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Picado: Difference in Finger Length
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RE: Picado: Difference in Finger Length (in reply to Francisco)
Hi Francisco, Yes, but just look at Paco's hands (or those of most virtuosos). Moraíto, for example, has really long fingers. He's not really considered virtuoso, but I think that has more to do with his own preferences than his potential (especially when he was in his early 20s). There are plenty of other skilled players with long fingers. But I'm not trying to discourage you. I see the players with plump hands and short fingers as being more stable, and some of them are really fast, too. Sometimes long fingers remind me of a scene from a Hitchcock (?) film in which James Stewart tries to find a comfortable place for his long legs under a low table. But back to picado: I think it'd help to have index and middle the same length, but then again everything changes when you get down to the bordones. Not trying to say anything one way or the other, but the angles and everything change when you get down to about the fifth string. One more thing, which I wanted to mention above but didn't have time, is that the photo appeared a number of years ago in the Sunday magazine of Spain's El País newspaper. An artist (don't remember the name and it's not indicated in the cutting that I've saved) decided to use close-up photos of the hands and irises (you know, the colored part of your eyes) of a number of famous people, Paco being one of them. So the complete photo consists of those images, along with a general frontal view of the subject, placed on a black background. Pretty cool, huh? Part of my reason for saying all of this is to point out that I don't think using this photo constitutes copyright infringement, since it's just part of the picture. But the photo belongs to the artist (and the hands are Paco's!), so if there are any concerns in that regard, just let me know. Pgh: My index is a lot shorter than my middle finger, but IMO the difficulty isn't so much in i-m-i/m-i-m but in certain runs where you end up moving to a lower-pitched string with the middle finger. Maybe it's just me, but that totally throws me off. I've tried exercising this kind of move specifically, but it feels really weird and uncomfortable, like sticking out my little finger while drinking a cup of tea or something.
Be here now.
Date Jan. 28 2009 0:01:36
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