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Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bullfighter Gored 

Has this been posted? The video is brutual so beware.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 10 2010 19:18:04

Posts: 5078
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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

Oh my gosh.. And I just ate kimuchi...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 0:03:30

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

Yeah....I saw that on the news here. They had a horrific close up photo of the guy with the bulls horn through his mouth in the papers. He was in hospital for a fortnight and got out last week remarkably intact although I don't think he will be singing any time soon.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 0:56:13

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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

That's incredible! One slip and that's it! Lucky man, looks like it was only an inch away from the jugular.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 6:23:05

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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

He didt die? What a pitty.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 6:47:55


Posts: 1506
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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

@Pim: I doubt he would have survived without the aid of antibiotics. The fever he had must have been horrific. His entire jaw and tongue are probably numb and will be for the next three or four years.

@Doit: This matador didn’t get any sympathy on the other sites that hosted this video, either.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 7:57:07

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Doitsujin

"He didt die? What a pitty."

What a sad "human being" you are

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 8:33:35

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Guest


What a sad "human being" you are

I generally stay out of this kind of discussion, especially when I was living in Spain but your comment pisses me off.

The saddest human beings are those that ritually torture their food instead of eating it. Do you feel the same about throwing goats out of towers and stoning pigeons in clay jars?

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Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 8:43:28

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Escribano

Julio Aparicio is a personal friend of mine. How would you like you friends to be insulted in this way?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 8:57:41

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Escribano

I'm not a fan of bullfighting, but it's not my culture so neither am I screaming for it to be banned.

I do know that most bull calves are shot at birth here in the UK as there is no market for them.
Some are shipped abroad for veal production which is a pretty distasteful practice too.

Hunting is a popular sport in the USA, where various wild creatures (deer, bears etc) are targeted by huntsmen kitted out with high-velocity rifles, telescopic sights, laser rangefinders, laser targeting spotters and image intensifiers, etc..
Hardly a "fair" match IMO.

These hunters are not in it for the food, but the "trophy" value, for say, an impressive stag's head for the living room wall to bring back on their fully equipped 4X4's.

Hunters feel it is their right as a citizen in a free society to re-live the "pioneering spirit" of their forebears in "the great outdoors" and pehaps feel a parental duty to introduce their children to experience the thrill of the kill too.

(Wildlife have "families" as well...but I suppose that doesn't count in the fun of the chase and cooking beans on a campfire...)

So I think it would be a bit hypocritical of me to put down Spanish culture in favour of American culture.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 9:24:22


Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Ron.M


Hunting is a popuplar sport in the USA, where various wild creatures (deer,bears etc) are matched by huntsmen kitted out with high-velocity rifles, telescopic sights, laser rangefinders, laser targeting spotters and image intensifiers.
Hardly a "fair" match IMO.

These hunters are not in it for the food, but the "trophy" value, for say, a nice stag's head for the living room wall to bring back on their fully equipped 4X4's.

Hunters feel it is their right to relive the "pioneering spirit" of their forebears in "the great outdoors" and pehaps like their children to experience the thrill of the kill too.

People who like venison hunt deer for food and there are a lot of poor people in Pennsylvania who eat deer, rabbit, quail, etc. out of necessity. The nice thing about the US is that it has been possible to be poor and still have a decent standard of living and hunting has been a resource for many of these people.

Since deer no longer have any natural predators the state would either have to hire people to kill them to avoid over population or charge hunters for a license to kill them. Deer are also the cause of a lot of car accidents when their population rises.

IMO there is a big difference between animal husbandry which protects a species, as well as killing an animal for food, and killing an animal as part of a public display in a stadium. A bull is a docile animal unless penned up in the dark for days at a time with no food or water.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 10:41:38

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco


is that it has been possible to be poor and still have a decent standard of living and hunting has been a resource for many of these people.

