rombsix -> RE: YouTube attacks me again... This time, it's alarming, though. (May 22 2011 15:49:16)
Rico, read this: "I CAN'T believe this! The 15-minute video I just posted above of me on stage with my vocalist and guitarist friends just got FLAGGED by YouTube! I tried posting this video on another YouTube channel I have some time back, and I was dumb enough to include tags to the video with Pink Floyd and Wish You Were Here - it got flagged back then, and I assumed it was because of that. This time, I uploaded the video as unlisted (so only YOU guys can see it), and the original video I uploaded was named in Arabic, and the name had nothing to do with the content. I placed NO TAGS to the video, but guess what!? I just received a notice saying that the content of my video has parts that are owned by UMPG Publishing with the content type being a musical composition . Now, I'm NOT the computer expert, but I don't think that YouTube hires people to actually sit and watch videos ALL DAY LONG to just find out which ones have such copyright breaches so they can flag them. Also, I don't think any YouTube robots could have picked up my video because of any tags or file names. Also, I didn't use any MP3s of the original content, and we played the songs acoustically, and there was all that background noise - so I feel that some HUMAN actually saw the video and flagged it... Did anyone of you guys do that!? Simon, or Ron, or any other computer experts: PLEASE, do you have any clue as to HOW YouTube figured me out? Is the CIA continuously monitoring my internet activity?! " It came from this thread: