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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Apr. 11 2009 16:52:03
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2009 4:28:07


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2009 10:21:47

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to Guest

Personally, I think we all actually exist in the year 5125, where things are really boring and have saved up a lot of money to try out the "Total Immersion Past Earth Experience", where all senses are stimulated... from the joys of love to the pain of getting a good kicking!

And everything inbetween of course..

When you eventually die, you will suddenly wake up with a nice lady saying, "Well, how did it turn out for you?

Did you have a nice time?

Please just lie back there for a few minutes until I take the electrodes off and afterwards you are welcome to visit the Green Room where we offer light refreshments and the opportunity to converse with other travellers until your taxi arrives to take you home.

Thank you for choosing Total Immersion Holidays and we look forward to your custom next year."


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2009 10:32:27

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to val


Just click on the one you want and it will magically be inserted in your post.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2009 11:35:32


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2009 14:04:24

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to Ron.M

That's The Matrix theme.

Total immersion? ....In technology innovation I am seeing this want to 'totally immerse'--for example we have now these big plasma TV screeens, and HD. This is people wanting to really feel part of the scenes they watch...

I have heard that in about 3 years there is gonna be some kind of holographic revolution in TV where you actually see 3 dimensional images. And after I read this few weeks ago, I was thinking about it. I found it really funny how 'we' seem to want this experience of experiencing 3 D when ironically we are actually living , immersed in a 3 D world (with other dimensions too). And I wondered what this meant, and thought about that film The Matrix, and if the technology is going that way.
Some reckon it is--Terrence McKenna did, in a positive way. Others not so, and believe that we are all heading to be 'chipped' and connected up to a big computer where we can then all be manipulated at the whims of the tyrants in control of the computer

Many kids are bored with actual 'reality' and want to escape into video games etc. How readily would they embrace 'Total Immersion'? Why are 'we' bored with this reality all around?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 0:30:32


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 1:10:04

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen


Why are 'we' bored with this reality all around?

Try learning Flamenco guitar.

You won't have time to get bored....there's just too much to practise...AND you need to be clear headed to concentrate otherwise it's just a waste of time.
"Seeing colours" when you play a string is of no help at all.

When I shared a student house, I would normally find it more interesting and fascinating to be in my room on a Sunday afternoon listening to PdL or something and trying to work out a falseta, or practising guitar, rather than being downstairs, lying around passing yet another joint around and listening to Led Zepplin and saying " man..", like my housemates.

Now THAT's what I thought of as boring!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 1:35:03

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito


What is Flamenco?

Another pathway in life.
Like seeing a new girlfriend, first beeing overwhelmed, than more interested, after three months it needs dedication, than it becomes fun again and dedication isn't a bad thing afterall because it gives you so much back...and if there is true love, you get suprised everyday and don't want to get loose of it anymore.....only wandering what is happening in the parallel universe.....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 3:42:50

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito


I have heard that in about 3 years there is gonna be some kind of holographic revolution in TV where you actually see 3 dimensional images. And after I read this few weeks ago, I was thinking about it.

When I was at the Philips product development show 8 years ago, there was already 3D television, although you had to were some special glasses.
It was fun!

Don't know about the holographic projections nowadays.....imagine playing a holographic flamenco guitar that suites your needs....could be fun
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 3:49:21

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen


I have heard that in about 3 years there is gonna be some kind of holographic revolution in TV where you actually see 3 dimensional images.

i have two crt tv's in my house. they're connected to nothing. they're not even plugged in.

reality IS much more interesting than t.v. pull yourself away from it and see how much you can do. being so busy with my hobbies, i dont have time for t.v. anymore. not the other way around.

people can choose what to do with their free time. but really, is it a choice anymore? or is it more like a fixed habit? or something people just settle for because they don't dare to do anything else? im just speculating from my observations that's it the default choice for most people. they're not conscious enough make a REAL choice.

everyone my age is watching all these little stupid teenage, high school drama shows. seriously, is life not dramatic enough? there's bigger problems out there than whether joey decides to go out with dawson or pacey. you spend too much time worrying about that, then no one will go out with YOU because you're so boring!

i used to hang out with these girls that watched that show religiously. let me summarize, they're crazy and COMPLETELY out of touch with reality! man,... what a dark time that was.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2009 6:29:08