****...the US has a Social Welfare system.
So what do urban folk in the city centres do?


the state would either have to hire people to kill them to avoid over population or charge hunters for a license to kill them. Deer are also the cause of a lot of car accidents when their population rises.

Usual Hunter's **** disclaimer/excuse that he/she is doing a public service.
Truth is they love the kick of squeezing that trigger and bringing that animal down.


A bull is a docile animal unless penned up in the dark for days at a time with no food or water.

You're kidding me....

Have you ever been up close to an Andalucian fighting bull?

I have.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 10:54:25


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Nov. 8 2010 11:53:04
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 17:26:03

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to val

I dare not click that link - just reading the title says enough for me. We are sad pathetic beings - some of us are real sick and walk freely among us. Probably 1 in 10.

People that torture animals are a step away from torturing people.

My brother has his problems and they are manifold, but I give you this. My brother's acquaintance shot his pet cat with a pellet gun. My brother said he wanted to try, and when given the gun he shot the guy right in the ass! Made me realize there is some good on the planet.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 20:31:53


Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco


****...the US has a Social Welfare system.
So what do urban folk in the city centres do?

What does this have to do with anything? People living below the poverty line can’t refuse welfare and try to make it on their own? I can assure you many do. In PA the largest city is Philadelphia at about 1.5 million people. Pittsburgh is next at around 300,000 and there are about 12.5 million people in PA. Most people in this state live in small communities not urban areas like you see in music videos.


Usual Hunter's **** disclaimer/excuse that he/she is doing a public service. Truth is they love the kick of squeezing that trigger and bringing that animal down.

Not really, run into a deer while driving and you might have a different opinion. I know people who have—both of whom totaled their cars. In areas where hunting is too dangerous police officers are paid to hunt deer. Lately bears have been a problem locally and the game commission has had to trap and relocate them. I don’t hunt and don’t care for it but it takes the place of a huge governmental bureaucracy.


You're kidding me....

Have you ever been up close to an Andalucian fighting bull?

I have.

I grew up a few hundred yards from a farm. When I was a teenager my friends and I would chase the cows and bulls into a corner of the field on foot. The bulls NEVER, EVER assaulted us like they do in Spanish bullfights. What you didn’t see at the bullfight you attended was how the bull was treated before the fight. They are kept in the dark and not given any food or water for days—they are deliberately antagonized into making an aggressive display. This is supposed to justify the matador’s behavior and make him seem like a modern-day dragon slayer but really the whole contest is a sham—unless, of course, the matador loses his footing.

I am all for people preserving their culture but let’s at least acknowledge the circumstances surrounding bullfighting. Remember bulls don’t even eat meat—why would an herbivore that’s been domesticated for thousands of years bother to attack unless provoked? I would be more concerned about any of the dogs in my neighborhood attacking me than a well-fed bull.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 11 2010 20:51:59

Posts: 2277
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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

I did watch the video and there were two things that shocked me. Firstly, this was not part of the ritual of bullfighting, this was a group of young men with too much testosterone. I am willing to acknowledge another cultural ritual even if it is distasteful to me. But there is no way you would say this was arte.

The second thing is that after the bull was down they did not kill it quickly but let it die slowly while trying to get it into some sort of stall. At least let the animals pain be over quickly. No excuse for that.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 0:54:03

Posts: 2618
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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Guest


"He didt die? What a pitty."

What a sad "human being" you are


How strange! and doits comments seem to make him a more appealing human being to me!

I agree I wouldnt like my friends to be insulted in this way, and i understand why you would jump to their defense, but i guess these insults go with the territory... if you were friends with a serial killer or rapist youd recieve even more!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 1:33:23

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

Hey Pgh man...I'm not condemning hunting or wanting it to be banned or anything.
You are the one who is supporting it, while condemning bullfighting, whereas I support neither.

We too have Deer warnings up our way from time to time.
You just slow down a bit and keep an eye out..

