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Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
Good morning everyone. Irene and I are working on uploading the Beginners' Challenge submissions, which will follow below, shortly.
7 entries
Edit: Apologies, we are running late. some office emergencies. But Irene is working on it. All entries were timely received before Midnight but i had missed one ... 7 entries, thank you Irene.
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
I've been looking forward to hearing these entries. Well done everyone who took part. You are all on the way to becoming flamencos. Even a simple buleria pattern is very tricky to get right and much harder than a beginners classical guitar study. Anyone who can play even a simple bulerias on the guitar has worked very hard. Olé to all of you.
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
promise to judge tomorrow! I have a presentation tomorrow and almost no time left to practice it... Sorry... no time today. I hope its early enough,..tomorrow.
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to Kate)
OK I'm awarding my marks according to what I'd like to hear from somebody who has been studying for a year or so.
BATMAN Technique 9 Compas 9 Aire 9
Very impressed...I'm sure you could play that in a bar juerga in Jerez and a singer would be happy. Put me in mind of Diego Amaya! Well done!
DEADPOOL Technique 6 Compas 6 Aire 6
Needs some work in all areas although you are definitely on the right track.
GAMBIT Technique 7 Compas 7 Aire 8
Good driving sound.
HUMAN TORCH Technique 8 Compas 8 Aire 8
This sounds like a good player on Amazing Slowdowner!
NICK FURY Technique 7 Compas 8 Aire 7
Felt a little bit unsure and shaky in places. Practise basic Bulerias strumming to a metronome or loop until you feel comfy and relaxed with it.
SUPERMAN Technique 6 Compas 7 Aire 7
I think your technique is letting you down overall. Practise doing things really smoothly.
THE THING Technique 6 Compas 5 Aire 6
Same comments really, as for Nick.
In all, very well done...much better than I was expecting.
ALL Flamenco rhythms can be dodgy to follow depending on how well you know it and how far the person you are listening to wants to take it! This is the whole delight of Compás and the energy behind the music and always a constant challenge.
Again, you have to be really confident about WHAT you are meant to be playing before you can do it....if you are not really at home with the compás, then no amount of Technique will ever overcome this.
That being said, I think everybody did very well in this complicated rhythm considering that it's hard enough just to play anything good on the guitar at all!
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
BATMAN Technique 8 Compas 9 Aire 8
DEADPOOL Technique 6 Compas 6 Aire 6
GAMBIT Technique 6 Compas 8 Aire 7
HUMAN TORCH Technique 6 Compas 5 Aire 6
NICK FURY Technique 6 Compas 8 Aire 7
SUPERMAN Technique 6 Compas 7 Aire 6
THE THING Technique 5 Compas 5 Aire 5
The compás problem raises its head again here, but I should like to draw attention to the lack of clarity and definition in the rasgeados, which applies to almost everyone. You need to work on independence and strength in the fingers because rasgeos, the same as falsetas must have their internal compás.
Well done everyone: I would never have had the courage to do what you have done when I was starting.
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
Oley! Some really nice compases there! Sad is, that most of them were very slow... I gave more points for correctly played compas at igher speed than the same in lower speed. Sorry I rated extremely low but I will calculate that away when all points are in. Only the comparison between the challengers count in the end. I want to comment, but its ok to wait with that till he have the winner. I know who that will be. It was pretty obvious this time IMO.
I think all are on a good way. I heared no absolute beginner. All have sense IMO. .. Man,.. when I remember a person (he was carpenter) in my past. He almost hit his guitar into pieces when "playing"... He was extremely rude, 0% compas... Allways when he played, everybody hoped that he immediately stop with that.. But no one said a word... :./ That happens if you are too polite. The players dont improve because they think they are already perfect.
Posts: 15412
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
Very good for everyone, not sure if everyone is truly a beginner because most everyone was pretty close to right on compas. Problem for me was technique as Sean mentioned, rasgueado is the main technique here and is weak for all. And aire was hard too because for me at this slower tempo, pretty much doesn't really have the "aire" for me of bulerias. In some cases it was aire of solea almost! But of course I am a big advocate of slow even practice, just i was thinking to have a 0 or even 5 for aire for everyone since all are learning to get this thing. But I did my best anyway to be fair and follow the judging rules.
Batman tec. 7 compas 8 aire 6 total 21 Nice work, good sound and golpes, just need to work on the rasgueado, more digging into it, and need to get rid of the few little spot of lost tempo to move to intermediate level.