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to at_leo_87

(when I asked the question why are 'we' bored, some here thought I was meaning me. But the reason I put commas round 'we' was to suggest i wasn't either speaking about me or the members here....Wrong! I was referring to who I had mostly mentioned, youth and their video games....? Pay attention

Personally I hardly ever get bored. There have of course been times in my life when I have been despairingly bored. And to 'fix' that have gotten attached to some pretty self-destructive habits. Bad in one way, and I wouldn't recommend it to any one, but the positive from it is it adds to depth of experience. IE., you've been to a hell, and returned kind of thing...?
Surely when you learn an art, an instrument then this resolves that sense of boredom.
But for me the essence of resolving it is beginning to be aware of the duende of life. Its deepness. Of nature, relationships, and so on

I completely get what you mean at_leo_87 Those kinds of shows mould the watchers. THEY become a means to inform gullible young how to act.

I feel that we have lost the joy of play. For example, as kids we knew how to play, it is natural. We can imagine scenarios even though we know they aren't 'real', and it was great fun.
But culture then imposes on us the idea that that was specifically for then, and now we must be 'sensible, normal, adults', though we ARE allowed to get as drunk as hell and act the fool--as many many of the youth are doing. Here in my country this is epidemic, and i know other countries have this problem.
So I wonder why this is?

And I think it is many things, and a big part of is we have been made to feel we cannot play and use our imagination, UNLESS we are routed into the usual acceptable rituals as said as going and getting drunk or drugged (and by 'drugged' I dont mean respectful partaking of sacred medicine. But many youth use psychedelics, disrespectfully, as a means of escape and this can be self-destructive, yes. But this is part of the overall suppression of our naturalness).

Let me give an example of play. Yesterday soon after talking here with you about 'Total Immersion', I soon had to go and cook a meal in the kitchen. I was playing guitar and at first felt it a drag I had to leave my guitar--you know how it is --so I did this: I pretended I was going to experience an old fashioned kitchen (ours is anceint lol) from the 1930s-- total immersion , so as i entered the kitchen i was playing at looking at the experience like that, just for fun. And doing this has an effect on your senses. That is what i mean by play. A kid would know what i mean anyhow. But most adults might call it 'crazy'.

Being called crazy, or thinking yourself crazy, is a huge fear in our age. It implies 'mental illness'. And this brings us to the vast subject of the mental illness myth!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 11 2009 0:37:31

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen


For example, as kids we knew how to play, it is natural.

Someone on the radio said "Kids these days don't know how to have fun unless it involves getting into a car, spending money, or using batteries."


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 11 2009 2:00:18

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito


I can follow your argumentation to a certain point, but do not agree an all of it.
Perhaps 'agree' isn't a good word, but say, I experience it an a other level.

The experience of joy is ones innermost expression which can't be argued. You also state that, by being aware of the duende of life, it's deepness and so on. So experience of joy can be totally different for you than for some girls whatching tv shows. One of my best friends is hooked to television, but she has a very joyfull life, since she believes that the romance projected in those shows is true. And as a mather of fact, it is happening to her in that way.

I myself, am more looking into the deepness of it, but sometimes wished I had that vision of her.
Actually she is saying the same thing about me, being ADHD-ed to music, or call it a passion....."You are living in a strange world" "I can't understand what you saying about the emotion in music"....

The key thing to experience joy is to be open-minded, and one might be surprised.

Another thing to me which is very important, in order to be joyfull, I need to feel bored, I need to be sad and so on, but always stay with MY innerfeelings and not what "is-supposed-to-be". The latter got me into drugs a long time ago, and it was a great escape, but at a certain point it gets right back to you and you have to deal with the issue anyway.