(BTW..have you ever tried venison? It's crap...really strong and overpowering unless you have acquired a taste for it.
Most folk wouldn't thank you for it and would much prefer beef, pork, lamb, chicken etc.)

In a first world developed economy like the USA in 2010 there is no NEED for any citizen to have to resort to hunting their own food.
It's mainly done as a "sport" IMO.

Heh..I just had a vision of some poor guy in a string vest sitting in some run-down social housing project saying to his wife, "OK Honey..this has gone far enough..the kids have had nothing to eat in the past two days...I'm goin' out to git us some FOOD."

So he loads up his huge 10mpg off-road vehicle with all his camping gear, grabs his trusty $4000 hunting rifle and his favourite $500 telescopic sight and heads for them thar hills, stopping only briefly at the Hunting Store to grab $30 worth of ammo and provisions.

Three days later he returns with two stinkin' possums and a raccoon which he proceeds to gut and skin on the kitchen table... meanwhile the kids are screaming in horror and clutching their Mommy's legs, crying.."Mommy, mommy...why can't we just go down to Walmart like all the other families??"

Of course Daddy replies, "Don't worry sweethearts, OK, it's only possum stew this week..but next week Daddy's gonna git y'all a BEAR!!"

In Scotland we have shooting Estates where grouse etc are reared for the sole purpose of being shot by the wealthy or corporate hospitality shooting parties.
Very expensive, but afterwards you all retire to the Manor House for Smoked Salmon followed by Prime Angus Fillet Steak accompanied by fine wines then Cheese and liqueurs, Highland Malts or Fine French Brandy.

Hardly poor folk!

When I was a kid, occasionally you'd see some kid with an air rifle firing at pigeons.
"Why are you doing that?", you'd ask.
"'Cos they're Vermin.." would be the reply.
This is what I meant about the justification/disclaimer/excuse aspect.

Of course later they would get bored and go looking for rats along the canal.
If no rats were to be found, then the ass of a passing cat would also be a suitable target, even though the cat would theoretically be on their side in wanting to kill the vermin.

An early experience of "friendly fire" I guess?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 2:53:02

Posts: 1827
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From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Stu


if you were friends with a serial killer or rapist youd recieve even more!!!

Come on are you saying that a bullfighter is equivalent to a serial killer or rapist.

I am with Sean on this one, I find people who prefer the bullfighter to die very sad.

We kill animals, we eat them, get over it everyone.


Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 5:07:14

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RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Ron.M

Ron, you are correct about many attitudes of well enough off folks that like to hunt just want to kill something. But when it comes to deer specificially, PGH is right. Where I live there are huge herds of em coming through the neighborhood, starving. They eat everyones flowers and bushes in their front yards. Now I don't care so much about that, that no one around can keep a pretty yard, but the vast majority of these animals are road kill. It is nasty. And you can't just slow down. My aunt was side slammed by a deer that totaled the car, then ran off. Some neighbors hunt and eat em, but it is too much meat to eat to keep the population down. Like he said they have to be killed because other than humans, there are not enough predators to balance the population, and they starve and make lots of road kill.

now, humans, same problem, not enough predators.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 7:03:44

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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Ricardo


PGH is right. Where I live there are huge herds of em coming through the neighborhood, starving.

Uh...OK Ricardo...we don't get herds of 'em here...just the odd few that suddenly wander onto the road. (sometimes farm animals too).
So sorry for my misunderstanding of the situation Pgh.

We also have deer culls here too, carried out by deer specialists who kill off the older and injured animals etc to maintain the population/food ratio.

Pgh...when I say I was close up to an Andalucian Fighting Bull...I didn't mean in a Bullring or anything....just on the back of a (fenced-in) low-loader trailer. certainly didn't look docile, but one mean S.O.B. and absolutely HUGE.
It looked at the peak of condition and fitness, with muscles on top of muscles like a heavyweight boxer before a fight and certainly didn't look mistreated although I hear what you say.

