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Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

Funny Performing Experiences 

Since i had a not too good performance last night i tought i might start this thread so that I tell about some of the funny ones and you can tell me about yours.

Last night is too fresh in the memory and is too painfull to talk about just yet i need to let it heal first .

But heres one that happened about 2 years ago:

Well first off the stage was too sliperry so some genius ( i wont name names tough) He says :- " Why dont we put that white powder on stage that ballet dancers use I think is called " Roaslin" or something that sturts with R

SO we put this stuff allover the stage the show starts 1st number is a group number with 5 dancers banging away, the white cloud of this powder lifts up in the air making a cool effect , ( me idiot thinks " OH wow wicked man , just like on tv" ).
2 seconds lated the powder is in out mouth , our eyes, our Hands !!
Playing with this powder on our fingers was like dipping your hands in honey and trying to play afterwoods. The musos where looking at eachother thinking " OH **** ".

But as i later discovered that was the list of our problems, about 10 minutes into the show we had THE MOST SPECTACULAR FEEDBACK I have ever heard "feedback": dosent even do it justice the microphones had picked back the feedback and sending it back and back it had gonne into overdrive.

The Feedback lasted about 2 minutes. It was like something out of " Saving Private Ryan' when they landed on the beach my hearing was goone, i turned to my left the cajon player has stopped playing all togheder standing there looking down and holding his hands around his ears TIGHT.

I turn to my right the other guitarist I moving his arms in the air and screaming and pointing only our hearing is goone and you cant hear a thing, all that is going trough your head is : "Oh please god make it stop! " and " AM I getting sex tonight ?"

Troughout all this there was this poor dancer on stage who didnt stop she acctualy keeped dancing trying to cover all this up (God bless her).

I didnt tell you this at the start but the soundguy was just a guitarist friend of mine who just came to see the show and i convinced him to sitt at the desk (soundguy had an accident )
I said to my friend " Domenic all you have to do is sitt at the damn desk thats all and you get free alcohool all night, cmon man what can go wrong ?"

Poor guy I remember the pain in his eyes when i looked at him from the stage (the hole crowd was giving him dirty looks).
He looked straight at me in despair and with his eyes he said "You bastard "

That's is , i am sure i made spelling mistakes but i got so excited about this storry i didnt wanna stop to double check.
I have plenty more like this one :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 2:49:50

Posts: 1749
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

Hi Florian!

I had a very good laugh this morning thanks!
VERY funny !

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 7:23:46

Posts: 6422
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

1. An Indy band I was in, was playing a benefit gig in London; Edwin Collins, Pop Will Eat Itself etc. on the bill. We had to wait hours and hours for the sound guys to turn up to do a soundcheck. By the time we got on stage I was very drunk. I got into a row with our singer, kicked the assistant sound engineer who was in the wings - he hit me back and I fell off stage, landing on a hippy and his bicycle.

2. Preston. We blew the sound desk and got into a fight with our own security - the gig closed early and we didn't get paid.

3. London. Played a gig where no-one turned up, someone had forgotten to advertise. Nothing in the press, no posters, nothing. We played to an empty hall.

4. Rotterdam. Me and our drummer released some live sheep from a performance artist in the foyer. The odd sheep turned up in the strangest places for the rest of the evening.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 12:12:11

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

HAHA Simon

We once did a gig in a countrytown when we got back to the hotel we realised we left our cd player in the changingroom of the Hall where the show was, so we got drunk first and than went and broke into the Hall and gout our cdplayer back.
I still dont know if that was stupid or funny :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 12:53:42
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

Hey Florian, that was a great read, I've got tears in my eyes laughing, I'd have to say it's a combination of the funny story and your spelling!

This is one of mine.

Ive got a dancer, a palmero/cajon and me on guitar. We call ourselves, Deseo.

We went to see this man who was putting on a big show in Glasgow. There was a lot of fuss at the door during rehersals when we arrived and we were shown through into this sitting room with a big fire and about 7-8 people all sitting around on soft comfy chairs.
There was a big dog lying on a rug in front of the fire.

About half way through our talk this big dug (scots way of saying dog) just streatched, got up, walked round in a circle and did a great almighty crap right on the rug in front of the fire. It then laid back down and fell asleep.

We were mortified and nobody said a word, they all just seemed to take it as normal!
At the end, we got up to leave as quickly as we could because by this time the smell was dreadful!

As we walked out the guy shouted, 'Hey! Deseo, are you not taking your dug?'
I said, 'It's not ours'
He looked stunned for a minute and then he shouted, 'get that ****ing dug out of hear'
and started to wallop it with a brush.

