Ron.M -> RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (Feb. 15 2009 11:47:20)
I am often and legitimately accused of excessive rhetoric and sophism, but of Frasierism? I will add that to a line a fellow attorney wrote on a different forum “you [Michelob] are an inflated balloon in your own parade”. I deserve it occasionally, and might as well admit it, before I face a flood of unrepeatable abuses from the members. [:D][:D] gj, I have no idea who Frasier is, since I'm probably too old and don't watch TV...but just to say that in the UK, there has been quite a dramatic change to the language over the past 20 years or so, where the emphasis is in using clear, everyday words...though still with respect to grammar etc. Even RP (Received Pronounciation) has loosened up a lot and increasingly Regional accents are heard amongst presenters and newsreaders on the BBC. The main thrust now is to communicate ideas, rather than to use a poetic or verbose style. John Major ( our ex- PM after Maggie) used to be excellent at this and was highly entertaining, with a speaking style that Charles Dickens ([:D]) would have felt perfectly at home with. (you see...even ending in a preposition is acceptable now! [:D]) For example, on this Forum I tend to write in very short paragraphs and try to keep my words simple, because I know a lot of members have English as a second language and it can be very tiring to read. The main problem I have now is trying to keep up with street language and mobile phone text language, but I have a teenage daughter who kinda gives me some guidance when I'm stuck. [:D] cheers, Ron