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John O.

Posts: 1730
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

Dancers' interest in flamenco music... 

...or better the lack of.

I know so many dancers who don't get excited about a great CD from a new young singer that comes out, or any flamenco music in general. I can't really generalize, I know others.

I've tried loaning favorite CDs of mine and almost always get kind of a "Uh, yeah, thanks..."

Sure, dancers of course enjoy dancing and can't dance to a lot of the new CD's that come out. I don't play a lot of the stuff from the albums either, still enjoy blasting them in my car. Not to mention I can flip out watching a good dancer perform.

Possibly after teaching flamenco the whole day they can't hear it anymore?

Just an interesting thing I've noticed. Your thoughts?


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 5:58:53

Posts: 440
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From: La Jolla, Ca

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

Back when I played on the tour (Qualifiers), I taught tennis during the week so I could have my own sched'. I used to try to get other pros' to hit at lunch or after lessons in the afternoon, but they all told me they HATED tennis, and when they were done with lessons; "I don't even want to SEE a tennis ball".

I was kind of shocked, but I guess that's the way it is in so many things.

Like they say, 'If you want to kill your love of something, go into business in it!'

Some love it, many just do it for a hobby or a few $$, I guess.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 6:40:19

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Ramón

Hm, i cant relate to that. The few pro dancers ive met were all very interested in flamenco and also guitar playing. It depends on your attitude to music, and on which level you want to have your performance. Some see it like this: the dancer is here. And the music (guitar, palmas, cajon, violin, singing,...) is ..................................... over there. I was always against this way of thinking, but for some dancers it works better (as hard as it might sound). I just dont waste a thought on such things anymore, so it doesnt bug me.

There are also dancers that have never been to a Paco concert, can you imagine?! screw them


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 7:01:55

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to XXX

Theres all kinds of motivations out there...many just wanna be on stage, many do it for the Romanticism of it as Ron talked about, many confused it for Salsa and were allready there for a while before they realised ..and some even love flamenco

i am sure theres plenty who love it but playing a intro and them starting to chat to eachother u do wonder..

in rehersals just look at their faces when u play a slow intro if they not chatting , the looking at themselfs in the mirror ir not that they are looking down and adjusting their vest lol whatever it is that they are doing they are never just looking at you and just listening to the intro..

for a lough last week i keped repeating the guajira intro ( u know when u are sopossed to do a note once and move away...every now and than i stayed and replaied a note about 7 times lol ...and leaving extra long pauses in between notes ..while they were all waiting for me standing up ready to walk on intro went for about 3 minutes ( and i was pretending that i was serious and really into it) so noone stoped me they were just looking at eachother lol

they must have been thinking, its weird, i fixed my vest, i looked in the mirror...but the intro is still going

to be fair they probably do have alot on their minds before dancing or are nervous but so what...our eyes dont move away from every single thing they do, we are with them all the way but the second their moment is finished you are on your own lol

most of the times u dont care but every now and than u think...gee it would be nice


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 8:50:50

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Florian



for a lough

yeah, heres another one... there is this Rumba part of a Farruca, which we were practising since several weeks, if not months. On a reharsal before a gig i get to asked "did you play the strumming always like that?" Yes, the whole f***ing 200 times i played it exactly like that Thank you for listening!!! LOL


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 10:17:19


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 13:02:22
John O.

Posts: 1730
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From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to val

I agree with Val, there's a fine line between keeping the music interesting yet recognizable for a beginning student at the same time. I thing Flo was talking about actual gigs though, right?

On the other hand it's good to vent frustration. There will always be the dance students who whisper and giggle when the guitarist and instructor are trying to work something out. Not beginners, not advanced either, they're usually right in the middle.

And when just afterwards it's their turn to try something out alone, just once, I might start on 1 instead of 12, play a different chord - OOPS

Just kidding. I did that in one situation. It was fun, though...


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 13:23:33
John O.

Posts: 1730
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From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

I should add I love accompanying for classes and teaching.

I also do get recognition for my intros and falsetas. I was talking about professional dancer's interest in flamenco music in general when they're not dancing to it.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 13:42:27


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 13:48:08
mark indigo


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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to val


Dancers' interest in flamenco music... ...or better the lack of

i could write a 'king book on this!!!

i think what bugs me is when people say they really want to get the hang of compas and rhythm etc. and to really get good at flamenco, but won't actually listen to it.... duh!!!

i bet anyone who teaches guitar will have examples of guitar students who want to be able to play "flamenco" but don't actually listen to it, so it's not just dancers....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 14:30:53

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to mark indigo

yes Val you are right, and so is John i am not refering so much to students ...and maybe what goes on in their head is totaly different thing to what it appears like from the outside..

but there are dancers who are great and really attentive to music and there are those who are fixing their dresses ...looking in the mirror etc..

its like the difference of having a conversation with someone who is listening to you and having one with someone who is just using the time you talk to think about the next thing they say...

and again this is just the body language that comes across, i could be wrong ...and its certainly not all of them


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 4 2009 17:34:23

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From: Washington DC

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

common occurance. Also, some dancers and singers can't stand to listen to solo flamenco guitar either. But dancers that dont' listen to any flamenco is a common problem. I say problem because the best dancers I find actually do listen to flamenco quite a bit, but what makes a dancer better than an other is again, opinion. I am not surprised the dancers I prefer tend to listen a lot.

