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Posts: 306
Joined: Feb. 5 2007

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to angie



so ****ty [edited by Admin - the language filter is there for a reason]

only shopping news in magazine, expensive prices, bad service, no answers...

the name could be Flamenco-**** or

welcome, good first post
I'm not a huge fan of flamenco-world either, they can be very slow with answering questions and shipping, the also remove bad user reviews from there products.
I once tried to post a "negative" review about a book I ordered, they didn't post it.
A week later I tried a "positive" review, and yes then they posted it on there site.
So think about that, when you see all "five star" products on there site.
that's also a important reason for me to not buy there any more.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 19 2010 18:59:02

Posts: 5078
Joined: Apr. 10 2005

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan


they also remove bad user reviews from there products.

Yep. One of my reviews was also removed. They are cleaning up and just leave positive feedback.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 19 2010 20:22:13

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

I was always satisfied with Flamenco-World, but now I am experiencing the same issues as no replies on mails etc.
They have time enough to Facebook around during the sending a few items in between wouldn't be asked to much is it?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 20 2010 7:34:09


Posts: 1
Joined: Aug. 22 2010

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

Well, this is a critic note I wrote about the shop and posted in Facebook given that I couldn´t even find a contact email.
Is in Spanish for you to practice. :-D

Nota crítica para Flamenco-World.

Aprovecho este espacio para hacer pública una crítica a su página web.

He tratado infructuosamente de comprar un CD. El precio es unos 12 euros. Vivo en Australia pero no comprendo que los gastos de envío
asciendan a 16 euros.

He buscado sin éxito email donde hacerle llegar mis sugerencias, como por ejemplo que envíe el CD y el libreto, si lo hay, en un
sobre por 1 euro y se ahorre el envoltorio.
Otro de los detalles que me enfurece es el formulario que tengo que
rellenar para comprar mi música. ¿Sinceramente Vd. cree que yo puedo perder mi tiempo y mi
pudor en darle mi teléfono, dos apellidos, calle, móvil, y color de ropa interior?
Sí está usted preguntándose por que la gente no compra más a través de su
página, aproveche esta pista que le estoy dando: ese formulario debería ser

Mientras tanto me mantengo a la espera de sus noticias acerca de una solución a
esos gastos de envío.

Suyo atentamente.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 22 2010 3:07:24

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to solmarfil


y color de ropa interior?


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 22 2010 7:27:21

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to solmarfil

and did it work?

I've sent about 5 mails through their form, and 2 via '', but no response at all. (maybe they don't like the colour of my underpants )

Does anyone know if there is a cancelation and refund possisble if payed via PayPal?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 9:03:30


Posts: 689
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz


Does anyone know if there is a cancelation and refund possisble if payed via PayPal?

Yes, i was refunded. Open a dispute.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 9:06:55

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Mike_Kinny


Yes, i was refunded. Open a dispute.

I'll do that.

We're they quicker refunding than sending you the package? If so it would sound strange to me...or not very businesslike to me anyway.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 9:12:07


Posts: 689
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz


We're they quicker refunding than sending you the package? If so it would sound strange to me...or not very businesslike to me anyway.

They said it isn't on stock and I said no problem then refund me.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 9:15:21

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

Flamenco-World has removed my comment on their Facebook site also.
I think I'll post it again

A little less facebook and paying more attention to your online customers at the store would be very nice!!!
I've sent about 4 mails via the form, 2 via the normal mailadress, but no reaction at all.
My confidence in Flamenco-world has dropped and therefore have requested a refund on my order.

Not possible, I've been banned


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 16:52:06


Posts: 689
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz



Flamenco-World has removed my comment on their Facebook site also.

mine too.


Not possible, I've been banned

Me too.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 17:02:04

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Mike_Kinny


Me too.

At least we can let the world know about it


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 17:07:35

Posts: 306
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz



Flamenco-World has removed my comment on their Facebook site also.
I think I'll post it again

A little less facebook and paying more attention to your online customers at the store would be very nice!!!
I've sent about 4 mails via the form, 2 via the normal mailadress, but no reaction at all.
My confidence in Flamenco-world has dropped and therefore have requested a refund on my order.

Not possible, I've been banned

wow that's very, very impertinent (not sure of that's the right word)
You already have your money back kozz?
I probably never order there again,since al those bad reviews.

I've recently ordered something from la sonanta, a new flamenco shop in Belgium, with also a lot of books,cd and stuff.
Friendly people, good service, run by musicians.(not like FW)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 17:09:43

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

That's pretty bad form if that is what Flamenco-World is doing now.
I've bought quite a lot of stuff from them in the past and though sometimes I've had to wait a few weeks for certain items, generally the service was OK.

It's a pity, because they have developed their site for many years now as the major CD and Flamenco-related products site on the net.

I must admit, I have no time for businesses that invite customer comments and then deletes the negative ones... That totally just stinks IMO.

There is a UK electronic boards supplier who does exactly I've stopped dealing with them after a couple of terrible experiences with them.

I'm always wary now of small businesses who don't have a presence on eBay...(when all the others do) I know why!... Non-deleteable customer feedback!

Anyway, Flamenco-World used to be a good company, so I don't know what's happened. New ownership? I dunno?

Anyway, if Flamenco-World feel they are being treated unjustly here, they are most welcome to respond to the above comments right here on this thread, speak freely.. and set the record straight themselves....


