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Posts: 1766
Joined: Feb. 26 2009
From: Eindhoven NL

Foro support idea (or not) 

Since the finances to run this forum are running up I had an idea which maybe would be nice.
Ofcourse I am by no means a business man, or have any idea what it would take to work but anyway.

I like the idea of having a Foro webshop were we can order some stuff with the Foro logo on it. It has some emotional value because lot of us spent a lot of time overhere,

As I said before I have no idea about such implementation, but here's an idea

Or maybe I had nothing better to do this afternoon and just wanted to post somethig

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 13:01:29

Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz


Escribano nail files! con aire strings!

i say it's definitely worthy of some thought. i'm not a businessman either so let's see what other have to say.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 14:29:32

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to at_leo_87

I like it - I have been having similar thoughts. There is room for products endorsed and branded by such a community.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 14:55:18

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

Like it - but we would have to vote on which items would make the most sense and how to source them to sell at a modest profit. I am thinking.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 14:56:48

Posts: 153
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From: WI, USA

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

Excellent! I`d buy!...maybe strings, accessories, maybe even CD`s /DVD`s?
We won`t have to deal with the headache`s people have with Flamenco-world as I recently saw posted :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:06:57

Posts: 306
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RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

haha nice
but is that golden gripper in 24 carat gold?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:10:55

Posts: 5078
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RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

Nice idea..I had the same idea some time ago together with a friend to make some bucks (not with foro flamenco). But it wasnt possible to sell such things which are under copyright with your new label. In the end we had to cancel this idea.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:13:58
gj Michelob

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From: New York City/San Francisco

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz


I like the idea of having a Foro webshop were we can order some stuff with the Foro logo on it. It has some emotional value because lot of us spent a lot of time overhere,

As I said before I have no idea about such implementation, but here's an idea

You quietly pushed an open door, Kozz. The idea is sound.

A couple of suggestions, and some problems requiring as solution:

1. Products could extend to include the critical article: Guitars. With so many luthiers on board and Navarro and Castillo in a NAFTA territory.
2. Perhaps some endorsements could be by members. I am so easily influenced by anything Rocardo says, I would buy Ricardo endorsed strings by the dozen!!
3. Of course let’s not forget “music”, which the foro could sell on behalf of the recording artists who honor us here (CDbaby goodbye?).

1. Cost of production and maintenance of inventory
2. Quality control
3. Logistics of sales: Warehousing stock to supply customers’ requirements
4. Worldwide Shipping administration.

However, I agree, it would be fabulous if the Foro had its own “gift shop”. Of course, this could lend the idea on how to resolve all problems, by creating an on line “concession” (a third party shop) operating exactly as a gift shop at your local museum does.


gj Michelob
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:25:32

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

perhaps we could set up some sort of cosigning agreement. there's a few cejilla makers here, maybe they'd be interested?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:38:25


Posts: 121
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RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz


Like it - but we would have to vote on which items would make the most sense and how to source them to sell at a modest profit. I am thinking.

.. and also to get a genuine feel of really how much business could be turned over at that modest profit, by getting members to pledge an approximate amount of business in the next year.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 15:42:48

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

I am overwhelmed by all the positive reactions, I aspected otherwhise

Perhaps first of all it must be a benefit to the forum, so the marges on products should be nice I think. When I worked at a musicstore, selling cables was the best thing to do .

What is it what we all need, and could be branded as foro.
perhaps the all flamenco chords in nice pdf format for 1 euro etc.

But how to sent etc???

I'll leave it open and see how ideas will arise in future posts and see if I can make some kinda summary in a while
(business case )


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 16:27:42

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz


But how to sent etc???

It's a nice idea Kozz, but the problem as far as I can see, is with maintaining stock levels and being able to ship promptly...coupled with VAT control, accounts and Inland Revenue returns.

As far as "re-branding" items go...we'll, that's possible on very large quantities.

That would need quite a big outlay and a lot of thinking about, as well as someone willing to package and ship these items.

On a smaller scale..

There is a very good pen distributor in the UK who will make your own brand of pen. I've used them a couple of times and their stuff is really excellent quality and look good and work well.
(The beauty of pens IMO is that people leave them lying around or lose them and somebody finds I saw it as low-tech viral marketing.. )

You've got to buy 100+ minimum, but they are a reasonable price.