But at the same time, I admit, watching dance on video is extremely boring for me. Especially if it is a tripod set up home video of a dance show. No matter how good it was, or who, i can't stand to watch those vids. I dont' mind so much if there are some close ups and camera angle changes. I much prefer to see it live, or be doing it.



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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 5 2009 8:46:16

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

It depends a lot on the teacher too. I just got from accompanying the dance class in the sacromonte today and the teacher explains alot abou the music to the students. There are usually 2 or 3 guitarists around and this is good for variation.
For example in the Alegria she will ask one guitarist to play the silencio and the next time get a different guitarist to play their silencio. It will sound completely different and sometimes even be in a different key. That way the dancers get used to different musical accompaniment to the same choreography.
It keeps the guitarists on their toes too because she changes accompaniment from alegria to "por jerez" to "por arriba" and gets the dancers used to hearing the same thing different ways.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 5 2009 11:20:28

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Pimientito

Most dance students don't go see live shows either. Most don't support other up and coming students who are doing their first performances. It has been that way as long as I remember. I used to save a few bucks every week, just so I could sit at the bar order a beer and watch shows in New York without getting the artists in trouble. I think the vibe here in the US is about physical activity and exercise. Most dance students don't seem to be trying to become dancers. I have had MANY guitar students who were the same. Yaelisa and I complain about this regularly when we host student shows and her students don't come and support the performers who have been working hard to make themselves presentable in a show. Of course..... recorded flamenco leaves much to be desired. Most of the time I would prefer not to listen to recorded music. Recordings regardless of how well done never can compare to how things sound in reality. I recently did a demonstration with a great engineer in which a BUNCH of audiophiles all brought in their speakers and we compared me playing live to recordings of me made there in front of them. They were all sick to their stomachs at how their $10,000 pair of speakers performed next to "the real thing". I summed up the days festivities by inviting them all to come see my shows more often.

Another intersting discussion recently with another fantastic engineer who was telling me about the sonic advantages to outboard recording gear rather than plugins and ITB (in the box) mixing..... After he finished preaching to me about all of the benefits of this EXPENSIVE gear that has to be serviced regularly...... I reminded him that after the recordings get converted to an mp3, the are going to sound like crap anyway. He bursted out in laughter because you can't deny anymore the fact that our new way of delivering recorded music is really horrible.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 5 2009 17:39:04

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to JasonMcGuire


Another intersting discussion recently with another fantastic engineer who was telling me about the sonic advantages to outboard recording gear rather than plugins and ITB (in the box) mixing..... After he finished preaching to me about all of the benefits of this EXPENSIVE gear that has to be serviced regularly...... I reminded him that after the recordings get converted to an mp3, the are going to sound like crap anyway. He bursted out in laughter because you can't deny anymore the fact that our new way of delivering recorded music is really horrible.

Sorry to go offtopic for a sec John

Speaking of Audio.. I just tought myself to mix sound in 5.1 Sorround sound ...I am so proud ...i read everything i found on the net, experimented with a few programs, tried and failed a million times..(panned and equed 6 diff chanels and did reverb, did each chanell in mono) i just extracted each chanell of a professionaly made (flamenco) dvd to learn how they eq and pan each chanell

some programs claim that they do Sorround sound but the sound wasent coming out of all my speakers...waisted about 50 dvds lol ( lucky they cheap) cause my computer audio setup dosent give me a true indication of how it will sound on 5.1.. but last night i did it ! now its just a matter of tweaking and experimenting with diff reverbs and levels for each chanel..

i love the subwoofer adds a litlle extra kick to footwork...

my biggest problem was that even if i mixed the sound to 5.1 i needed to mix it down to one wave...but than how will my dvd burning program burn it exactly like it was intended...

i keped selecting 5.1 on the burning software too (nero9) so it just doubled it up and ruined i learned that u leave the allready mixed audio alone..just tell you software to burn it as normal, because i had allready panned it once.

ever done this before ever mixed in 5.1 or dolby ? any tips ?

i realize its not true dolby 5 .1 since it wasent recorded specifically this way but il setlle for the fake for the time beeing..i just like the extra woomf and the feeling that is all going on around you beats just 2 chanell stereo anyway..wich is very thin and litlle in comparasement

ps...what does Dithering do ? do I need it ? will it help the sound quality ? the difference is allways too subtle to be able to tell


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 5 2009 22:00:46

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Florian

Dithering is how you deal with getting 24bit audio down to 16bits without artifacts. Different dithering algorithms have different ways of dealing with the truncated data. Apogee's UV22 was once considered the best but Pow-r has become quite popular and is what I use. Pow-r type 3.