I think flamenco/duende is such an expression of innerfeeling which can't be copied, but only experienced by one. And if correct, you yourselves won't even experience it that way, because that's who-you-are, but other people will notice it for you. (Ones self-vision does not always match how others look at you)

Anyway, I am gonna do some flamenco exercises, but than again others might see it as "crap"...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 11 2009 2:04:31

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to kozz

I feel you

Just found this interesting article:

"In spanish the translation of mushroom from the mazatec is "little child" (pequeño niño). I think the little child means something like prank (?) or lively fancy like the little elfs or goblins, duendes in spanish; little inhabitant who lives in the forest (pequeño habitante que vive en el bosque).
"Aluxes" (pronounced 'alushes') in the Mayan language is sometimes used for psilocybin mushrooms. JH writes: "I was born in Mexico and lived in the state of Yucatan through my youth, a state heavily populated by people of Mayan descent who still speak Maya as their first language, spanish as their second. It is usually spelled 'aluxes' (in Maya, 'x' makes a 'sh' sound). Aluxes are mythical elf-like creatures that play pranks and steal from people at nighttime. In spanish, these are called 'duendes'."

So again we can see this connection. It is very common for indigenous people to be open to the reality of nature spirits, or whatever you want to call 'them'.

Just looked up about term 'flameco' and find:

"The word flamenco

The word flamenco - Arabic roots (1)
From the Arabic 'felag mengu', meaning 'fugitive peasant', or 'peasant in flight'. This term applied to all persecuted people (including Muslims and Jews) who fled to the mountains to escape the Inquisition. This has also been interpreted as 'migrant farmer'. Another variation is "Fellahmengu" which is supposed to mean "Peasant without Land".

Not sure I am happy with this definition. 'in flight' and 'without land'--though I can understand that the Gypsies were persecuted. But to say 'without land'...? WHO says that? Land OWNERS.
Our hunter gatherer history had peoples moving about. And they had land because land is for everyone. Not just for those who stay in one place

It makes no sense to say a being has no land. Do migrating birds, or any animals have no land? Earth is home. Though some tyrants and their lackies and brainwashed believe otherwise, hence the ongoing troubles in the world over 'land' and 'resources' etc etc etc.

But remember, this is just an interpretation--doesn't mean it is 'true' meaning...? I have just found it.

For example, here says origin of the term is "unclear"

But this is why term 'duende' is very interesting to me, because it shows a deep connection between people who you wouldn't expext. Like the Mazatecs and Andalucian gypsies.

'Also African and New World influences': " Recent research[citation needed] has revealed that there might have been an influence of Sub-Saharan African music on flamenco's prehistory. This developed from the music and dance of African slaves held by the Spanish in the New World. There are 16th and 17th century manuscripts of classical compositions that are possibly based on African folk forms, such as negrillas, zarambeques, and chaconas. We[clarification needed] also find mention of the fandango indiano (Indiano meaning from the Americas, but not necessarily Native American). Some critics support the view that the names of flamenco palos, like the tangos or even the fandango, are derived from Bantoid languages[4], and most theories state that the rhythm of the tangos was imported from Cuba."

I also find this inspiring:

"Traditionally, flamenco guitarists did not receive any formal training, so they just relied on their ear to find the chords on the guitar, disregarding the rules of Western classical music. This led them to interesting harmonic findings, with unusual unresolved dissonances (Rossy 1998:88). Examples of this are the use of minor 9th chords for the tonic, the tonic chord of tarantas, or the use of the 1st unpressed string as a kind of pedal tone."

This playing by ear is of course shared by original Blues players.

I feel that a lot os us 'moderns' can find ourselves in a conflict of sorts between, eg, should we learn theory or play by ear
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 12 2009 4:31:15

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito

part of understanding what flamenco is, is understanding what it is not. i cant believe i didnt find this sooner

"ricky martin" LOL. this is taken from sal's article, "what flamenco is NOT"

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 15 2009 16:22:12
mark indigo


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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to at_leo_87

hey i just read the rest of the article, it's hilarious! thanks for putting me onto that....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2009 1:12:05

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito

I don't like it when a music creates elitist boundaries against its form.....But it isn't flamenco doing this but the very attitude I have been meeting here and there here ---a certain superficiality, and ignore-ance about what flamenco deeply means-----the spirit behind this music. So of COURSE someone who really knew would then not mock Samba etc but would play that genre with flamenco spirit!!

