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Posts: 475
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35 dollars Later 

I think I'm about to upset many people here by saying that I don't get the hype surrounding the new Diego del Morao CD, after listening to it many times I find it to be just "Pretty". I have yet to hear a piece on it that makes me go WOW I would really love to learn that falseta or tune. To me it sounds very watered down, watered down like the bad jazz that you hear on an elevator, or watered down like some new age guitar. No, I do not think that Diego is a new age guitarist nor do I think that he is not amazing, because I have heard a lot of amazing stuff by him, but how is this album a flamenco one rather than some kind of new flamenco jazz thing. If Flamenco is about rithym, I ask why is it that I cannot picture a dancer dancing to it? Rather I picture people having a nice QUIET dinner.

I remember someone here saying that Paco de Lucia said that Diego may be the greatest guitarist ever, I don't think so, but it surely made me want to listen and 35 dollars later I am still listening, because I truly want to understand the rave regarding this cd Orate. As well I find it lovely to fall asleep to.

So shoot me.


Free Palestine
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 14:50:18

Posts: 1409
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From: .fr

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain


No, I do not think that Diego is a new age guitarist

time will tell...


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 14:58:14

Posts: 153
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From: WI, USA

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

I agree with you, Rain...fortunately I downloaded the album first before spending $35 on it :) I saw some great stuff of Diego online and along with all the excitement about it here on the Foro, I thought this would be a lot more exciting as well.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 15:08:18

Posts: 1943
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

you can't imagine a dancer dancing to it because it wasn't created for that purpose...Diego had been under pressure to create his own solo cd, i'm not sure he even wanted to do one...he's mainly an accompanyist, who occasionally plays some solo stuff that are usually's a question of taste...
also, most of the material that's on the cd has been known from other appearances on cd's and live shows, that may have taken away from the experience a bit...but if you listen to it much you'll learn to like it...i think most flamenco solo cd's take time any many re-listens to really absorb...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 15:31:55

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ


i think most flamenco solo cd's take time any many re-listens to really absorb...

Not for me they don't. I can name dozens of flamenco guitar cd's that i fell in love with at first listen--dozens and dozens to be quite honest.

The reason for my post is to figure out what it is that members such as yourself are hearing that is viewed as being great that I am not. I'm questioning my own hearing, for some unknown reason to me, many people here rave about this guy and I'm trying to understand why. If my listening skills are poor I want to improve it, is there something that you are hearing that I am not? Is there something specific that I should be listening for?

Help me to understand. Is there a specific piece on Orate that is genus that I should listen to, and learn to recognize as such?


Free Palestine
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 16:07:01

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

I posted comments somewhere else about it. I was also not so impressed as I thought I would be. The solea has some interesting things until the very end where he repeats the same arpegio like 9 times! I think he just did not have much music. The dynamics overall are kind of flat and quiet, not sure if it was his playing to blame or the way it was recorded.

Comparing to Jesus del Rosario's CD, another modern young master, which has a lot more clearity and dynamics I feel. Yet Diego remains one of my favorite players because of his work with various singers.



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 16:07:51

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Ricardo


The solea has some interesting things until the very end where he repeats the same arpegio like 9 times! I think he just did not have much music.

Seeing this vid i doubt that. He has sorted out alot of falsetas...

Im not too crazy about Orate too, but this is because most of the stuff has been released beforehand. Plus, the expectations were already high.

Jesus' CD... unreached.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 16:26:37

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

Hmmm.. yes the CD is very repetitive... some tracks sound more like background music..but.. I love it. Great feeling overall. The buleria where Cigala the opening is so awesome. These dynamics.. great.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 16:38:03

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From: Washington DC

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to XXX


Seeing this vid i doubt that. He has sorted out alot of falsetas..

hmm, seems different, more dynamic too. Perhaps he recorded the solea on CD before this live show even. I mean they have been talking about this CD coming for years now. Too bad he was out of tune on that vid. Compare to this which is a lot more laid back sounding:


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 16:38:27

Posts: 2030
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From: London

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Ricardo

I am a fan of Diego del Morao but I also have found Orate not to my taste. I do like the bulerias with El Cigala and the Solea (though not as much as Monste Cortes' solea where he's playing similar stuff, for example that repeating appegio with her singing over it is beautiful.)

