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Gents, I've been disappointed by nail glues for the last few years. I remember the kind when I was a kid that would hold the construction worker up by his helmet, but super glue just kinda sucked lately. I thought maybe it had become too expensive to make it the right way, or the chemicals in it were found to be too toxic, or something. But after a recent trip to my local CVS, I came across Nailene "The Original Super Glue" nail glue
And let me tell you this stuff rocks! I've got a repair on my thumb nail that has held for 2 weeks! Drop some on and put a thin layer of tissue in it Paco style, and it will harden fast and hold tight. I'm so stoked about this stuff that I had to pass it on.
I have absolutely no affiliation with the company. Just very happy to find something, finally, again, that works. Check it out...
I use a couple of coats of Krazy Glue on my nails, but I'm interested in how you glue tissue onto the nail. I have heard of this, but would like to know more. Does the nail hold up longer with tissue glued on? What kind of tissue? And how do you do it? I have heard that some use a couple of layers of tissue. Please advise exactly how you glue the tissue on the nails. I assume you have to cut the tissue to conform to the nail after it is glued, correct?
Thanks in advance for your assistance and advice on this matter.
but I'm interested in how you glue tissue onto the nail. I have heard of this, but would like to know more. Does the nail hold up longer with tissue glued on? What kind of tissue? And how do you do it?
The reason for tissue (or silk) is that it soaks up more glue and the fibres also add strength (as in fibreglass structures).
Generally it's a coat of glue, then stick the tissue and shape it, then another coat of glue and perhaps more tissue, more glue....and just build it up.
The Savarez nail repair kit is outrageously priced, but it has sheer silk that's self-adhesive. It's really nice. The silk is much stouter than tissue and it doesn't move around while you're putting on the glue. I had a fairly long crack in my thumbnail. The repair held for about three weeks, until the nail grew out and the crack was filed off.
I'm sure you could find the silk at a nail repair place or a beauty supply store at a much cheaper price, and use Super Glue from the hardware store.
hhmusic, what other glue types/brands you tried before and what was the problem? Do you wash your hands often? Do you play alot and hard? I found a glue that doesnt come off while playing, but it comes or came off after 3 days or so. Im a bit scared that everytime it comes off i have to peel it off from my nail before adding a new layer, which may be damaging to the nail. 2 Weeks is very long lasting, but before i buy something, i would like to be sure that its really different than all the other 100s of products, because essentially when i look at the ingredients, glue is glue IMO.
I have learned that glue, even well stored, evaporates over time and becomes less effective. Occasionally I get a bottle with a very short life span. Like food or batteries or beer, make sure to get the newest freshest you can find.
I have learned that glue, even well stored, evaporates over time and becomes less effective. Occasionally I get a bottle with a very short life span. Like food or batteries or beer, make sure to get the newest freshest you can find.
Yep. When i put on glue the first time on my nail, it lasted for 1 or 2 weeks, cant remember. I was very euphoric. But each application lasted always fewer than the previous one. So in addition to my other questions, i would like to ask you hhmusic how long have you been using this glue?
My 88 year old grandmother showed me that I should keep the bottle stored in a small zip lock baggie. And when she showed me that trick she also gave me that look that I am an idiot for not having thought of that myself!
In the old days they used to use Esparadrapo (like fabric, non waterproof Band-Aid) along with pegamento "Banda Azul" (a clear fairly quick drying general purpose glue).
The good part about it was that the glue did not go directly onto your nails, but after months of use still led to the same old problem of your nails becomming thinner and thinner.
I think it must be the lack of light or something, because everything I tried had the same effect eventually. Not a problem if you are a professional player, since you are constantly maintaining the nail protection...but a real pain for a part timer as it takes an hour or two to do a good job.
Also with the esparadrapo method, the final effect looks like you are wearing pink nail varnish, so you can attract aggro in the wrong sort of pubs etc.
this works first a coat of nail hardener so the glue is not actually on your nail. takes an hour to dry but lasts as long as it takes for your nail to grow
I was amazed to see you use the word "baggie", which is pure Aberdonian for a small bag of any kind. It got me fascinated by how many other local words may have possibly crossed the Atlantic over the decades and centuries.
I googled it just to check...and found out it was a BRAND name!
Aberdonian is from Aberdeen, right? I thought baggie is just a belittleling of bag. Like Ron and Ronnie? There are also "baggy pants", which where quite popular in the nineties. Maybe it comes from being wide like a bag?
Yeah, that's right Deniz, but that is just a perfectly normal English adjective.
Up in Aberdeen they have a habit of adding "ie" to certain nouns to make them, as you say, in the diminutive form, the same way as the Spanish use "ito" or "ita".
Like "You'll have to wait a whilie"... or "a wee minutie" (instead of while or minute)..or "Will I put that in a wee baggie for you?".
I think it's peculiar to the North East, I've never heard it anywhere else.