" The gypisies of our world and Lorca's Romancero gitano possess a basically animistic attitude toward nature. Plants and animals, the elements, and the heavenly bodies have life and powers of their own. Though he may no longer be a vagabond, the gypsy remains sensitive to the messages of the earth and the seasons that are indispensable to nomadic reaces. Even his everyday language contains images and metaphors reflecting vivid mental states. For Lorca, this people incarnated the kind of imagination that created the primitive Andalusian song cante jonda "
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 1:16:11

Posts: 3055
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From: Boston, MA, U.S.A

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen


I don't like it when a music creates elitist boundaries against its form.....But it isn't flamenco doing this but the very attitude I have been meeting here and there here ---a certain superficiality, and ignore-ance about what flamenco deeply means-----the spirit behind this music. So of COURSE someone who really knew would then not mock Samba etc but would play that genre with flamenco spirit!!

maybe for an outsider it may seem elitist. but it's just the human mind organizing ideas into little boxes with labels on them. you dont listen to hip hop and say that it's jazz. you dont listen to pop and say it's death metal. you don't listen to techno and call it country. this is purely on an intellectual level. maybe you can play samba with influences from flamenco. but it is NOT flamenco. flamenco is flamenco. ricky martin is ricky martin.

you wouldn't call an apple an orange. it's an apple.

it's not harmful until the intellectual analyzing gets in the way of actually experiencing flamenco.

and i don't see how that quote has to do with anything.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 6:14:13
Andy Culpepper

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From: NY, USA

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito

OK man, I have been where you are (in ****ing high school)..when you rely heavily on psychoactive substances (don't do it kids), you begin to convince yourself that the world somehow revolves around magic mushrooms. It doesn't.

Personally I'm pissed off that you continue to reduce Flamenco - this beautifully deep and rich art form - to some pseudo-religious new age crystal ****. I'm glad that you are doing research and trying to understand the origins of Flamenco, but you need to keep an open mind, not just google "flamenco animism" and automatically believe whatever you find. Also remember a lot of stuff you are reading about was written literally almost 100 years ago. Yes, read Lorca (I love his stuff), but take him as what he is, one very romantically inclined poet that lived 100 years ago.

As far as gypsies, some people may find the things that you have said to be extremely racist. The word "gypsy" hasn't meant "nomad" in a very long's an ethnic group that has nomadic origins. You have essentially reduced their culture to exactly what has been the stereotype of gypsies in the western world for centuries, and then added ****ing peyote. And I'm not saying Lorca, Hemingway, and Donn Pohren didn't have stereotypes either.


Andy Culpepper, luthier
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 6:39:32


Posts: 35
Joined: Nov. 16 2008
From: Kemble, England

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito

I agree with detersa on this 100%! The majority of your comment on this so far has been profoundly unhelpful to an understanding of actual flamenco, and chances are that most people on here do already have a pretty good undertanding of their own hobby/passion/line of work! so the whole pseudo religious and phychadelic aspect you have introduced here is of no real merit. I am also annoyed that you continue to belittle the gypsy people and ther culture by reducing it to incorrect stereotypes from centuries ago! and I'm also reference to the Lorca based quote, that Lorca would have refered to it as Cante Jondo!! and not cante Jonda He was Spanish as far as I can remember from my spanish literature classes


El amor es una fiesta donde baila el corazón!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 6:49:37

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From: Scotland

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to Andy Culpepper


pseudo-religious new age crystal ****


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 6:51:08
John O.

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From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen



I don't like it when a music creates elitist boundaries against its form

In order to even understand the boundaries or the form of a certain music you need to spend some time trying to understand it, more than a few months or even a few years.


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 7:01:11

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to John O.

dwen what are you doing to yourself mate lol u are putting yourself into the corner.are u here to make friends ? experience flamenco, learn togheder or are you here just to tell us all how it is ?

I am sure this is not all there is to you...but u say u dont like people who dont keep an open mind, expect us to keep an open mind...yet you yourself dont keep one... dont even entertain the idea that possibly even you yourself might be wrong.. ...

arguing "open mind" kind of contradicts what you are claiming dosent it ?

everyone will always listen to you as long as you equally listen to them when its their turn to speak..

u dont know everything do you ? noone does...

chill, noone is interested in making you look bad but like you everyone has opinions


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 7:24:22

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to at_leo_87

You kiddin me? You don't think you can have Hip Hop Jazz, and soulful jazz, and jazzful soul? Of course you can
Why do you want to put boundaries round music. Of course you have form and technique, but when that becomes to rigid other ways cannot influence!