Would be quite a nice thing to own and be seen using...

T-shirts (a la Pimientito) may be another reasonable cost item too, though much more expensive, but manageable on small stock levels and readily quick production to order with a reliable T shirt supplier..

(Also "ForoFlamenco Highland Malt Whisky" )


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 18:17:17

Posts: 942
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From: Sweden

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

I vote for T-shirts and Cejillas in collaboration with members who design/make them. Glass nail-files with a foroflamenco-logo perhaps.

Ricardo endorsed strings.. Great! but if they are repackaged laBella 820B's I would have to skip them. I don't like the trebles, even if they do look cool

I would like to buy strings by the meter. Only on ForoFlamenco! I wonder if it would be possible to convince a string maker to sell big reels of string.. perhaps they don't do it because of corrosion or profile deformation. hmm.

organized foro events in andalucia and elsewhere with lodging, guitar classes etc... just a thought.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 18:36:53

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to mrMagenta


Ricardo endorsed strings.. Great! but if they are repackaged laBella 820B's I would have to skip them


People put on a different hat when it comes to making personal decisions involving strings, guitars etc.

This Forum has a number of very talented members who make or supply original products.

If they wish to place an advert here, then they are going to address a major part of the foreign aficionados in the world.

Small, low cost and unique items bearing the Foro logo could be made available since they are "value added" products and could raise a small profit at a low cost.

But the idea of repackaging commercial products already available elsewhere does not really seem feasible to me.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 19:42:16

Posts: 153
Joined: May 27 2010
From: WI, USA

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

Wow...I`m liking all the excitement here!!
am starting to feel hopeful for those Foroshirts again too!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2010 20:42:37

Posts: 1514
Joined: Jul. 13 2007
From: Chicago

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

perhaps we could talk to stringsbymail and ask them if they might be interested in administrating a section or at least consider an involvement with us


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 2:21:24
Ramon Amira


Posts: 1025
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From: New York City

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

There are hundreds of companies that would do this for us. The general term that these companies go by is called "Advertising Specialties." For example, they will put someone's company name and/or logo on any of literally thousands and thousands of different items. Tee shirts, calendars, pens, mugs, bags – there's no end. It's actually relatively inexpensive, because they're geared up to do that sort of thing.

And in this case, we could contract with various manufacturers of items of interest to flamenco guitarists – as has been said – strings, cejillas, footstools, nail files, etc. We buy these items from these manufacturers, who then ship them directly to the company that does the imprinting, who then ships it all to us. We of course, have to market and sell it.

By outsourcing – manufacturing and imprinting and packaging, we're free to focus on promoting it all. It simplifies everything. But of course the logistics still are formidable.


Classical and flamenco guitars from Spain Ramon Amira Guitars
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 3:09:58

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

I don't know, I think the money resulting from sales of such an operation would not amount to much after costs and all the bs involved, although I hope I am wrong there.

I know one forum that has a drive for members to pay-up to keep the forum alive. The members that post stuff-up and contribute and upload have an interest in keeping it going as they have a stake in it. Maybe some money should be put into making things more customizable for the members, like a facebook page almost, so we have a little flamenco piece of us on the net that we want to keep alive.

I bet if less than half of us kick in $5 bucks once a year the problems would disappear. We already have money in the bank for prize purposes so we know we can raise money from the members and it does work...

Love the branded products though!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 5:02:39

Posts: 277
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From: Toronto

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

What about a Foroflamenco instructional Dvd?
It could cover Toque, maybe some Baile and maybe even some guitarmaking tips. You know, some things that are not usually found in other places. Just an idea
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 6:05:19

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz

Hee guys,
this is what I like, just posting your ideas, what-not-to-do, what is benefitial etc.
Eventually we can make a first inventarisation and continue the feasabillity of it etc.

Personally I also started thinking first about the negative sites about it, but some training at work changed my whole approach to such things.
First drop down every idea, positive, negative, productwise etc etc, than deduce it to some reachable goals, taking in account the hard aspects of it and see what can be done with that to solve it.

