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RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Jefe)
Tomatito " La Chanca"
I am sorry about the size i think i got caried away with making it smaller and it ended up very very small, see how u got with this one, the main thin is that you will be able to see the notes , i hope :)
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Florian)
Simon, I've got some Tangos falsetas that I transcribed in guitar Pro format. Interested? Can we post Guitar Pro here? I could also post mp3s of the falsetas if you like. I'd really like to see more falseta swapping here. Phil
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Phil)
Can we post Guitar Pro here?
Have a bug with .GP4 extensions - no idea why so posting doesn't work for them. If you could email me your favourite and post the MP3 that would be great.