It turned out it was a stray that just wondered of the street looking for a heat and came in behind us.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 14:26:05

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Jim Opfer

Absolutely magic story Jim!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 16:16:54

Posts: 218
Joined: Jul. 6 2003

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

Many years ago, when I played alto sax in a rhythm and blues band (remember those), we were invited to compete in a “Battle of The Bands” gig, featuring 20 or so local bands.

We arrived early afternoon, found our “marked off square” to set up the drums, amps, guitars, mics, etc. Every band had it’s own “territory” to set up in. Needless to say, each band was pretty close to each other! We rehearsed the 3 songs that we were gonna play, and left while other bands set up.

We came back to the auditorium (down town Albuquerque, NM) around 6:00 pm, and the show started around 7:00. The floor was PACKED with band equipment from all kinds of different bands!

After 8 or 9 bands played their songs, we were next to play. Well, the first song “Mustang Sally” went really well, the audience applauded (about 300 or 400 people). We started our second song (which I don’t remember now, because about half way into the song all hell broke loose)!

During the second song, the drummer was pounding away, and one of his cymbals and stand started to topple over, so he sort of stood up to grab it, and when he did, the back of his legs tipped over his drum chair, which he was not aware of! Well, when he went to sit back down he FELL DOWN BACKWARDS, ARMS FLAILING AWAY, and fell into some cymbals of a band set up in back of us, and those cymbals fell to the side of another bands cymbals… which knocked over a mic (positioned to pick up the bass drum) that started a loud feedback that sounded like … well we all know how that sounds!

Someone quickly shut down the offending amp, and the whole damn place was as quiet as a mouse for about 10 seconds…then, THE WHOLE FREAKING CROWD started booing us like nothing I’ve ever heard! We got the hell outta there before they killed us!!

The event went on till about 11:00 or so that night, and there we were, the five of us waiting in our old broken down van, drinking beer, trying not to kill our drummer, until almost 2:30 in the morning, so that we could be the last to go fetch our equipment!!

We played all over the city the following year, but, we never got invited to the next “Battle of the Bands”!!

Bummer…………!!!!!!!!! You may not believe it, but, it’s a true story!!

Merle ;>)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 19:30:20

Posts: 6422
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Merle

I could have been there, Merle


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2004 20:23:05

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Jim Opfer

HAHAHAH JIM thats the funniest storry i have ever heard is soo perfect it sounds like something out of a movie


LOL I can just picture your experience in my head man and i am pissing myself laughing everytime i do.
Ps. do you still play the sax ?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 4:09:58
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Merle

That's a cracker! One of those ones where you cough! with excitement but you wet your pants by mistake!
I can just imagine you all in the van waiting till the crowd went away!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 16:24:58

Posts: 218
Joined: Jul. 6 2003

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

Florian, I don't play the alto sax anymore...actually I can't play the flamenco guitar either!!

Like I said, many times over, "I should have just washed dogs for a living"! :>0



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 16:40:04

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Jim Opfer


One of those ones where you cough! with excitement but you wet your pants by mistake!

errrr... Merle tell him that is not like that at all
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 16:44:14

Posts: 218
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RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Jim Opfer

Yea, Jim, it was a diaster...I've never felt so embarrased/scared like that again! I don't know if you know what it's like to have a whole friggen auditorium of people turn on you like they did us...I mean, hell, it was a mistake!! :>0



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 16:46:55

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Merle

U can too ! play guitar and i got the recording to prove it !

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 16:50:16
Thomas Whiteley


Posts: 786
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From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

I have had one performance I will never forget! It was the winter of 1964-65 and I was stationed at an Air Force Radar Site in north central Oregon. There were 150 men and you were either drunk in your off duty hours or you attempted to retain your sanity.

I formed several groups of musicians and we toured all over the area where ever anyone would let us play. The population of the area enjoyed our music and we enjoyed performing for them. We had country, folk, jazz and flamenco performances. I was involved in all of them. Each performance we would give I would tape record and still have the tapes.

One day we had a gig scheduled in a small lumber town called Fossil, population 200. It was the dead of winter and we got there early to set up. The men created a “stage” using ¾ “ X 4’ X 8’ pieces of plywood on top of saw horses about three feet high. As you walked across the “stage” the plywood acted like a trampoline and would undulate a good deal.

Every man, woman, child and dog in Fossil showed up for our performance. It was around –15 outside and I think this was the only warm spot in town. I was the first on with a flamenco performance. My trusty tape recorder was turned on and I was alone on the stage. I had set up my chair (I carried this folding chair all over the United States when I performed professionally) and carefully walked out to sit down and play.

