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what is going on with those older greepe ynewbies who just started to learn the baiscs of playing flamenco and at the same time they start to TEACHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the hell
watch this guy called flamenco PROFESSOR
Please , if any body do that just stop,
we dont want more teachers that they need to learn,
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
this guy was mentioned here before, and laughed at too
he joined the forum and got banned due to problems with Jason McGuire and another guy ... I think his name was corney or something like that ... there are lots of guys like him out there ... and you can't just stop them
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Guest)
i believe it and i'm sure he's good at playing music...just not flamenco music, therefore he's not quite ready yet to teach it...i know that that's difficult for you to accept, but please try to...
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
watch this guy called flamenco PROFESSOR
yes you have eventually realized that a online name does not have to match a qualification ... having a URL means ...............absolutely nothing .
this guy has been talked about before, and many others that you may "discover" people can call themselves what they want online ....you ...( the consumer ) you look..........you like or you don't. you never know what you have , and the internet wont tell you . but you will have to look very hard to see something that hasn't been here before.
but the guitar strap cancels that out.
I really like that as I noticed it ages ago , you know, ToddK, you very often put into words things that "I should have said " and as said in Spain " Ole tus Huevos '"
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to XXX)
There is something frustrating about someone coming out and claiming to be professor/master/whatever. I do have to admit here though if someone had never played bulerias before he or she could probably get a good start with the above video. And it is free...
I remember what started the fight back then was a taranto video he put out that was flat out bad teaching with an uncommon chord structure for the letra. I made one small comment about it and suddenly I was getting one message after another from him asking who I was, what I could do, that he practices 14 hours a day, has a phd, speaks 50 languages etc. Apperantly he has issues. Maybe paranoia from the drugs?
Not really a big deal, though. Let the guy do his thing. What's really bad is that now it's possible to put advertising on a Youtube video with a misleading name and actually earn money with stuff much less useful than this.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
it seems we have some flamenco professor fans here,
with all respect to this preson, and his help that he is trying to make ( I hope is not kind of showoff that I know every thing),
just guys be honest,
do you think he is a good flamenco teacher??
compare him to Oscar heroro, Jason Mcquire and adam delmonte ?!?!
common ?!?!
I was trying to make a point from this post , lots of people post thier teaching instructional videos on youtube while they actully need a true flamenco instructional training,
learning to play a flamenco is a thing and learning to teach flamenco is another thing,
teaching flamenco is not an easy thing to do, there are technique and stratgies and its plenty of hard work and effort
well, I am a teacher myself, not flamenco , but Motorsport and Autmotive engineering lecturer, after 5 hard years in uk and 3 years in motorsport field working as excutive automotive engineer in F1 bahrain international circuit building the Chevrolet Lumina ME fleet racing cars from scratch, working days and nights on welding, fabrication, calculation, desgining and shipping, my feeling is that I only reached a certin level in this knowldge, so I use that expreince tru exprince and convert it to my students and i did not call my self a Motorsport Professor!!! I used my logic to compare my self with others , the leaders in my feild.
A flamenco professor, is not an easy thing to say , Paco De lucia after all of that years he finally get his PHD?!?! thats mean a doctor, but professor you should have more than PHD and you should be recognize internationally.
any way, all respect to this guy, but he needs to spend more time on training not teaching
thats the same question i have in mind when reading your posts! (did i just write that? i guess i did. man im so evil!!)
Denzis, mi amigo, when I see your profile photo, only one thing appear in my mind:
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
good flamenco teacher
Definitely not! He's just playing something for copying without any explanation of anything. It's like the Spanish style of teaching but at a much much lower level I just think he's gotten enough flack already and generally just feel sorry for him.
I'm sure 10 years ago he would have been given a warm welcome as someone who knows something, little as it may be, but nowadays there are so many credible teachers in the internet it makes guys like this look rediculous.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
no disrespect to corey the professer title a'int such a great choice even though he has earned the title academically... guess size it up for yourself...guess we learn something from everyone...what's in a name? the other guy on the site who explains music in terms of mexican food is pretty mind altering
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
Well you can make fun of him all you want and critisize him on public forums but at least he has the gonads to put himself out there and do what I assume he loves (ie. play guitar). We all gotta -fake it til you make it- if you want to make it.
Posts: 1156
Joined: Dec. 6 2006
From: Hamilton, ON
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to Haithamflamenco)
To be fair, he apparently does hold an assistant professorship from an accredited university (CSU Fresno) in "Guitar Performance (Classical, Flamenco, Jazz)" so he can legitimately call himself professor. Even though it's ridiculously tacky to use "Flamenco Professor" as your name
And I agree he doesn't hold a candle to a lot of the Americans mentioned in this thread or any of about 1000 guitarists in Spain.
RE: is this guy on drugs or what?!?!... (in reply to ToddK)
Todd, Fake til you make it...I think only applies to those who are , or are aspiring to be artists. -not scientists/doctors, etc.
I'm not saying we can't criticize, that's what you got to be ready to take when you put yourself out there. That's why I say he's got gonads to put this stuff out for the public. If he's good he'll grow from it.