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I´m off for a while. Have a nice summer dudes   You are logged in as Guest
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Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
Joined: Oct. 18 2006

I´m off for a while. Have a nice su... 


I´ve packed down my workshop and my house. I will leave tomorrow to Beas in the Huelva province. We are buying a house there and I will make a new workshop... This means no internet, no telephone exept the darn cellphone for a while. I will drop into a cyber sometimes here and there and will try to follow my E-mail etc, but I will not be frequenting Foroflamenco for a while.
The comming months will be spend with new friends: bricks, mortar, plaster, new windows etc.

I wish all you guys a nice not to hot or cold summer. I´m looking forward to comming back. I think foro flamenco is still growing and getting better every day

Thanks for making this a nice place to visit. Nice playing, building and chatting.

Un saludo


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 9:29:24

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

all the best with moving anders, movings a hassle but your new house sounds exciting! (dont lose flos blanca in the move )
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 10:01:08

Posts: 1827
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Good Luck Anders, keep in touch. If you're ever back in Grana' drop us a line. Let us know what its like in Huelva. I've heard its beautiful but have never been. Looks like we're recording Emilio this summer so stuck in Granada for forseeable future. Take care mate



Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 13:40:23

Posts: 2194
Joined: Sep. 10 2005
From: holland

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

happy holiday !
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 13:46:11

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Bye Anders. Safe travels and we'll pop over when we are in Sevilla during the Summer.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 14:05:54

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Escribano


I gues wel communicate on the emails, you would probably hear from me really soon.

Look after Florange dont let strangers just touch her.

Have a great holiday mate.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 14:53:37

Posts: 3053
Joined: Dec. 15 2003
From: Sweden

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Have a great summer Anders. and take care


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 18:03:44

[Deleted] (in reply to Anders Eliasson

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 18:07:56


Posts: 88
Joined: Jan. 6 2005

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

All the best with the new house. Make sure you don't lose that heart capo in the move! If you bump into a singer called Monica in Huelva, tell her I said hi. (Long shot I know but what the hell! ) Karenanne
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 18:54:59
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Cheers! Anders, remember things like damp proof courses and roof holding down straps. Don't build on sand and don't backfill with clay soil. Mmmm!
Home floor joists = half the span + 2. (Imperial) Span 10' = 10/2 = 5+2 = 7 therefore 7'x2' = 175mm x 50mm Joist @ 400mm Ctrs.
Have fun and watch not chop any fingers off!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 19:15:00

[Deleted] (in reply to Jim Opfer

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 19:31:06

Posts: 1968
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Good luck with your new place and have a great summer!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 20:21:59

Posts: 405
Joined: Feb. 5 2006
From: Germany

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Hey Anders,

you don't need a house? You have a caravan.

Have a nice summer.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 20:39:56

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Mark2

Yeah Anders,
Good luck with the move and every success in the coming years.
When you're established in Huelva, I'll be able to say "Yeah, but I've got one of his original Granada guitars!"

I bet you'll be teaching all of us soon how good Fandangos de Huelva goes...

(I think, if I remember right, Don Pohren said when describing various Andalucian cities) said ..
"If you want all of your days, nights ...and hours filled with FdH...then Huelva is the place for you"!

Regards to Manolo when you see him.

Anyway...All the best amigo,
(I'll throw a stone in the North Sea for you.. )




A good guitar might be a good guitar
But it takes a woman to break your heart
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 22:05:17
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
Joined: Oct. 18 2006

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Hi friends.

Last post from Quentar... (moving is weird )

Thanks for you warm and sweet words. Its really something I appreciate. We are comming to a point where its getting difficult to imagine a life without foroflamenco.

I´m not going to build a house. We are buying one, but the top plant is empty and I will make a new workshop up there.

FdH... Great stuff. There´s a working local peña in Beas....

Here you havethe "cartel" of the next local festival in Moguer, where Sole, my girfriend works. (not bad for being a local festival )

14 de Julio de 2007
Lugar: Caseta de la Peña de Cante Jondo. Recinto Ferial
A partir de las 23:30 horas.

Elenco artístico compuesto por:

Al Cante, Carmen Linares, Julián Estrada, Duquende, Elena de Carmen

Al Baile, Pepa Montes y Joaquín Grilo

A la guitarra, Juan Diego, Eduardo Pacheco, Manuel Silveria, Chicuelo, Manuel Herrero, Ricardo Miño, Dani Méndez

Con el acompañamiento de Curro Fernández, Segundo Falcón, Vicente Gelo, Ana González, Miguel González, José Antonio Nuñez "Pulga", Carmen Grilo, José Carlos Grilo, Raul Botella.

Presenta el espectáculo Eduardo Fernández Durán, reconocido orador y flamencólogo onubense.

El cartel ha sido elaborado por el joven artista moguereño Francisco Cabezas, que se encuentra formándose en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Sevilla.

A photo of the patio

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 22:35:00

[Deleted] (in reply to Anders Eliasson

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 22:37:39
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
Joined: Oct. 18 2006

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

And the front

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 26 2007 22:40:47
Jon Boyes

Posts: 1377
Joined: Jul. 10 2003

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

Guess I might be too late, but anyway best of luck Anders I'm sure your business will continue to flourish down in Huelva.


Spanish Guitarist in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 27 2007 9:29:50

Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

oops....too late....

Nice holidays and take care....hope to see you soon here again


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 27 2007 10:33:12
el ted


Posts: 466
Joined: Nov. 13 2003

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 27 2007 15:10:49
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to el ted


Hey jim, Should the joists in Spain by SC3, tanalised and regularised?

No! simple cypress tree trunks will do
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 28 2007 19:24:47

Posts: 2559
Joined: Jul. 10 2003

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Jim Opfer

Best of luck Anders. Talk to you soon!


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 28 2007 21:27:35


Posts: 244
Joined: Apr. 20 2007

RE: I´m off for a while. Have a nic... (in reply to Anders Eliasson

peace man. house looks nice!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 29 2007 4:34:00
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