As I began to play a Farruca I felt at ease and the audience was quiet. About four minutes later while still playing, two lumber jacks walked across the stage in back of me. I was distracted and the stage was bobbing up and down like an ocean storm. The distraction made me completely forget what I was playing and I remembered my training from age 6 in classical performance, “If you make a mistake just keep playing”!

I did not miss a beat however I began to play a Bulerias. Again I had no clue what I had done before. The audience applauded me as well as my friend’s back stage. Upon leaving the stage my friends said, “Tom, that was the best performance you have given”! I have the audiotape to prove it too! Talk about luck! Man I could have been run out of town just as well.

It is amazing that so many folks enjoy different forms of music. They do not have to know anything about the music. I have taken our family to retirement homes to play for the residents and they are so appreciative of our piano and guitar playing. We should do more of that for our communities.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2004 17:26:46

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

LOL Good one Tom thank you for sharing.

YOure right music is one of the most important thing in the world it always has been, when pple are happy they turn to music , when pple are sad they turn to music. Nothing brings back memories in your head more than music.

Try whatching the most touching movie without music (EG. Lovestory, Titanic, whatever touches you) I guarantee it will not have as much impact on you as it does with music.
Music is able to express felling sad, feeling scared, feeling happy alot clearer than words can.

When you listen to someones cd is souch a weird feeling because is like you get to look inside theyr soul, trough music they have exposed a personal part of themselfs to you they would probably never ever do trough words.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 22 2004 2:22:33

Paco E.

Posts: 70
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From: Wieringerwerf, Holland

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Merle

Is that what they call "domino effect"?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 23 2004 20:16:20
Jon Boyes

Posts: 1377
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RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

A few months ago at one of my gigs, I finished a piece (can't remember which one), played the last chord dramatically and my stool collapsed from underneath me, leaving me on my arse on the stage.

Very embarrassing - the stage was wooden and it made one hell of a noise as I collapsed in a heap - the audience looked quite bemused, and didn't know what to say. Finally one guy shouted out "did you buy that stool from Ikea, by any chance?"

I learned a valuable lesson that night, and went out and bought myself a sturdier chair..

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 25 2004 11:31:34

Posts: 243
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From: San Diego, CA

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

Great stories, I was really laughing. I love these kind.

My one performance screw up happened about 1995.

When at university, I used to pracitce in a foyer outside the presidents office, it has great acoustics. He liked it when I played as he was a fan of "Spanish" guitar.

He retired just about when I graduated, probably a little after. The alumni director contacted me and asked me to play for the retirement ceremony as a surprise.

It was held at a local hotel. I sat down at the bar and drank some wine to calm the nerves, I was going to play solo for about 500 people. I don't remember what commotion there was at the bar but I spilled red wine all over the crotch of my jeans (which they had requested I wear to appear as a student).

I had to walk on and off the stage with my guitar held in front of my waist, surely they would have thought I'd p***ed my pants from the nerves.

Not nearly as funny as some other stories, but performance brings some risk.

Anyone ever accidentally let one out near a mike? (I hear Segovia did that, got up, left the stage, then returned after a couple minutes).

My friend took a BIG spill off a stool, hit another chair, then hit the floor. Must have been embarrasing as hell. He kept moving toward the edge of the stage without knowing it, then suddenly, off he went.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 25 2004 23:30:24

[Deleted] (in reply to Florian

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2004 13:50:58
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Florian

I have nothing as great as the stories that have gone before, but I have one or two. The first was when we played at a local supper club called Barcelona. This was the newest, hottest thing here in Phoenix, really fancy and rich. The stage was elevated a good four feet off the ground, lit and backdropped with old-fashioned maps of Spain and a large imported Tibetan door (?). Well, they even had a sound man and I kept yelling at him during the first set because I wanted more sound in the monitor. He kept telling me it was maxed out and he couldn't give me anymore, they had a brand new system and there must be some kind of bug. It wasn't until I walked off the stage that I realized I had not plugged in the mic..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2004 14:25:25

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Miguel de Maria

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 6 2004 0:45:02

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Guest



Everyone there was pissed off and glaring at the warmup band silently saying "Your effing idiots!"

I think you spelled " **** " wrong but other than that it was so damn funny.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 6 2004 0:48:08

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Funny Performing Experiences (in reply to Paleto

Paleto dont be so hard on yourself , your stuff was err... funny too

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 6 2004 0:55:32
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