I have participated in quite a few surround recording projects. Blue Coast Records is one company I have worked with. Even with the most expensive mics in the universe by the time audio gets crushed into ones and zeros and then back into an electrical signal and comes back out of a paper cone with a magnet.......... it looses most of what was so cool about it in the first place. All the gear in the world can't really make up for it. As an engineer you have to realize from the start that it is a loosing battle. You always just make the best of the situation. I have heard mono recordings that were amazing. Surround is cool but its not the answer. You think recordings sounds great and they do remind us of the instruments and the music they represent, however when compared directly to the source they really don't do that great a job. Sit in a room with a guitar being played. Walk sounds great everywhere. Play something through speakers, even great ones..... walk around. sounds good in one or two places only usually. The audiophiles in the above mentioned experment all prefered the sound of the real guitar played live. And all noted that all speakers and mics tested lacked the depth and realism enough to say that it was even in the same ball park. The technology for recorded music has gone downhill not uphill in quality. Its not going to improve anytime soon. Its still a lot of fun to record though.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 5 2009 23:47:20

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to JasonMcGuire

Thanks Jason for the dithering info...much appreciated

Yeah i know were u coming from and u are right but u know theres nothing we can do about it...u cant be everywhere playing live..u need demos, cds, videos etc.. just got to make the most of what there is...

If you permit me to say lol you are getting a litlle obsesed with this "realistic" sound lol...theres plenty of albums we have enjoyed made even earlyer...and back then the sound wasent even what it is now....Vicentes 3 notas for example...i know it wasent as good as real life quality but still it was beautiful..pleasurable to listen too....and also sometimes the recording improves the experience because it can compress, make notes of equal volume etc..

for so long i have had a crappy guitar...i relied alot on recording and eq, reverb etc.. to make it a litlle nicer..for demos , videos, and in gigs i relied heavily on good mixing etc..

besides...if u could get album that sound like the real life...with the recession and all...who would go out to see anyone anymore lol

I loved the sound of your recording the one that you had uploaded here with a singer..last one...was liquid, was beautiful..BTW..i would love it if you uploaded it again...i lost it and i would love to hear it again, i remember beeing realy impressed by the sound..

sound is not perfect i know...but we have to make the most of what we have

do you think theres room for improvement in sound or have we hitt the celling ? its as good as it can be but machines no matter how advanced just cant reproduce everything perfectly ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 5:56:19

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.


The technology for recorded music has gone downhill not uphill in quality. Its not going to improve anytime soon. Its still a lot of fun to record though.

I do agree, its more about quantity than about quality. Even on my iPod everything is in wave format.


Its not going to improve anytime soon. Its still a lot of fun to record though + do you think theres room for improvement in sound or have we hitt the celling ?

Since this is the digital age I don't think it will improve soon, but....there is still some room to improve in quality if you go back to analog tape. (At least according to the scientific curve, its parabolic and we haven't reached the top-point yest)

A good way to give some warmth to your recordings is for example:
1. Mix down your whole mix
2. Record the mix again but trough an outboard tube amplifier/compressor. I use the TLA C-1 stereo tube compressor.
It gives you just that extra warmth and punch.
BUT STAY AWAY FROM THE TUBE-PLUGINS!!! It'll hurt your ears.

Or record it trough an old cassette player, you got some extra noise, but also that extra thing which feels analog.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 9:03:40

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to kozz

Mixing the channels outboard through a console or summing unit like the Dangerous 2-buss thingy is good. The experiment I refered to before was conducted with an Otari 24 Channel 2" machine with Dolby SR noise reduction and Millenia Origin microphone preamps and B&K and Neumann mics. Still wasn't convincing. Better than digital but still nothing close to "being there". Photographs and Audio recording both share the fact tha they are one dimensional. Perhaps there will become a recorded music medium where the music is represented in 3D. That would be exciting. Not surround or other processes that intend to fool the listener.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 12:58:19

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From: Hamilton, ON

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

Sorry to go off-topic for a second but...

What do y'all think of string theory's potential as an accurate description of quantum gravity? Higher-dimensional supergravities have made sense since Kaluza-Klein theory, and tend to be very elegant. That said, while I'm skeptical of all of the proposed "alternatives" to string theory as well, we need to wonder how beneficial it is in the long run to physics that most theory work done these days will lie outside the realm of observation for decades, if not longer. Thoughts?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 13:12:17
John O.