Deadpool 4 3 3 10 You are getting a decent sound, and even pretty steady tempo, but not feeling the meter yet. You went out of compas a couple times, but it is good you have pretty solid tempo which I think is more important. You will get it!
Gambit 5 6 5 16
Humantorch 4 6 5 15
Nick Fury 6 6 4 16
Superman- 6 7 6 19 Very close taking this to the next level. Like Batman work on technique and tempo, try to feel each note and space where it belongs in time.
The Thing- 3 4 3 9
Man when you first started, it was nice and fast and had the "aire" and I got excited! But then I realized quickly your tempo is really lacking. You got to work on tempo and things are gonna start to focus for you real quick.
Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
RE: FLORIAN & JASON? BEGINNERS' CHAL... (in reply to Ricardo)
Duende, Doitsujin and Ricardo have provided their scores. Thank you.
Florian and Jason, are you to add your numbers, or do the posted scores complete the verdict?
Regradless, we shall give it thorugh the morning of tomorrow, Friday and then I will draw the total line to announce the winner.
Maybe Doitsujin will entertain us again with those cool stats he did for the intermediate challenge, will you?
A final footnote: Although the judges have expressed themselves fairly, I am worried that reading each others' comments and votes may have affected the later scores, and formed a chronological uniformity.
RE: FLORIAN & JASON? BEGINNERS' CHAL... (in reply to gj Michelob)
A final footnote: Although the judges have expressed themselves fairly, I am worried that reading each others' comments and votes may have affected the later scores, and formed a chronological uniformity.
I would kinda doubt that gj. Folk here tend to speak their mind regardless of what others think.
Yeah...what's happened to Florian? Have you PMed or emailed him?
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
First off ..OLE TO all of you..i am so proud u guys decided to be part of this and i am honoured in giving you feedback and scores..
Technique 8 Compas 9 Aire 9
total 26
Ole !very nice.. my suggestion to you..for the future also practice different dynamics and power in places ..its all at the same volume through out atm...
Technique 7 Compas 5 Aire 6
Well done..i like that you did it really slow, i realize you are probably at the start of your jurney so this isnt criticism..its some ideas..,the compas needs a litlle bit of work...so use my counting loop i made for the same audio and count along with the recordings..you seem to jump from 12 straight to 3..
suggestion.. for a different type of practice..sit at your computer along with a loop or flamenco master and count along with the buleria compas ..at very very slow speed..there is not way around internalizing and really understanding the compas..you cannot guess your way around it or hope for the best..dont leave your comupter desk until you know whats going on and what count everything falls on...as you get beter try doing it with recordings..
good luck and well done again
Technique 6 Compas 8 Aire 6
Well done....not bad compas (for the most part) but your sound is suffering a litlle ..because u perhaps pushed your speed just a litlle too much ?...also dig in with your rasqueado...sounds like you are only just brushing the surface atm..
Ole to you ..thank you for taking part
Technique 8 Compas 8 Aire 8
Ole to you !!..I am totally impressed with you and your decision..to do it slow and get as good sound as you can..i scored you more generous then some in this competition who are perhaps even a litlle more advanced than yourself but because id like to reward your wise decision..i think you have a very wise and smart approach and you are on the right track..u know what u need to do.
thank you and congratulations
Technique 9 Compas 6 Aire 7
Ole ! you have a nice sound..very very close..my suggestion for the future is that you build on this and focus deeper on the compas..u are aware of the compas..u know it, i can tell..but the more u practice with it slow the more you will internalize it..theres a difference between beeing aware of it and having it internalized..i realize it will take time so this is no criticism..u have done greate..this is just the next step of you imo..u have the sound...
Ole :-)
Technique 9 Compas 9 Aire 8
Ole..u have an unfair advantage with that name lol..whos gonna score superman bad ? lol
Very nice..u have a nice sound..not bad compas..the one thing that stood out to me was that when it changed from compas to thumb at 00:22..your thumb didnt keep up with the nice sound and feel your compas has established ..so it took me out of my swing a litlle bit..
also one thing i noticed with everyone not just you but try and understand the feel and the effect everything is sopossed to create in a compas like this..
for example..the way u end your compas at 00:25..thats the end of a section before it goes into the different feel/ swing part of the audio
to highlight the next part correctly and achive the right feel u wanna end that section nice, strong (dig in) and defenete..the eight and ten loud,punchy and final ( and it was a touch lazy in compas..a split second earlyer)..then it sets you up nicely for the next part
OLE ..Well done, thank you for taking part..you shouldnt have pushed youself this fast if you werent comfortable with it..it seems to me like you are having dificulties with the compas..better slower ..my suggestion..spend some time next really focusing on the compas ..there is no way around it..you cant guess yourself around it and hope noone will notice it..count along.loops etc.. i have uploaded the the audio of the challenge section with my voice counting along side it..
practice really really slow with loops but first count along with it without the guitar..flamenco master ( can download it here on the forum) is very useful because it offers a visual thing and as well audio...so u can see the beat everything falls on..