Music evolves through influence.

And the reason I put that quote is because thread is called What is Flamenco?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 9:57:33

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to Andy Culpepper


OK man, I have been where you are (in ****ing high school)..when you rely heavily on psychoactive substances (don't do it kids), you begin to convince yourself that the world somehow revolves around magic mushrooms. It doesn't.

Why are you hostile?

Have you read any word I have said
Your manner is offensive.


Personally I'm ****ed off that you continue to reduce Flamenco - this beautifully deep and rich art form - to some pseudo-religious new age crystal ****. I'm glad that you are doing research and trying to understand the origins of Flamenco, but you need to keep an open mind, not just google "flamenco animism" and automatically believe whatever you find. Also remember a lot of stuff you are reading about was written literally almost 100 years ago. Yes, read Lorca (I love his stuff), but take him as what he is, one very romantically inclined poet that lived 100 years ago.

I am reducing Flamenco, OMG this is comedy.
Look, I am saying that the attitude against me mentioning this, and your attitude particularly is not flamenco at all, but plastic flamenco. Its you who trash the real meaning of Gypsy Flamenco with this ignore-ant attitude. Especially by imagining I am New Age. I am far from New Age, and so is authentic flamenco!
You are also very patronising. And I will never listen to your play as it would hurt my ears in a way i dont want!


As far as gypsies, some people may find the things that you have said to be extremely racist. The word "gypsy" hasn't meant "nomad" in a very long's an ethnic group that has nomadic origins. You have essentially reduced their culture to exactly what has been the stereotype of gypsies in the western world for centuries, and then added ****ing peyote. And I'm not saying Lorca, Hemingway, and Donn Pohren didn't have stereotypes either.

So now you call me racist?................................!
You will always be a dull player without soul/duende till you wake up!

You spit on the sacred. I wonder why you even read what I say? Are you missing something?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 10:11:52

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to duwen

I'm personally still waiting for Flamenco-Motown....

Now THAT would be cool, but would probably upset Agujitas a bit...

(Eeth elike dogs...bow,wow... )



BTW...I'd love to see an advertisement....

Sunday 31 May 09
2.00pm-4.00pm at the Wigmore Hall, London...

Masterclass and Workshop on Pseudo-Religious New-Age-Crystal ****


Students and OAP's £6

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 10:15:56

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to asisetoca


I agree with detersa on this 100%!

TYhen you are as dead as he is! Good luck to the two of you


The majority of your comment on this so far has been profoundly unhelpful to an understanding of actual flamenco, and chances are that most people on here do already have a pretty good undertanding of their own hobby/passion/line of work! so the whole pseudo religious and phychadelic aspect you have introduced here is of no real merit.

You forgot to add, 'to me'? Why are you trying to impose your views on everyone else? That is your own interpretation. Why do you want to censor my views on 'What is Flamenco'?!


I am also annoyed that you continue to belittle the gypsy people and ther culture by reducing it to incorrect stereotypes from centuries ago! and I'm also reference to the Lorca based quote, that Lorca would have refered to it as Cante Jondo!! and not cante Jonda He was Spanish as far as I can remember from my spanish literature classes

How dare you suggest I seek to belittle Gypsy people you plastic flamenco you!

You belittle yourself with such accusations like that.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 10:19:13
Andy Culpepper

Posts: 3032
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From: NY, USA

RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to andresito

Hey, maybe you're right man
I'll leave it to others to decide for themselves.


Andy Culpepper, luthier
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 10:19:30

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RE: What is Flamenco? (in reply to Florian

A big part of duende is standing your ground no matter how many are on your case. I do not care if you gain ranks. I know my soul, and know freedom of speech. I know that sacred experience is not to be disrespected and so would any original Gypsy.
And I am sure I would not be treated so badly like this by real flamenco people. In fact I am sure of it.

This has learned me that you people here who are scpagoating me because of what I have said are reall dis-ensouling flamenco. Maybe one day you will realize this. But you might as all go and play for Madonna!

If I ever hear the ones who have attacked me so offensively in this thread, and not had guts to disagree with such offense--if I ever hear you on radio, on Youtube...etc, I will turn off. You are shameful.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 10:25:13
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