What would be fairer IMO though, would be for Grizzly Bear hunters to only be allowed to carry a Matador's cape and sword.

Would make the whole hunting experience more interesting and challenging.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 7:50:25

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Kate


We kill animals, we eat them, get over it everyone.

This discussion has little to do with hunting or the food chain, Your implication is that we carnivores are hypocrites if we hold a negative opinion of the corrida. The general Spanish mistreatment of animals, outside of their mascotas, is legendary and I have seen it first hand.

I love so many aspects of Spain but I do not feel I have defend every aspect. The bullfight is an anathema in modern Europe and we should be counting its days.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 8:09:09

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Ron.M


Uh...OK Ricardo...we don't get herds of 'em here

We got a lot of them out at Great Falls, Virgina when I lived there (yeah, another place I lived). I was advised to buy a SUV so as not to find a deer sitting in my lap.

Ironically I never hit one on the road in the US but bought another Cherokee when I came back to the UK and then ran over one in Berkshire, which otherwise would have ended up in my lap and might have killed me at 40 mph. In the UK the law states one must report it, so I did.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 8:21:07


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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco


So sorry for my misunderstanding of the situation Pgh.

No problem, you’d never know from the current deer population that they were extinct in PA about 150 years ago. Ricardo is right about deer running erratically and mass starvation being an issue, too.


What would be fairer IMO though, would be for Grizzly Bear hunters to only be allowed to carry a Matador's cape and sword.

There are modern versions of black powder, muzzle-loading rifles that are popular for deer and bear hunting. People also hunt bear with large caliber handguns. I don’t think anyone will take you up on the cape and sword, though—maybe an atlatl would be a better choice.


Ironically I never hit one on the road in the US but bought another Cherokee when I came back to the UK and then ran over one in Berkshire, which otherwise would have ended up in my lap and might have killed me at 40 mph. In the UK the law states one must report it, so I did.

You have to report it here, too. About 25 years ago my grandfather went to his mailbox to mail a letter. About 15 minutes later he realized he forgot to mail another letter. When he went back out he found a deer lying dead in the snow on his driveway. He took it inside and butchered it with the help of my grandmother. The game commission never learned about this one. We ate venison for about a year. It was good, but I think it has to soaked in vinegar to get rid of the odd flavor.

Ron, I’ll take your advice and stay away from Spanish bulls. All that sangria and paella make for a more hot-blooded animal.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 9:02:56

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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Escribano


The bullfight is an anathema in modern Europe and we should be counting its days.

Yeah...I think it's only a matter of time...although I do realize that these bulls will just be shot at birth instead, once it is banned.

It's a hard philosophical call in many respects...

I'm just not keen on "death entertainment" in general, be it pig-sticking, cock-fighting, dog-fighting, bullfighting or hunting for pleasure.

I also find folk with a fascination for guns and shooting a bit weird and worrying as well, but maybe that's just me.

Happiness is a warm gun.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 9:15:33

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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco


maybe an atlatl would be a better choice.

Had to look that up Pgh!

Nah...the hunter just needs to tire the bear out with some passes of the cape until it gives up... then just use the sword.


(Provided the bear doesn't grab and eat the cape...then, I gotta admit.. you're f*cked.. )


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 9:27:54

Posts: 2618
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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Ron.M


Come on are you saying that a bullfighter is equivalent to a serial killer or rapist.

I'm not sure... maybe I am?!?!..... actually I'm not saying they're equivilent because one is excercising some power trip over animals and the other 2 doing similar against humans, however they are all massive, rather sickening ego trips!!!

I just meant that if ya pals do controversial things then you should be prepared for a bit of stick!


We kill animals, we eat them, get over it everyone.

