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where can i trade my guitar in LA?   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 12 2006
From: California

where can i trade my guitar in LA? 

that's los angeles, not louisiana =)

does anyone know of a place where i could trade my guitar? it's wonderful but i think it's much too big for me. it's really hard to find a comfortable position where i can get my right hand in the form i would like it to be in.

and does anyone have any suggestions for a guitar? mine's an aparicio aa90. i like how it plays and sounds for the price. not sure how much it's worth now. i'm guessing close to what i paid for it - $1200.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 2:14:48

Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

Are you shopping for a 640mm or 630mm scale flamenca?

Let me know what you settle on. I've been thinking of someday getting one from Alejandro Cervantes in San Diego.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 2:19:52

Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 12 2006
From: California

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

you know, i have no idea! i'm just thinking the smaller the better. i'm pretty small and my hands are tiny. i want a guitar with a small body, though i'm doing well with the wide fretboard.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 4:57:39

Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

Hmm. I know that Kenny Hill down in Ben Lomond (far north of you) makes a Torres replica which is a smaller-bodied guitar but is as loud as his Hauser '37. I played the 640mm version and really liked it; but $4K is still too much for a beginner like me to spend. It's a classical and not a flamenca though. His Almeria model is identically built and costs $2K.

Kenny does make an occasional flamenca and I imagine that he could custom-build a Torres flamenca for $4K. I spent two hours in his shop and showroom and learned quite a bit about setting-up a guitar.

Alejandro Cervantes in San Diego will custom-build a 640mm Santos-Hernandez copy. I think his prices for a custom would range from $3K to $4K. You could drop by his shop or call. I understand that he's really nice to talk to. I don't think he builds a small-bodied guitar though.

You could also consult with Pepe Vergara who's not too far from you. Don Pepe can build 640mm flamencas. I don't know if he has any currently available so it would have to be a custom job. His guitars are $3.6K. Again, however, I don't believe he builds a small-bodied guitar.

Lugo's Music is an hour north of you and they sell guitars by Francisco Navarro. The grand concert flamenca is sometimes offered at $1.7K. The owner of the shop, Jerry Lugo, know Sr. Navarro and might be able to ask him if he can build you a custom. Call to inquire.

Maybe the other members of the foro know of more options.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 6:06:20

Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

Bebin, ... I learned that Don Pepe has made 600mm and 620mm scale guitars. Perhaps he CAN make you a smaller-bodied flamenca.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 6:17:50

Posts: 4497
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

salam sara,

your guitar has a scale length of 650 mm and width at nut of 52mm.

So you have to look for 640mm or 635 mm or 630mm with nut width of about 50mm.

I dont know the size of your hands, but in the video i saw you playing, i dont think that you
have very very small hands (maybe just a little bit), so i think you dont need a "children guitar
with 600 mm, 610mm....."...just a little bit smaller than yours.
Maybe 630mm or 635mm would be the best, but you have to play the guitar and try it out to be sure.

First of all, how much can or are you willing to pay ?
Is a luthier built guitar out of the question? If not, then there should be no problem
to order a guitar with the size you want.

If yes, then the best would be to find a guitar store with many guitars and try out different
guitars with smaller sizes (if there are any).

Here is an article about smaller-sized guitars.
It is about classical guitars but the infos may be helpful for you

And in this shop in UK....a list of smaller sized guitars they have (check if there is any
flamenco guitar available)

There is a big guitar shop in Santa Monica. You can contact them and ask them if they have any smaller-sized flamenco

There is also this Store with many flamenco guitars and i think almost all spanish luthiers make smaller guitars
if requested. You may want to contact them too:

Good Luck


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 19:31:30



Posts: 2961
Joined: Dec. 6 2004

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

Sara's describing the issue to be with "RIGHT HAND" positioning.

Yet everybody's talking "scale length" and "Nut width".

Those measurments have nothing to do with the right hand position.

Sara, i think you're having some issues, mainly because you're still
just starting out.
I would have a good look at your sitting position first.
That's probably the culprit.
The way you sit, IE- hieght of the chair, crossing the right leg or not, etc.

If you're just sitting on the edge of your bed, in whatever position you
happen to fall into, then that's almost surely your problem.
You have to sit in a more appropriate position.

Best of luck!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 19:39:29

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara


i'm pretty small and my hands are tiny. i want a guitar with a small body, though i'm doing well with the wide fretboard.

You definitely cope better than I can with lower capo positions and I have quite big hands.
It's just what you get used to IMO!

Paco Peña is only about 5ft 2" or so and he seems to like quite big guitars and plays them very loudly and strongly.

Don't go by preconceptions or what people tell you (since it sounds logical to them).
Try as many guitars as you can and choose the one which "speaks" to you, regardless of size or configuration.
That would be my advice anyway.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 20:12:20

Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 12 2006
From: California

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

thanks for all the help. i definitely cannot afford anything custom or special at the moment, so that's out of the picture, but i suppose i can just go try different guitars.

arash, i think i've heard of the place in santa monica. always wanted to go, i just have to find it.

TK, i think you're right. i have watched countless videos of positions and tried so many different ones, but i can't seem to get a comfy one where i can have my right hand in a decent position.

ron, i shouldn't go blaming the guitar, should i? hehe, well, i definitely need some help finding a better position. i've tried so many different angles!!!

i will keep working on this. thanks for the input, friends.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 9 2008 22:53:06


Posts: 20
Joined: Jun. 12 2007
From: Los Angeles, CA

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

My experiences with buying and selling guitars in L.A. has been less than spectacular. I hate to say it, but be prepared to take a hit on the value -- I would say you would be very lucky to sell it for even $1000, either online or at a guitar shop.

Hope that doesn't sound too negative, it is just based on my experiences selling guitars.

I once took a mint-condition Les Paul Gibson to several shops for appraisal, the best offer was $1500. Thanks, but no thanks. Ended up selling it online for $3000.

Even for people that have an appreciation of flamenco guitars and culture, guitar shops will give you low-ball offers of half the price.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2008 1:24:26

Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 12 2006
From: California

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara

that's a bummer but understandable, i guess. everything's a business, right? i have a feeling i'll be sticking to my guitar and learning how to play it =)

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2008 1:43:30


Posts: 69
Joined: Mar. 30 2008

RE: where can i trade my guitar in LA? (in reply to sara


If you decide you want to sell your guitar send me some information about it-I would like to see some pictures-or video where i can hear it.

We would have to discuss price and such, I live in Virginia. If you sell it you will get more than if you trade it-usually a trade will be nearly 50% of what the retail price is based on its condition-unless you had an agreement of a "trade up" option where you purchased it.

I assume its 650mm length and 52mm nut? Spruce/Cypress?

contact me here if interested:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 10 2008 2:28:32
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