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Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England
RE: new addition to the family (in reply to ToddK)
Aww..... Todd I do believe your sensitive side has decided to show itself
Your kitty is lovely - got a name yet?
Looks quite like mine when I got them a few months ago - tho they are now monster huge. They are brothers and they came from a rescue home - think they had been treated quite badly because they can be quite skittish. But both have such distinct personalities.
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Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: new addition to the family (in reply to ToddK)
I dont like cats.
As opposed to dogs, cats are unfaithful and two-faced animals.
As long as they know that you give them their delicious cat food and a warm place, they snuggle up to you but dont you dare to have a bad day and need their help. They will show you the cold shoulder.
RE: new addition to the family (in reply to Arash)
dont you dare to have a bad day and need their help
Even when I had three field mice bugging me by chewing through electric cables etc, the cat couldn't be bothered catching them, so I had to set up a humane trap and catch them one by one myself! Not joking!
RE: new addition to the family (in reply to guitardode)
Here is a non cat owner question-- do they like Flamenco ??????
Our cat usually totally ignores any noise from the radio etc, but one day I was watching her and some bagpipe music came on and I noticed her ears move and she stopped and stared at the radio and listened for a bit.
Don't know what that says about the music...just an observation..
RE: new addition to the family (in reply to Ron.M)
I have a fat lazy cat - you can carry him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes and he wouldn't care. Doesn't care about flamenco either, just eats, sleeps and lays on the nearest lap he finds...
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Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things