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As you may have gathered from the pics I posted recently of the 1994 Ricardo Sanchis 2AF and the questions about the woods, this is one guitar that I have been interested in. Trouble is, it was for sale in London which is hundreds of miles away, so I had to get a guitarist friend there to check it out for me.
Anyhow, cutting a long story short, I bought the guitar but it is not what I am after so I am selling it on. Nothing wrong with it, it just isn't as good as some of the more expensive guitars I've tried out so far (which I suppose shouldn't be a great surprise) so I intend to keep saving the pennies.
It would however make an excellent first guitar for students on a tight budget, and 2nd hand flamenco guitars are pretty rare in the UK as I've discovered...
I'll post an ad soon (assuming that's OK Simon? Does FF allow private 'for sale' ads? Also, would it be OK to post in the public forum to maximise exposure?)
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Jon Boyes)
I guess you never found a person to look at the guitar, buying guitars blind is always dodgy, although Sancis ones are usually consistant, how much are you selling it for.? Dave
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Jon Boyes)
I'll post an ad soon (assuming that's OK Simon? Does FF allow private 'for sale' ads? Also, would it be OK to post in the public forum to maximise exposure?)
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Escribano)
Sorry, read your post too quick, why were you not satisfied with it, I have one, but I must admit once the strings are worn, it loses its charm but for the dosh can't be beaten, but its not a good advert saying you don't like it, then trying to flog it LOL Dave
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Billyboy)
ORIGINAL: Billyboy Sorry, read your post too quick, why were you not satisfied with it, I have one, but I must admit once the strings are worn, it loses its charm but for the dosh can't be beaten, but its not a good advert saying you don't like it, then trying to flog it LOL Dave
Basically, it didn't knock my socks off. Theres nothing wrong with it, and I certainly agree with you that for the money, at that end of the market, its probably untouchable. Solid wood all round, cypress/spruce/ebony, nicely setup (action is about 2.7mm at 6th/12), for 550 quid new you can't go wrong. If I already had a decent flamenco guitar I would keep it as a 2nd.
Its just that I have played more expensive guitars , and for a few hundred quid more I could hear and feel the difference. I now think I've got a much better idea of the market (in the UK), and I'm not really going to be satisfied with anything under around 800.
Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Jon Boyes)
So I want to ask you guys, what is the correlation between price and quality? Is there one? I have a $300 Paracho (Mexico) flamenco that is a little "dodgily" put together, but it plays okay and sounds really good. Now I have played lots of gutiar $2000, $2500 that can't hold a candle to this one. I have a friend who would never buy a guitar from a luthier, because he feels that each guitar is absolutely individualistic. Some cheap guitars are great, some expensive guitars suck, is his philosophy. Now I for one think this is simplistic. I have played about 10 guitars similiar to mine, and mine sounds the best, for sure. I wonder what the chances are that a $6000 guitar is going to sound fabulous. What do you think?
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Miguel de Maria)
Miguel- Interesting that you were in Paracho. I was there in March of 2002 and bought three guitars from three different luthiers. I bought a georgeous classical for a friend with brazilian rosewood and spruce soundboard that had a wonderful classical sound for $700.00. It could have easily sold for $3000 here in the U.S. I bought my son a $300 flemenco model which is nearly equal to my $2500 Esteso. It sounds about equal, but there are some minor finish flaws on it. The third one I bought was also for three hundred and turned out to be so heavily lacquered that it dampened the tone a bit. There are some luthiers in Paracho with records showing they made guitars for Sabicas, and some other well knowns that I can't recall. Personally I feel that most of the paracho luthiers have a tendency to make heavier guitars with a bit to much lacquer. If a person explained to them ahead of time I think you could get a super guitar depending on a little research to find the best luthiers in town. I know there are some who do french polish but I didn't see any. I later found out that in Paracho there are two excellent luthiers that make exceptional world class guitars. I noticed that they had all kinds of good woods, some of which were imported from Europe and Africa. That is the best I can recall and report to you Miguel. Donn
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Billyboy)
Jon if you could post the link, there must be something wrong with the guitar, like a warped neck to be selling for that price, I would never buy a guitar blind even for that price off e bay, there would be no garrantee there would be nothing major wrong with it, and e bay uder the small print would not be responsable. In fact I don't understand why people buy anything from the net, its not like one can take it back easilly if there is something wrong. Cheers Dave
RE: Well I bought a guitar.... (in reply to Billyboy)
ORIGINAL: Billyboy Jon if you could post the link,
No, you need to be an Ebay member to access the completed items section, and as ebay asks for your username and passowrd to logon, I'm pretty sure I couldn't post a link that would work for you.
Completed items are auctions that are now closed. Jutst enter 'flamenco guitar' in the ebay search box and it will throw up a list of any current auctions with those keywords. Go down to to the Completed items link in the bottom left, and click on it. You will get a list of recent falemnco guitar auctions, including the Sanchis.
Obviously if you are not an ebay member you won't be able to view it as I've already said.