Posts: 1730
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From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Adam

I like it, nice potential


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 13:40:38

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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to John O.

you might like this:

Manipulate your sound by photoshop
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2009 13:45:38

Posts: 15165
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From: Washington DC

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Adam


ORIGINAL: ramparts

Sorry to go off-topic for a second but...

What do y'all think of string theory's potential as an accurate description of quantum gravity? Higher-dimensional supergravities have made sense since Kaluza-Klein theory, and tend to be very elegant. That said, while I'm skeptical of all of the proposed "alternatives" to string theory as well, we need to wonder how beneficial it is in the long run to physics that most theory work done these days will lie outside the realm of observation for decades, if not longer. Thoughts?

Interesting ideas. STring theory and others, well, obervation or testing of predictions I understood to be out of our ability forever, not decades. (requiring some particle excellerator larger than the visible universe to produce energies needed to "see" a string or anything else down that small as a plank length).

Something I have noticed recently that the human brain seems to have a flaw which allows these illogical diaposing ideas to co exist. For example, science and religion, standard model and general relativity, wave particle duality, dark matter and dark energy, open or closed universe, taranto taranta, cantiña de pini o alegria, bulerias por solea or solea por bulerias, the negra flamenca and the classical guitar?, etc.

It all points to the fact that neither one is ENTIRELY correct description of the whole picture, and requires some vagueness to come to grips with full reality of it all. With only 5 sense we can't describe it all, we can't put EVERYTHING into its neat little box. We need another dimension of percpection to "see" the complete picture, but it is not physically possible. So we must sit and just enjoy our lives and accept that we are not yet meant to know all the answers, even though the entire universe is just sitting right here in front of us, all answers given before we know the questions.

Somedays my ears are better than others. For example if I am sick, I lose LOTS of low frequencies and volume. I notice this doing live sound. Our ears are not even alwasy the best judge of sound. Things change. My dream of recording or live sound is to have a floating sphere that amplifies the same sound as needed in all directions. Perhaps, even a 4 dimensional hypersphere could somehow even capture and transmit the elusive duende in someway ('hey the eq is good on the guitar, but can we turn up the duende a notch?). But obviously that technology is way out of reach at this time.

So, in the mean time, I quite enjoy recordings or live sound where the guitar lets say, is very close sounding, flat eq, no effects, NO COMPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and very loud, as loud as possible with no distortion hiss or feedback to have the MAXIMUM dynamic range possible. The speaker needs to have a lot of good high end response. I take that over a big bassy horn anyday.

And now lets add the GUITAR and the PLAYER to the equation....and the fact I only listen to music driving in the car!.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 7 2009 7:26:10

Posts: 1930
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From: San Francisco

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Ricardo

Interesting. I like a highly compressed sound on flamenco guitar. Love those early Paco records where there's a ton of sustain.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 7 2009 9:39:20

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RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to Mark2

Compressors are evil things ..... Cantiñas de Pinini beats Alegrias any day of the week....... Romeras too. I never saw a big bassy horn before, usually its the horn(comprssion driver) that produces the highs in a speaker system, but the East Coast is a special place and having a tiny understanding of Quantum Physics I guess anything is possible as long as we aren't paying too much attention........ Complain about dancers, segue to complaining about recording technology, segue to string theory, segue to live sound issues and cantiñas, segue to 70's Paco recordings........ wow.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 7 2009 10:21:07

Posts: 15165
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From: Washington DC

RE: Dancers' interest in flamenco mu... (in reply to JasonMcGuire


ORIGINAL: JasonMcGuire

Compressors are evil things ..... Cantiñas de Pinini beats Alegrias any day of the week....... Romeras too. I never saw a big bassy horn before, usually its the horn(comprssion driver) that produces the highs in a speaker system, but the East Coast is a special place and having a tiny understanding of Quantum Physics I guess anything is possible as long as we aren't paying too much attention........ Complain about dancers, segue to complaining about recording technology, segue to string theory, segue to live sound issues and cantiñas, segue to 70's Paco recordings........ wow.

compressors are sometimes a necessary evil....but for me the less the better. In Rito y geografia they interview Pinini's daughter and ask her about her dad's famous Cantiñas and she sort of got mad and said "look guys, that was his Alegrias, not the cantiñas they sing down in Cadiz"....or something like that....and the aficionados had no choice, but to go with what they understand about it rather than except it from the horses mouth (putting things in a box with a nice lable was my point), so they call it "Cantiñas de Pinini o "Alegrias"...

Oh and horn is my personal typo for that big cone thing that rips all the time. Seriously sorry for that one.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 7 2009 13:33:30
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