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Hi Norman I'm getting ready to make #2 Guitar and would love to try out your software to create my rosette if you could send me a copy or link it would be truly appreciated my email address is: nelmanscrap@gmail.com
I wish I'd had your amazing program when I went through hoops visually this, my first attempt at a rosette, on Photoshop:
Nonetheless, I'd still like to try out Rosette Designer, as it seems so intuitive, and, well, useful. Do you mind sending it to me? Email: hellandmac AT live DOT co DOT uk
Thanks, and incredible work.
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I would love to try your rosette design software. I repair and build guitars in Toronto Canada and have been thinking about designing a rosette for some time now.
I'm a part time guitar builder. I've tried several times to build my own rosette but I can came out with any design that a like. So I think your software designer could be a great help for me.
Hello, my name is Ron. I am Guitar and furniture builder in Alaska and am interested in your program. My email address is saulgauer@hotmail.com. Thank you very much. I hope to incorporate some rosette techniques and patterns into furniture I build from sitka spruce.
G'day Norman! I'd greatly appreciate a copy of your Rosette Designer. I'm about to start a 3/4 size guitar for my grand-daughter, so i need to come up with a very special rosette for a very special little girl! Thanks and Regards - David L docoz@bordernet.com.au
Hi! It's for PC, but runs nicely on a Mac with a Windows simulator such as VmWare or Boot Camp. Send me an email address if you want to try it. Cheers, Norman
"The duende is God's orgasm." - Antonio Canales
"I'm just a poor crazy man in love with his art." - Santos Hernandez (as translated by R. Brune)
Norman, I would greatly appreciate a copy of your program, I am building my second guitar and would really like to do it from scratch for everything including the rosette.