Ruphus -> RE: Picado attack, do you really need to choose only ONE? (Jan. 9 2011 13:49:23)
Hi Doc, Thank you for the literate background. Yet, as you might admit, midst the general facts, sits your personal opinion on the specific question of age and potential, linear to common sense. Without denying that early training shows to be most efficient, seeing practical life I claim that options can be superceeding common expectations on principle. And that stereotypes will be revisited in the near future through overlooked empirics. My claim is that as far as neurological facility has been built up through general agility, individuals can still achieve top performance whether with physical or mental execution, despite undisputedly higher expenditure in training units needed. I further claim that another reason for less success with late starters to be laying in the fact of them being either in or near to adult life commercially, hence due to working for income and with that at less spare time to practice than in childhood. As contrary example of common estimation, I am thinking of my own vitae. With precondition as just hyperactive kangaroo, yours truely started martial arts at age of 23, yet remained among first talents throughouts the years in the schools and budo disciplines attented. Then we have Rudolf Nurejew, who started out ballet dancing with 17. Or pianists who started rehearsing seriously yet relatively late. Like Murray Perahia, or Arcadi Volodos who both began intensive studying in the age of 15. Johann Sebastian Bach is being said to have dedicated himself to cembalo and piano yet at the age of 21. Ingolf Wunder being another one who started out realitevely late. And Atsuko Seta, another very respected pianist started seriously practising yet at over 40 years. On the other hand you have all those Korean kids whose upcoming parents sat them before the piano with strict schedules and curriculum at much too early age, yet turned out robotic choppers with about zero musical touch. While less efficient / taking more rehearsal time, an individual can achieve virtuousity, highly demanding body work and / or high creativity yet after childhood, if only he didn´t retard through lethargic life style, especially in the age from 0-6 years, when the vast of basic synaptic structure is being built up. And naturally ..., provided there exists passion to start with and keep up the stamina. - If you are interested in answering and have the experience, there are still some special questions for you about muscular whereabouts in my post above. Thank you! Ruphus PS: The more advance in brain research the more it turns out that unlike formerly stated, neurons can rebuild and restructure. According to latest info, such happening even on a daily basis! - Probably the reason why I and a couple more musicians seem to manage gradually overcoming focal dystonia. A deasease originally considered incurable. Seems one can always introduce new routines, notwithstanding higher efforts with age.