odinz -> RE: Black Hole eats sun (May 12 2012 18:56:27)
One of the things I have a problem with is that people can believe in afterlife, and in most religions you have to do certain things to get the good afterlife, or else it is an eternity of torture. In any case it does not make any sense that we could have an afterlife, I mean our bodies are left to decay in the ground and there is no way we would have the brains we have now if there was a consciousness outside of out bodies. I mean why is the brain there to fulfill all purposes of emotion, thought and movement yet we also have that outside of the body? I also wonder what happens to the people who have chromosone disorders, mental illness and so on, I mean we can observe what disorders and damages can do to the mind, why are they affected at all if there is a soul and will the soul be normal or will it still be a disabled soul? When it comes to the universe we have many hypothesis' about construct and origins, but we also have theories and fact. Facts are not interesting for the most part in science, hypothesis' and theories are. One of the most common things I hear in debates or argument by people of religion is the so called fine-tuning and design of the universe. The fine-tuning that seems to be put there perfectly for us is pretty obvious right? Not so, we are the ones that has adapted to it. When life started to bloom surrounding conditions were not perfect for life, but life adapted, and it had to do so, and it is still doing so. When it comes to how the universe can seem like it was designed perfectly for us, like it is a safe and good place for us to exist, just like a cradle, that is also not so. The universe rather seems to try to kill us in so many different ways and there are many dangers, some of wich might appear in our lifetime. I can also not find any real reason why some deity would even want to create all of this, and if there was a deity that did create the universe and could personally interfere with our life, who created the deity? I find that many use a form of "higher power" to give meaning or reason to what has happened or things happening, but do things really need meaning? I like science because it is about testing hypothesis' and theories and also testing theories that has been around for a long time, some day they might not be valid anymore, but the ones that we have tested over and over and still stands sturdy are the ones that lets us progress in all manner of ways. But what I know for a fact is that the world is harsh but it is also immensely beautiful, I don't want to concern myself too much about religion, but America and the middle east often comes to my mind as being driven by impulse together with religion, and I think that is unhealthy. An atheist internet friend of mine was thrown out of his home because of him being an atheist. And there are also alot of issues that have become issues because of religion, like abortion or homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and such. I also don't the way some places teach creationism together with science, or even that such things can even be considered, because it should never ever be like that. If anyone is wondering, I consider myself a freethinker and agnostic-atheist. I have now probably written a crappy comment that does not make sense and probably will be banned, so sorry for that. I don't mean to cause any trouble, I also don't remember wich person I chose to reply to, but it was not meant as a reply to that person, I just did it. So sorry if I am causing any trouble. I do love you all though[:)]