RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Full Version)

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Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 0:53:02)

You are right Arash. The sound will influence the judges. I will add that. It depends on each challenger how much effort he puts in the contribution.
As I wrote, professional sound engenering like we saw it in Todds fenomenal alegrias in past is not allowed, because only a hand full of the challengers could do that. The playing should be judged and not the arangement. But buying a good mic in 3-4 month or rent it should be possible.
I like unplugged camera recordings most. I went to a lot of worksops and the videos are awesome.. with a normal cam.

Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 1:36:25)

Anders wrote me an PM and told me to sponsor a handmade Anders-cejilla for the winner!!!! Thats phenomenal!!

It will be a very special one especial for the challenge. Man,.. I dont know what you do, but I will train harder than ever now!

I´ll add that to the initial post.

Thank you 1000 times Anders! Thats a good thing!

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Ailsa -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 1:38:36)

Nice one Anders! I hope we can see a photo of it when it's made.

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 2:45:20)


Anders wrote me an PM and told me to sponsor a handmade Anders-cejilla for the winner!!!! Thats phenomenal!!

Ole !! thats the spirit...thanks for getting involved Anders

we should all be so proud of what we have managed to achive....i cant imagine any other forum beeing this organised, driven and disrespect to other forums ofcourse..but it feels like we have direction ...and each that chose to be involved has motivation and really is a pleasure to log on this really feels like u are hanging out with friends and u are all helping motivate and drive eachother..

this beats the hell out of discussing Juan Martin or trad vs modern doesnt it ?[:D]

and big ole to you Doit [:D] well done amigo

Anders Eliasson -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 4:54:58)


this beats the hell out of discussing Juan Martin or trad vs modern doesnt it ?

Oh yes, for sure[:)]

Well, I´ll make a funky Cejilla and I will do a photo and post it. Besides that I pay the shipping of the cejilla to the winner.

And I will also be a judge[&:]

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 5:04:02)

gracias again amigo [;)]

XXX -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 5:08:41)

Thx Arash, I would gladly like to be a judge of course. I hope thats ok? Hm i just realized i have managed to get my score into negative [:D][8|]
Congratulations to all, these challenges spread a good atmosphere!

Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 5:22:15)

Very good! Anders and Deniz! Two judges more!

Arash -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 5:44:12)



Hm i just realized i have managed to get my score into negative [:D][8|]

Oh thats true. Hmm i didnt see that, now i have to take back my recommandation.
With such a score, i dont think that you can be a good Judge[8|]


Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 7:52:47)

Because we still need serious judges, I want to call for more judges.

I think gl Michelob would be a great judge who dont play games!
So, Michelob, would you join the league of judges?

Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 9:14:01)

I´m happy that ToddK told me that hes willing to be a judge!! That makes me happy! He always tells his thoughts clearly without harming anything! Hes a perfect judge!

Thank you Todd!

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 9:21:27)

damn i was hoping he was in ...i would love the pleasure of going against him...

theres still time to change your mind todk [;)] my invitation stays open.. parametics would have to brake my door down and forcefully remove the guitar from my grasp before i let you beat me... for all the bulls*it over the years to me and Edgar..i dont care if i come second to last in this group as long as i beat you..

so heres your personal invitation....join

if you cant do it with your hands use your pick i dont care

gj Michelob -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 9:52:08)


think gl Michelob would be a great judge who dont play games!
So, Michelob, would you join the league of judges?

Doitsujin, I am touched by the honor you are extending to me. As you know, my experience with Flamenco is at a rather developmental stage (although I doubt anyone could have watched more youtube flamenco videos than I did). Hopefully I can add yet another angle to the discrete views/votes other judges will cast.

Without instigating a senate hearing to scrutinize the validity, qualifications and credentials supporting my appointment, unless anyone posts any objection, it will be my privilege to serve.

Thank you for the kind remarks.

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 9:56:39)


unless anyone posts any objection, it will be my privilege to serve.

none here, glad to have you, welcome amigo

Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:04:07)

Yep! Thats great! Thank you gj Michelob for serving a judge!!


Without instigating a senate hearing to scrutinize the validity, qualifications and credentials supporting my appointment, unless anyone posts any objection, it will be my privilege to serve.

I didn't have to check more than one word in any English sentence for around a year till now. When I read your posts I recognize every time how worse my English is.. eem.. Michelob..Could I hire you for correcting and pimping up my phd-thesis when I finish it?? [:-]I will have to write in english.. OMG! I have to improve it a lot.. [&:]

Ailsa -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:07:15)


Anders Eliason

8 judges so far - that's great. [:)] Anyone else?

Pimientito -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:29:14)

Thats a laywer for you! It's a very formal way of saying "of course I'll be a judge"[:D]

Your reply would be something like "It is with greatest gratification that we the forum, humbly acknowledge your gracious acceptance of the extension of our invitation and not withstanding paranthetic preamble, judicial investigation or scrutiny of disposition, hereby unto you, sanction authority to the dutiful service of your illustrious comission."

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:32:58)


I had to read it twice lol i wasent sure if he said yes or no lol

I love the way u talk Gacomo...u must teach me [;)] i want to use words that confuses girls [8|] and makes them agree to stuff they had no idea that they ageed too but by the time they figure it out i am allready smoking [sm=lol.gif][;)] ....sorry Ailisa and Kate...just joking..