Only a small start, can open doors, and from thereon the posibillities are endless.

I also liked the idea from endorcements with our "woodworker professionals".

if we make a poll with small-products, is it possible to check more items than one?
Than we have an idea of most common wanted products and see if this could be possible.
Of course it needs to be quality material, and not a directly a whole online-store as amazon.

Maybe some advertisments from the Sanlucar courses, or the other courses could also generate extra income.

ideas...ideas...and ideas....


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 6:05:49

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to CuerdasDulces


What about a Foroflamenco instructional Dvd?
It could cover Toque, maybe some Baile and maybe even some guitarmaking tips. You know, some things that are not usually found in other places. Just an idea

Thats a great idea either.
Some basic compas toques, palmas exercises, some baile, basic guitar making.
I like it.

Ok, a foro is a place to ask your questions and get an answer for free, but lot of questions come up everytime, and are definately worth a few euro's if you can get it on DVD.
Maybe even an included a software compas metronome


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 6:09:17

Posts: 1766
Joined: Feb. 26 2009
From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to Leendert


Wow...I`m liking all the excitement here!!
am starting to feel hopeful for those Foroshirts again too!

Me too!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 6:10:54

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to Ron.M


But the idea of repackaging commercial products already available elsewhere does not really seem feasible to me.

I agree in way Ron.
At the music store were I worked for some time, we got quality cables from Monster, but had to repack it with our own logo. A hell of a job, but people are willing to buy it.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 6:13:37

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to Leendert


am starting to feel hopeful for those Foroshirts again too!

As modelled by Gerardo Nuñez.....I still have quite a few left in medium and large sizes. Pm me if interested.


Follow my blog

"Ceremonial" by Mark Shurey "Pimientito". CD and digital download vailable on Amazon and
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 8:47:33

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to kozz


if we make a poll with small-products, is it possible to check more items than one?

Sure, I'll set on up in another section. Then we can do some research.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 9:56:10

Posts: 1766
Joined: Feb. 26 2009
From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to Escribano


Sure, I'll set on up in another section. Then we can do some research.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 11:44:40

Posts: 272
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From: Israel

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to gj Michelob


1. Products could extend to include the critical article: Guitars. With so many luthiers on board and Navarro and Castillo in a NAFTA territory.
2. Perhaps some endorsements could be by members. I am so easily influenced by anything Rocardo says, I would buy Ricardo endorsed strings by the dozen!!

I like suggestion, we could actually link each product to a thread where foro members talk about it. So anyone can easily get the community opinion.


1. Cost of production and maintenance of inventory
2. Quality control
3. Logistics of sales: Warehousing stock to supply customers’ requirements
4. Worldwide Shipping administration.

To resolve these, we don't actually need a store. We can just do an affiliate and earn from referrals. Yeah, we earn less, but we have less "mess" to deal with. We could start a retail section were we start a thread for any product/vendor that gives us referral fees. Someone approaches a vendor or a retailer that sells a product he used and is willing to endorse, and offers the vendor to open a thread on the foro for that product, with an affiliate link. Any sales the are generated from that link the foro gets a cut.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 14:29:00

Posts: 667
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From: DFW Area, Texas

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to gshaviv

Great Idea.
It is not fifficult to set the e-commerce page, and it can start with a few specialty items sucha as the T-shirt and cejillas, once sales start other items are added.
Fisrt step start creating sales and cash.

We do have a very interesting member base and may people that come and check the foro, set the sales page up, then add survey on the foro of what people need and want.

I am sure that this could be a succesfull venture. Heck raise money from members to set up the Foro Flamenco e-trade venture.

Best of luck!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 18:44:22

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to RTC


Heck raise money from members to set up the Foro Flamenco e-trade venture.

Very encouraging RTC...

But consider the outstanding success of the ForoFlamenco CD at only $4...

...and the response to the "small prize fund" of only $3 per person!

Sure...Let's GO for it!!

How much will you be putting up personally?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 19:38:57

Posts: 667
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From: DFW Area, Texas

RE: Foro support idea (or not) (in reply to Ron.M


Set up a plan and I am sure that I will not be the only one contributing.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2010 19:57:50
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