03:27
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B

Wow, it finished , and well done to "Willow"' . Really I couldn't wait to hear what you other guys had done , out of curiosity more than anything else , and when I heard the first few entries I thought ,"Boy , am I in trouble here, this is gonna be hard to beat".
I did my own judging, as an experiment and I did pick out Willow as a winner , and I liked the sound of the reverb as it reminded me of some 50's recordings I still have on cassette.
I had it figured that the winner would be Willow and Rowan would be second, which would leave me to fight it out against Elm and Cedar ( both good entries) .
So I was kinda surprised I did so well against all that lot.
Mine was in the end copied , (or ripped off !!) from a guitarrist called Luis Miguel Manzano who plays with a girl called Caridad Vega, found on you tube and it is very similar I just changed some bits that I couldn't play well to make it more sort of mine..
That was the best I could do and it was my first Malagueña so I was relying a lot on research and old recordings...and some judges liked it more than others , thats only to be expected.
So thanks to all the people involved in the organisation and judging so that we can learn.
Now its back to the drawing board but I live to enter another day ....!!!

Any last words of advice would be ............. se aprende tocar , tocando...

(one learns to play , Playing..)


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 19:02:35

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to El Kiko


and when I heard the first few entries I thought ,"Boy , am I in trouble here, this is gonna be hard to beat".


Apart from the crap rasgueados at the start, your piece was beautiful.

You're a lot better than you think you are.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 19:22:30
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland

RE: Beginners Challenge Summer 2011 ... (in reply to Graham_B


crap rasgueados

Just as well there was no call for a tremolo ,I am famous for not being able to do that...
OK ... rasgueado practice .... let's go .....


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2011 19:58:06
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