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RE: New Francisco Antonio VIDS (in reply to Arash)
some really nice ideas.
A little dissapointed when i realized its playback.
His compostions are fantastic. But he never really hits it hard or really digs in. Its kind of a dynamic flatline. Still, i sure wish i could write falsetas even half that good. And his sound is very nice.
Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England
RE: New Francisco Antonio VIDS (in reply to kovachian)
I can only dream of having flamenco teachers like that around here.
Kovachian I'm not trying to make you jealous but I've been learning with Francisco Antonio for just over a year!!
A little dissapointed when i realized its playback
enurbf03, why do you think it's playback? What he does to get the sound that good is record simultaneously into the video and recording equipment. Then he replaces the camera sound with the sound from the recording equipment. I'm told it can be quite difficult to synch the two precisely.
So it isn't playback. Perhaps you assumed that because the sound is better than you would expect from a video camera?
RE: New Francisco Antonio VIDS (in reply to Ailsa)
Kovachian I'm not trying to make you jealous but I've been learning with Francisco Antonio for just over a year!!
Well you made me jealous anyways. thanks alot.
As for the "playback", I'll agree that it's likely just a combination of dedicated microphone audio with video from a high quality camcorder/webcam. Syncing the two is actually really easy with a program such as Sony Vegas Movie Studio.
Posts: 15509
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: New Francisco Antonio VIDS (in reply to Arash)
THe picture in the back of Paco on the wall, I have too! You can't tell really but he is bare foot playing Taranta on a Ramirez, with a cigarette in this hand. Another funny coincidence is I was just working out some buleria in the same key, and I swear one of my falsetas sounds very close to his.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: New Francisco Antonio VIDS (in reply to kovachian)
ORIGINAL: kovachian
Well you made me jealous anyways. thanks alot.
Me too! .....
@enurbf03......hi, i think you are mistaking. Sometimes the audio/video of youtube vids are not synchronized properly. This also sometimes happens when you upload (i mean in your pc everything is fine and then on youtube this happens). Check carefully the vids again and you will see that its not playback.
Another funny coincidence is I was just working out some buleria in the same key, and I swear one of my falsetas sounds very close to his.
This is not funny at all. Same thing happened to me with one falseta (ok it was easy and basic but nice) on which i worked hard and which i finally found to be very nice......a little later i was checking youtube vids and saw someone on youtube and .....WTF!!....nearlly the same falseta .....it was a Granaina falseta....to be honest it really pissed me off
I think nowadays it is nearly impossible to compose music which is completely new.