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(There is nothing you can do to shock this Forum anymore... )
The vocalist is Armenian, but he's lived 90% of his life in Lebanon (was for some time in Canada, I think... Don't know if it was during his formative years though...). He's a good chap, though it wasn't one of his BEST days in this video. I think the key was too high for him. Should have gone with capo on 7 and played por medio. That might have solved it.
I've been doing some singing these past couple of days actually... I think I'm going to start off with some Gipsy Kings rumbas - that way, I don't have to worry about compas that much ( ), and I'll get to learn some Spanish as well.
Not before the end of this month though ... Too busy until then. Also, it will probably be unlisted on YouTube, so only you dudes and dudettes can see it.
Oh, hell yesssss with the Led Zep!!! Very nice playing on that one! I really like it. Don't have a guitar at my disposal, but I'm guessing that's an open D or open G tuning?
Really good stuff!!!
I'm a huge fan of the old Led Zep, Jimi (of course, given the vuduchyld moniker), Rolling Stones rock canon. Personally, I like to spice it up with a little bluegrass. I'll try to post something along those lines later.
I CAN'T believe this! The 15-minute video I just posted above of me on stage with my vocalist and guitarist friends just got FLAGGED by YouTube! I tried posting this video on another YouTube channel I have some time back, and I was dumb enough to include tags to the video with Pink Floyd and Wish You Were Here - it got flagged back then, and I assumed it was because of that.
This time, I uploaded the video as unlisted (so only YOU guys can see it), and the original video I uploaded was named in Arabic, and the name had nothing to do with the content. I placed NO TAGS to the video, but guess what!? I just received a notice saying that the content of my video has parts that are owned by UMPG Publishing with the content type being a musical composition .
Now, I'm NOT the computer expert, but I don't think that YouTube hires people to actually sit and watch videos ALL DAY LONG to just find out which ones have such copyright breaches so they can flag them. Also, I don't think any YouTube robots could have picked up my video because of any tags or file names. Also, I didn't use any MP3s of the original content, and we played the songs acoustically, and there was all that background noise - so I feel that some HUMAN actually saw the video and flagged it...
Did anyone of you guys do that!?
Simon, or Ron, or any other computer experts: PLEASE, do you have any clue as to HOW YouTube figured me out?
Is the CIA continuously monitoring my internet activity?!
Rombsix you should not worry too much about this kind of message. I received one also when i uploaded a vid of Montse Cortes. The vid is still on my channel and NADA happened so.... I think if it's really problematic, they gonna delete the vid only but not your account.
I've been doing some singing these past couple of days actually... I think I'm going to start off with some Gipsy Kings rumbas - that way, I don't have to worry about compas that much ( ), and I'll get to learn some Spanish as well.
Man I'm looking foward to see something like this puro arabic tangos
Work on something like this after the rumba. Do you understand the lyrics?
Antonia la Negra was really a great cantaora!
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
Rombsix you should not worry too much about this kind of message. I received one also when i uploaded a vid of Montse Cortes. The vid is still on my channel and NADA happened so.... I think if it's really problematic, they gonna delete the vid only but not your account.
I received one once, and thought I could just ignore it. Next day, I checked my account, and I had received a copyright strike and was no longer allowed to post unlisted videos, and was threatened with account deletion and prosecution. So I ain't messin' with that anymore.
About that tango: Oh yeah! I heard some Arabic there - towards the very end! I could only make out two words, though. Part of the lyrics (non-Arabic) earlier on in the tangos are used verbatim in a Gipsy Kings rumba.
and I had received a copyright strike and was no longer allowed to post unlisted videos, and was threatened with account deletion and prosecution.
wow! That's really out of the top. It's not like you upload the original song! You should write them a little message and say them that you uploaded your stuff on the rival site DailyMotion coz they sucks (well use diplomatic words but get the idea )!!
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)