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 18:22:40

Posts: 306
Joined: Feb. 5 2007

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Ron.M



Anyway, if Flamenco-World feel they are being treated unjustly here, they are most welcome to respond to the above comments right here on this thread, speak freely.. and set the record straight themselves....

yeah that's a good idea, and if they post something then we delete it!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 18:38:21

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

I contacted them a while back to see if they would be interested in advertising here. We would charge a small amount for click-throughs (like Google ads) to help with running costs.

They never replied


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 19:13:44

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz


A little less facebook and paying more attention to your online customers at the store would be very nice!!!

Personally, I think that is the problem presented by the Internet.

Some small business owners get so intrigued and fascinated with presenting a Worldwide image at quite little effort or cost that they shift their main interest to advertising and completely neglect or even forget their core business.

I get emails every week from the Electronics business I mentioned before offering various things like "Special Fantastic World Cup Discounts this Month" etc etc..

I know the business consists of two men and a dog working from a shed....but they have become totally infatuated by the Web and dreams of becoming Internet millionaires, that they now spend all their time redecorating their site and presenting themselves as a multimillion dollar corporation and emailing special offers etc (while not responding to customer complaints) and have completely forgotten about providing the core service they started out with..

Webmania takes over... and they live in an unreal world of dreams and untold fortunes IMO.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 23 2010 20:02:24

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Mike_Kinny

After having opened a dispute I was immediately contacted the day after.
The would sent me my Cd, but I had not ordered a CD
Replied on that again and few hours after that I got a confirmation mail that my order was sent out and that it'll arrive today .

All by all, I am happy now that it'll arrive today.
Perhaps I will enjoy it even more because it took some effort to get it.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2010 7:43:02


Posts: 101
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to orsonw

I agree with Mark's experience. Flamenco World have a good feature giving you a sample preview of dvds. However, their carriage charges are more expensive than other sites. I also found myself switching my order to deflamenco.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2010 19:50:11
mark indigo


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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to kozz


it'll arrive today.

did it arrive yet?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 29 2010 11:13:21

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to mark indigo


did it arrive yet?

Yes about 1 hour after I had posted this.
You got some mail.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 30 2010 11:43:14


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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

so angry spaniard customer...

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 14 2010 21:00:52

[Deleted] (in reply to yohan

[Deleted by Admins]
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 16 2010 19:33:16

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Guest


Mayeb foro should open a flamenco store (with reasonable prices and cheap shipping) or perhaps we can start to do "group buys" and get discounts direct from the distributors.

We've been discussing it recently. Problem I see is the amount of wholesale stock we would need to buy (up front capital) and then someone has to code the web site, pack and ship the goods, deal with all the issues etc. I fear there would not be enough take up here on the forum to support such a venture, even not-for-profit. Need to do the numbers though.

A set of strings shipped within the UK to arrive guaranteed next day? More than the strings!


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 16 2010 20:43:27

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Guest


I was looking at picking up the "500 Flamenco Chords" book but the only way to get it is to order from one of the European suppliers and the shipping charges are close to $35!! Thats more than the book itself

If you got it from here:

Contact Geert, because so,etimes there is something wrong with their shipping calculations/
(I should have payed 18 euro transport costs for a nut bone from 2,95 euro )


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2010 3:01:25


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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Mike_Kinny

I have been a customer since 1999, and found the service excellent initially, but in recent years the service has become unreliable.

Four weeks ago I ordered a just released CD. They charged my credit card immediately including express delivery, and then nothing happened. This has happened to me three times in the last two years.

After several email enquiries I was told the CD is not available because they received a damaged shipment. This doesn't seem right because customers have posted reviews of the CD on the website, so some customers are receiving deliveries.

It seems to me they are charging customers for products they cannot deliver.

Even more annoying is that they keep sending me emails inviting me to buy the same CD they apparently do not have. They could at least put a "temporarily out of stock" banner on the website.

They need to understand that they should not charge for product and delivery until it leaves the front door. It is simply poor service. In some countries retailers can be prosecuted for selling things they don't have.

I still don't have the CD!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2010 9:40:04
Anders Eliasson

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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to yohan

I recently had problems with Flamenco-world and from now on its a place where I wont buy again.
Same thing. They charge you for something they dont have and no replys to E-mails

Fortunately I got my money back after a while.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2010 10:48:50

Posts: 4400
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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to redplanet


ORIGINAL: redplanet
Even more annoying is that they keep sending me emails inviting me to buy the same CD they apparently do not have. They could at least put a "temporarily out of stock" banner on the website.

This happened to me with a different, non-flamenco store lately. I got the delivery one week later so it was ok. But they should have sent me a mail at latest by receiving the order, if they dont have the menpower to upadte their site. Best is to be careful with such shops.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2010 12:13:16


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RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Mike_Kinny

There is a new flamenco shop online
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 11 2010 14:12:14


Posts: 231
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From: L.A.

RE: Flamenco world shop (in reply to Lucerom


their pricing on the Encuentro series is $119 plus $5 shipping.

You're thinking euros vs dollars. 80 euros is $112.
That's like 2 hours of private lessons? BFD.

They're in my experience reasonable on price and very good with delivery speed and service. Highly recommend
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 14 2010 22:11:47
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