I eat plenty of them! and would be happy to wring a chickens neck or slit a pigs throat if I had to.....but I wouldn't f#@k with it for an hour first. We all know the issue isn't the killing or the eating!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 16:12:25

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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Pgh_flamenco

Generally i think in most European Countries and in USA, there is a more civilized behaviour towards animals than in other countries like in Asia, Africa, etc. and there are many animal protection movements, doing a great job.
I have to admit that for instance in my country, Dogs and Cats are treated bad. There are many wild Dogs running in the streets and many people don't even want to touch them. They are considered to be dirty animals. And some police shoot them to make the streets "clean". I guess you could also compare it to many regions of spain, where animal protection is not so important and there is no such a sence for animals and their rights. You see many cats and dogs from Spain, imported to Germany to animal sanctuaries.

But on the other side, you have some people in US (or elsewhere) who have a shotgun under their bed and would shoot a human beeing right in the head without thinking twice, but fight for animal rights and would not do any harm to a dog. Or you have people who use animals just as a replacement and compensation for a human beeing, because they are not able to be bond to humans anymore. Or the whole industry making billions of dollars each month with all kind of useless accesoires for dogs, cats, etc.
This is also sick, just as it's sick to torture animals or don't care for animals, etc.

In Germany, its also very exterem sometimes. When i go for a walk, out of 2 people, one of them has a dog and is talking with the Dog the whole time, as if the dog is a human and understands everything the guy is telling him. But when you walk past them and say hello, you don't even hear an answer sometimes. This is also a little sick, no?

I think there should be some kind of middle way between these two extremes.
Some people should learn, how to treat animals and others must learn other things again.

As mentioned, i don't like bullfighting either but for me a life of a human beeing is still more important than a life of a Bull.
No matter if that Bull was treated bad or not. So i would never say something like Doit said.

Also some people mentioned, there is no fair fight and human always wins in bullfights.
Well, this time the Bull somehow won. I don't think that there is any other meeting between an animal and a human today, where an animal has even a minimal chance to gore a human


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 12 2010 23:25:26

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From: Scotland

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Arash


I don't think that there is any other meeting between an animal and a human today, where an animal has even a minimal chance to gore a human

No, but have you ever been involved in frenzied combat with an angry wasp?

Your adrenalin level and heart rate probably shoot up just as much as a matador's.

(and the humans usually back off and the wasp "wins".)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 13 2010 2:22:09

Posts: 1827
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From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Bullfighter Gored (in reply to Stu


I eat plenty of them! and would be happy to wring a chickens neck or slit a pigs throat if I had to.....but I wouldn't f#@k with it for an hour first. We all know the issue isn't the killing or the eating!

Yeah agreed my Mum always told me not to play with my food !

Simon, they may be about to ban the corrida in Catalonia, but Madrid retaliated with a bill to make it a cultural heritage and so protect it. I dont imagine it will be banned in Andalucia in my lifetime.

Ron when the Corrida is eventually banned, they will not be shot at birth rather the Spanish fighting bull will be extinct as they are only bred for the bullring. Maybe a few specimens will be kept and bred in zoos.

And sorry Simon yes you are right and I am wrong to imply that it is hypocritical of carnivores to be against bullfighting. Obviously it is not the killing of the bull but the manner in which it is killed that people find offensive. Aficionados however see it as an honour for the bull to die in the ring, and if I were a bull I would rather die fighting than in an abbatoir. I was a bit abrupt in my post and I apologise I am just a bit fed up of the continous debate on the foro, fueled no doubt by gory youtube videos, when there are so many other atrocities going on in this world which to my mind are far more important.

Arash not only in Iran my friend. In the UK the RSPCA, society for protection of animals, which funnily enough raises more charity money than the equivalent NSPCC which protects children, regularly takes stray dogs and puts them down, most animal lovers dont realise what they are actually funding.

When I first came to Spain there were packs of wild abandoned dogs roaming the streets, diseased and starving. You dont see this now, not because people no longer abandon their dogs but because they are routinely rounded up and killed.


Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 13 2010 4:08:05
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