I don't use it myself, so it gives me away as a "foreigner" to these parts even after 30 years.
PS:" Like Ron and Ronnie?"....yeah..in a way, but how come the male genitilia got known as "Willie" and not "Will"?
(Maybe folk were just being honest and not exaggerating. )
I was amazed to see you use the word "baggie", which is pure Aberdonian for a small bag of any kind. It got me fascinated by how many other local words may have possibly crossed the Atlantic over the decades and centuries.
I googled it just to check...and found out it was a BRAND name!
Oh well...bang goes another wonderful discovery!
Actually I WAS using it as you say, but not with a scooootish accent or anything. We have zip lock bags of various size, large enough for a whole chicken, large sandwich size, small sandwich size. but the thing my grandma gave me was too small even for a half sandwich, hence "baggie".
I've always wondered what a wee naif was and how to pronounce it.
It's pronounced nyaff (or ñaff in Spanish) and usually means a little, annoying, irritating person, an upstart, an over-confident little idiot with a loud mouth and sense of self-importance etc.
Every large office or workplace usually has one.
It's a good word for expressing your sheer contempt, especially when prefixed by F****ng.
I've always wondered what a wee naif was and how to pronounce it.
It's pronounced nyaff (or ñaff in Spanish) and usually means a little, annoying, irritating person, an upstart, an over-confident little idiot with a loud mouth and sense of self-importance etc.
Every large office or workplace usually has one.
It's a good word for expressing your sheer contempt, especially when prefixed by F****ng.
Ah! Thanks. At one point I had read all of Ian Rankin's books because I thought it would help me get in touch with my heritage :-P (and because I like good detective novels)... the main character used that phrase a lot about two-bit hoodlums and it just stuck in my memory like that little popcorn kernel shell that gets caught between your teeth and you can get out with your tongue, but can't seem to ignore...
Back on the topic of glues, many glues come packaged in little bottles like the ones you receive Rx meds in. Obviously the manufacturers know the stuff dries out and it may be the dollar store stuff is cheap because it's past it's suggested shelf-life.
to answer some of the above, based on my particular experience, since some have asked:
i've tried pretty much every nail glue i could find. for me, this one is the best. it's cheap, about $3 for a little bottle (not the aluminum tube), and doesn't seem to clog the dispenser (if you keep it upright) or to dry out as badly as the tubes.
i didn't think of Ricardo's advice to always look for fresh glue, but that seems smart. he usually knows what he's talking about. and to keep it in a ziploc bag. i bet his grandma always knows what she's talking about. ya gotta respect the wisdom that comes with age.
i've found that applying self-adhesive silk or other kinds of cloth to the nail before the glue doesn't work as well, since the glue/cloth creates a layer on top of the nail which will eventually lift.
though it's counter intuitive, i've found that using the most flimsy piece of tissue works best -- not tissue paper, but face or toilet tissue. i split it into it's thinnest layer (there are usually 2 or 3), then tear a tiny bit just bigger than the repair. be sure that little bit is torn/frayed on all sides so that its fibers will spread out into the glue.
i then put a thin coat of glue to cover the entire crack or area of repair, then place the tissue into it and let it soak in. if there was not enough glue to saturate the tissue, i drop on a little more, then let it dry.
if i think the repair needs more strength, i'll repeat with a little less glue and another layer of tissue, and let it dry completely. takes a while.
if the glue is good, it will harden just like plastic, but married very well to the nail, and can be filed just like the nail. i know have a repair like this on the very tip of my thumbnail which has held for 4 weeks!
this seems to work well for repairs toward the end of the nail.
if i get a crack that runs across the nail, and far back in the nail, that would take a month or more to grow out, i resort to covering the entire nail with acrylic powder. this will lift off partially about every 7-10 days, and will need to be removed and reapplied, till the crack grows out to where it can be glued and eventually filed off. a pain, but i've found this is the only way to keep a nail if you get one of these far back cracks.
if you're not familiar, there's probably a you tube video of how to apply acrylic powder. if not, i recommend going to a nail salon to have it done to your thumbnail next time you get a big sideways crack. it'll cost about 10 bucks, but watch carefully how it's done, so you can do it yourself next time. (that's how I learned anyway, and met some very nice old ladies at the salon...)
I often wear work gloves at work regardless of the season (some trades try to bug me about it), but as I'm also a first aid attendant, I have to be sure I can whip a pair of exam gloves on at a moment's notice and some kinds of dirt make that hard...
Anyway, I haven't found any glue that won't lift or flake under those conditions.
yeah, i can see how that would be hard on glue - the kind of humidity that builds up inside a work glove. have you tried acrylic? not the plastic nails you glue on, but the powder that you paint on as a gel? it's the most bombproof stuff i've tried, when used over existing nails. it will begin to lift and may become unplayable after a week. but in my experience will stand up to the most abuse.
btw, you might give his nailene 'original super glue' stuff a try. i'm still very impressed by it, and was prepared to write it off.