Ron.M -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:34:48)


if you cant do it with your hands use your pick i dont care

Gaad Flo!

Are you sure?

If Todd can use a pick then he's gonna be very hard to beat IMO.

But I like your spirit man.

I'm dying to see the showdown already!!

Man...I'll get the popcorn and beer in for that weekend!

(And get another couple of spare Fuses for the Forum!!...[:D][:D])



Doitsujin -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:35:34)




...But I meant it seriously.. These sentences are really impressing.

gj Michelob -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:40:29)


I didn't have to check more than one word in any English sentence for around a year till now. When I read your posts I recognize every time how worse my English is.. eem.. Michelob..Could I hire you for correcting and pimping up my phd-thesis when I finish it?? I will have to write in english.. OMG! I have to improve it a lot..

[:)] blushing and laughing. I do some mercenary-writing in fashion, if your thesis is on the history of refined saddlery and the development of Hermes’ handbags, I will gladly serve (again); alternatively, my contribution may ill-reward you. LOL

Save for the last one, it is quite a legion of serious flamencos; inevitably intimidating as much as passing judgment on brilliant guitars such as Florian and Ricardo (?). I am so relieved I will be blind-folded as justice summons its ministers to be. Wow...:
Anders Eliason

Pimientito, your mockery of lawyerly parlance is precious. Well done!!
Florian, you are the last guy I would arm with any more dangerous darts than cupid seems to have already bestowed… after all I have two daughters, and the last hazard I want them to face in life is meeting a guy like me or you, amigo –the Mediterranean risks.

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:40:38)


Gaad Flo!

Are you sure?

If Todd can use a pick then he's gonna be very hard to beat IMO

maybe... but il beat him [:D]..or kill myself practing for it[8|] ...either way it will be great motivation..infact when i joined i did so hoping that so would he

i was an eazy target when i was working full time and playing a **** i have all the time in the world and a better guitar..fair game

litlle friendly competition never hurt noone

Ron.M -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:43:21)


8 judges so far - that's great. Anyone else?

I'd like to see NormanK as well.....come on Norman!

Also I'd be really interested in Sean's input, but I don't think he's that interested in guitar only...[:o].'s about Zata!!!



Ron.M -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:47:47)


maybe... but il beat him ..or kill myself practing for it ...either way it will be great motivation..infact when i joined i did so hoping that so would he

i was an eazy target when i was working full time and playing a **** i have all the time in the world and a better guitar..fair game


If Todd is game, then this will be the "Rumble in The Jungle".

The Forum will be closed on that weekend and accessible only via a special PIN number available via PayPal!

Details to follow...[:D][:D]



Ailsa -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:49:19)


I'd like to see NormanK as well.....come on Norman!

Yeah, me too. Would you be willing to help out on this challenge too Norman? Pretty please ?!! [:)]

Pimientito -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:50:19)


inevitably intimidating as much as passing judgment on brilliant guitars such as Florian and Ricardo (?). I am so relieved I will blind-folded as justice summons its ministers to be.

LOL- Are you in any way related to Frasier Crane?[:D][:D]

(Oh brother was eminent when my eminence was merely iminent!)

Florian -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 10:52:08)

lol if you gonna fail might as well fail embarrasingly bad with the whole world watching ...thats my motto and i am sticking to it [:D]

gj Michelob -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 11:01:41)


LOL- Are you in any way related to Frasier Crane?

I am often and legitimately accused of excessive rhetoric and sophism, but of Frasierism? I will add that to a line a fellow attorney wrote on a different forum “you [Michelob] are an inflated balloon in your own parade”. I deserve it occasionally, and might as well admit it, before I face a flood of unrepeatable abuses from the members.

Enough words now, I am off to practice some flamenco!!

Ron.M -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 11:47:20)


I am often and legitimately accused of excessive rhetoric and sophism, but of Frasierism? I will add that to a line a fellow attorney wrote on a different forum “you [Michelob] are an inflated balloon in your own parade”. I deserve it occasionally, and might as well admit it, before I face a flood of unrepeatable abuses from the members.



I have no idea who Frasier is, since I'm probably too old and don't watch TV...but just to say that in the UK, there has been quite a dramatic change to the language over the past 20 years or so, where the emphasis is in using clear, everyday words...though still with respect to grammar etc.

Even RP (Received Pronounciation) has loosened up a lot and increasingly Regional accents are heard amongst presenters and newsreaders on the BBC.

The main thrust now is to communicate ideas, rather than to use a poetic or verbose style.

John Major ( our ex- PM after Maggie) used to be excellent at this and was highly entertaining, with a speaking style that Charles Dickens ([:D]) would have felt perfectly at home with. (you see...even ending in a preposition is acceptable now! [:D])

For example, on this Forum I tend to write in very short paragraphs and try to keep my words simple, because I know a lot of members have English as a second language and it can be very tiring to read.

The main problem I have now is trying to keep up with street language and mobile phone text language, but I have a teenage daughter who kinda gives me some guidance when I'm stuck. [:D]



Ailsa -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 11:56:59)


main problem I have now is trying to keep up with street language

My teenagers recently dared me to go up to my boss and say, "Yo wassup mahomey?"

But I do find it invades my speech anyway, and I hear myself saying stuff like, "yeah that's well cool innit bruv?"

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