Even though I'm not into the album I still rate Diego del Morao very highly. There are some great recordings and live footage on youtube of him accompanying (and playing solo).

I often have this problem with singers too, where live or live recordings blow me away and then the studio recordings are too watered down. There can be some smooth jazz tendancies in contemporary flamenco that leave me cold.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 18:42:07


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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

Hace poco tiempo, eschuché a Diego, acompañado a José Mercé. No dejó ningún espacio al cantaor: José tuvo que pisar en sus falsetas para cantar. Vino porque su padre no estaba bien, pero no tiene nada que ver con Moraíto. No intiendo porque está considerado un buen tocaór.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:01:27

Posts: 2030
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From: London

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Morante

@ Morante
To be fair I've also seen Jose Merce sing over Tomatito's falsetas, so maybe it's not all Diego del Morao's fault?

Don't you think that Diego del Morao is great accompanying Montse Cortes, El Cigala, La Tana, La Macanita etc....?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:12:58

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

Hey Morante,

hallo erstmal. Hm. Ich hab grad kein Bock dein Geschreibsl zu überdingsen,.. warum schreibse nich einfach mal in Englisch? Dat hier is n englisches Forum Jung. Porque..aqui algunas personas no hablan espanol amigo.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:25:48


Posts: 595
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From: Hong Kong

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

The thing that annoys me with a lot of the modern guitar CDs including Orate is that they somehow lack any punch whatsoever and seem intentionally produced that way, maybe to cater to a "jazz" crowd or whatever. If I compare this to Vicente's early CDs for just seems to have so much more raw energy. I guess that's something not desired these days. I listened to the album and was disappointed too, honestly even though I may be burned at stake for saying it but it might have benefited from having bigger arrangements with additional instruments...

For me it's just too "quiet", and the compositions aren't very exciting either. A shame really.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:27:51

Posts: 475
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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Munin


raw energy.

Every CD on my top ten list has just that "Raw Energy"
Moraito, raw energy, Diego del Gastor raw energy, Paco de Lucia raw energy and the list goes on. To me flamenco is a whore not a princess, it is dirty not clean, it is anything but bourgeois rather it is a **** you to the bourgeois. Orate is pretty yes, but all and all it is flamenco for yuppies, clean sounds for the bourgeois.


Free Palestine
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:43:11

Posts: 288
Joined: Dec. 8 2010

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Ricardo


Is it just me or does anyone else hate when people get a really beautiful guitar signed on the top or anywhere else on the guitar except for the inside sticker? Every time I see a signature on the top plate it becomes to center focal point for me and is incredibly annoying.. GRAH.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:47:18

Posts: 1409
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From: .fr

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain


, but all and all it is flamenco for yuppies, clean sounds for the bourgeois.

it's because Diego grew up with a silver spoon in mouth


Hace poco tiempo, eschuché a Diego, acompañado a José Mercé. No dejó ningún espacio al cantaor: José tuvo que pisar en sus falsetas para cantar. Vino porque su padre no estaba bien, pero no tiene nada que ver con Moraíto. No intiendo porque está considerado un buen tocaór.

Si! lo mismo digo. Aki se nota muy clarito ... ke asko!


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:49:34
el ted


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:53:35

Posts: 1943
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to cRobson12

i had mine signed by Paco de Lucía too
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 19:56:17

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 20:02:33

Posts: 1943
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to cRobson12

actually i'm very happy with it
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 20:04:11

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ


i had mine signed by Paco de Lucía too

I would never anybody smear on my guitars... Also not Paco.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 21:15:27

Posts: 4516
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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

all in all, great CD imo.
there is always something which could have been better.
but all in all, no complaint from me.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2010 22:08:47

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RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

I won't shoot you , because I simply agree with you
I listened to the cd many times and actually liked it .. but it's not so powerful if it's right to say that .. as you guys said it sounds like background music , it doesn't have fire in it's tracks that attract the listeners

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 13 2010 10:29:57

Posts: 1409
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From: .fr

RE: 35 dollars Later (in reply to Rain

for me background music is something like this...beurrk! i really can't stand with that


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 13 2010 13:55:40
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