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Hello! I've uploaded a short video of a tremolo exercise on YouTube that may be fun for you to try. If you've never played like this before you should definitely try it! You may be surprised with the results.
Very interesting Grisha! (and innovative!) Could replace some picado runs! Thanks for sharing.
But all Picado runs Todd?...i dont think that you can get the punchy Ramon Jimenez picado sound which you can achieve through i,m with this tremolo technique.
Thanks, guys! It's really cool to do this one. Kinda like drag-racing at a stop light: childish but lots of fun! I know, I know that flamenco and classical is not about speed but why not tickle your brain a little and see what you are capable of?
Thanks for your comment, Todd! You are scary yourself with your crazy technique innovation. I think, however, Arash has a good point here. This tremolo technique is only good for the softer, lighter passages that occur predominantly in classical music.
Hey thats great!!! I am going to try it that way. Do you find that technique easier than picado by the way? I like arpeggio and tremelo runs just because i find them easier (Even if you dont get quite the power)
ORIGINAL: Grisha On one string? Sure! :)
I have been messing about with this technique this month after watching rodrigo and gabriella. There is a part in "diablo rojo" which is an electric guitar technique on one string which works as fast as picking once you get the fingering
Frets: 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 etc. Fings: p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i p a m i etc.
Thats nice Grisha. I can see you have some talent. But you're rushing too much. Slow down a bit. Use metronome (you can download a super flaminco metronome here on this site). There's also a nice beginner book writen by Juan Martin. Go step by step slowly and mostly don't give up! The results will come!
Thats nice Grisha. I can see you have some talent. But you're rushing too much. Slow down a bit. Use metronome (you can download a super flaminco metronome here on this site). There's also a nice beginner book writen by Juan Martin. Go step by step slowly and mostly don't give up! The results will come!
Thats nice Grisha. I can see you have some talent. But you're rushing too much. Slow down a bit. Use metronome (you can download a super flaminco metronome here on this site). There's also a nice beginner book writen by Juan Martin. Go step by step slowly and mostly don't give up! The results will come!
Ok, here is a rough mini disc recording of the exercise (excuse the sound) but you can get the general idea. By thinking of the open string as a bass note and playing the tremelo all on one string, you get this electric guitar effect
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