Congratulations and thank you for taking part..ofcourse no criticism to you whatsoever..i dont know your level..i know you worked hard for this so be proud of that..now take the oportunity to really build on it and understand it.
Thats it :-)
thank you guys, very good entries..i hope some of my suggestions might help some of you..id like to think all..but you are all on the right track, u will get better with or without my suggestions lol
And i mean it I really am proud of all of you..i wanna encourage you all to continue sharing your progress with us..dont sitt on the sidelines as guests in your own forum watching others upload thinking your audio is not good enough to upload.. ..dont be shy or scared..the benefits are huge..
absoluteley every guitarrist in the world was at your level once even Paco
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
Yeah...what's happened to Florian?
Sorry been busy with some rehershals and dvd editing but i always planned to return today to do this..i had the page opened here for the last 3 days while i was gonne lol so as soon as i got home i did it....
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to Florian)
Regradless, we shall give it thorugh the morning of tomorrow, Friday and then I will draw the total line to announce the winner.
I dont know when that is to you...but you are in charge of enforcing the scoring deadline, il leave it up to your discression..if Jason dosent get a chance to score it by your deadline we have to assume hes busy with work or something so that's fine....as always we work with what we got
we have enough different scores to have a wide view and fairly find out winner and runner up as scored by the majority..
thank you so much for all your help in organizing all of this i couldnt have done it without you...you have spoiled me ..i dont ever wanna organize anything without you to help me by my side now
i just walk around taking all the credit lol (its what i do ) but you acctualy did the work the renaming, the reuploading..the monitoring
as far as i am concerned its Michelob and Flo not the otherway around
Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to Doitsujin)
Im waiting till all scores are in and you declared the winner. Than I´ll post the analysis.
Thank you, that is great Doitsujin.
Florian, i will close it at 10 am EDST (NY) or 15:00 Zulu Time. I would like to see Jason's annotated score, naturally, as i see how important each commentary is to everyone involved, but wouldn't want to overly press if he is busy.
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
the forum has gonne "challenge crazy " atm (good)
we still have to close this and reward our winner and runner up...please give them and yourselfs enough time for a victory lap ( you all deserve it) before we get too carried away and comited on the next challenges..
if someone just joined the forum must be so so confused lol..with all the titles and now this coming back up to latest posts...he must think " wow ...this beginners are fast...it was only yesterday they had the idea for a challenge "
but i understand that you are excited and motivated atm ..i am excited that you are excited
this is just a gentle/friendly reminder tag of the shirt..lol..."Hey...calm down and take your victory laps first "
Winner will be announced sometime today...i dont wanna add up the scores cause i dont wanna lose the surrprise for myself...in Eurovision i wait until the presentors announce the winners ...and partly cause i dont trust my maths..
I have nightmares about beeing the only host in the hisory of hosting of giving the award to the wrong person cause of a maths mistake...letting them get all excited and do a victory lap and than going up to them in front of everyone and taking the award out of their hands .." Sorry ..my bad...you didnt win, i made a mistake "...while they are left with a confused look on their face and trying to figure out if i am joking
the thread is now open to anyone to comment, discuss and complain (if they need to )
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
the forum has gonne "challenge crazy " atm (good)
Thats right. But I think we should end our actual challenges at first before starting more. If you eat your favourite meal every day... it will get normal and boring in future.. So lets dont overdo it.
Actual challenges at the moment are:
this one here advanced challenge flamenco-lessons advanced challenge beginners Solea challenge
RE: BEGINNERS' CHALLENGE Entries Mp3 (in reply to gj Michelob)
the thread is now open to anyone to comment, discuss and complain (if they need to )
I'd like to say I was really positively surprised by your uploads, friends! I think you are all on the right path! Just keep playing this and pay attention to the details, how one compas is different from another, try to feel it, internalize the groove, let it come as natural as possible. And good luck in the future challenges. Record yourself often and pay attention on what you're hearing! Clap the palmas to your recording and follow the recordings of cante. Try to notice medio compases... And, most importantly, enjoy! It's nice to be with all of you here.
vengo de los san migueles si no me caso este año que yo me caso el año que viene