Ruphus -> RE: Black Hole eats sun (May 23 2012 11:35:41)
Ricardo, you are twisting points upside-down. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo I point out again, there are people that need a feeling of community and comfort to explain their EXPERIENCES that are at present out of the relm of scientific explainatiions. To deny such experiences or feelings is also a denial or unwillingness to "cope" with reality. If you check out the subject of psychology you will find that the vast of it deals with the phenomenon of people evading efforts of exploration / unwelcome entity. ( You think it accidental that the less sophistication given the more superstition there being in place as well?) Humans are traditionally prone to comfortable wildcards of the super natural, and commonly lesser so the more advanced their education be. Taking the good old fancy as a clue for existence of the super natural makes little of consistancy. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo (did you not enjoy the feeling of commeradery as per large number of other postings of ani religious sentiment?) Me could stand the case alone, and am enjoying the comradery with many here anyway. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo yet you don't give a rational for a compulsion to do a sefless acts such as your own toward the dump it's kind of cute that you think the world to be so horrible that no kind god could sit back and let it play out, yet, to the dump puppies you are THE messiah. Do you not see the contradiction? The rational behind it is well known by behavioural and sociological science. Cooperation pays. This was even mathematically substantiated the minute computers were capable of it ( in the late eighties, if memory serves me right ). If you had been attentive enough you would had realized that I was basically pointing to that what mere humans are empathically capable of, an almighty would be capable of long before. Your response is not to what I have been saying, but instead to the contrary of it. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo Empathy is a skill of early hominids? Ok, there is evidence of early hominids rescuing endangered animals??? WHy is your "skill" so much more honed to this empathy that our species benefits after you reproduce? In other words how does empathy towards other species further self preservation? For the efficiency of cooperation empathical skills evolved. And since empathy will either be in place or be abscent, it will not be ceasing to function in sight of what might be considered inferiour life. Once being in place empathical skills will be just that, working indiscriminatively for any form of life that an individual in question might associate with according sensual properties. So, these skills came into place for socializing internhumanly in the first place, but function beyound that for the nature of the matter. And while the evolving and progressing of empathical skills will have been to no outer species aim, I am sure that It will have benefitted to our ancestors every once in a while nonetheless. Like say with cave men-defending packs of wolves that for most might have been solidary for associated food ressource, but eventually just as much for empathical feedback. Prehistory, history and presence are filled with anough of pressumed and proven examples where empathical approach to animals has shown productive, even if just as an evolutionary side product. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo Bio diversity. WE, being part of bio diversity are destructive....IMMENSELY destructive....yet are least significant???? Do you not see the condradiction? You are mixing up. Too bad such must be spoon fed still. The special value on this planet is its manifold evolution. When a single species developes into a destructor of the whole then its becomes of the least value. You don´t realize that the criteria you apply are being those of species intellectual level, and while I claim that you specially are being far from realizing what fellow species might have developed to in this very realm, the point would be what will count for this blue planets preservation. Earths creation could care less about humans´ high deem of own philosophical standards. What may count for mother earth in the meantime is to not lose billions of years of evolutionary forthcoming and diversity through just a blink of idiocy. quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo If it were true, your belief in only the cold impationate universe letting our molecules and dna evolve by chance and natural selection to its present state, and empathy a chemical reaction in the brain allowing us to realize a need for all life to co exist so that we can survive with mother earth in peace, then why even KILL germs bugs and parasites? Why not let a mosquito sit on the arm happily suck your blood that it can feed its young, or other bugs/animals to eat your flesh? The instinct to kill these things starts at's in our DNA. It is genetical imprint, not instinct. And that for several reasons. One of them being that cave men didn´t know that these buggers and mosquitos transmit viruses, whichs chromosome sequentials again have been essential for us to become what we are. In fact, we even didn´t know that until just recently. But anyway, there you have the legitimation within our sight even for thelike lousy creatures. Ain´t it ironic? ( Seriously.) ;O) quote:
ORIGINAL: Ricardo Conclusion: Gravity concept not wrong...standard model not there must be a dark matter particle we can't see. in quantity of 90% of matter in entire universe!!!!!!!!! Initial shock feeling is that gravity could be wrong....but as per Einstein's revision of Newton, we also observe predicted gravitational lensing. Ok, but it all ties together. Truly objective thinking would say "'s all wrong back to the DRAWING BOARD". But the science community adheres to certain beliefs as strongly as any religious group makes conform of their spiritual doctrines to new realizations. I am the last to deny preconception in science and more even in history of science. But that exmaple above makes little sense. Science sticking to given columns as long as there be no better available, making them of comparable incongruency to spiritual doctrines? Man, Ricardo, weren´t you saying to be scientific, yet can´t see basic differences between imperfection and arbitrariness? Arash, You have been too rushing, ... like so often. :OP I have been referring to gods as designed by religions. And you have just backed me up. Ruphus