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Getting old feeling like if I can't write my own thing and stay focused on my soul that I will get lost. This post is not Flamenco but it is FLamenco inspired.
I was putting on new strings and in tuning them down BEFORE I CHANGED THEM this came out. Sorry there is so much more I want to say but I can't think of the words. I guess music is this way for me to feel spiritual and free but associating my own thing with Flamenco can be wrong, I just enjoy these little creations and hope that they will help me in the future to be a better guitar player. Of course I want to be different but in doing that you have to make a lot of mistakes so I post this as a fellow learning musician and hope that others will not be afraid to show whats in there hearts, even if it is a little rusty or what ever....ahhhhhh
Sorry like it or not, it is me letting go. Sorry that I post my own Ideas in Audio Video it probably isn't appropriate. I'm just having fun being a musician and enjoy my little tunes dark twisted and what ever you want to call it, it's my music and I like to share if one in a hundred like it then I'm happy.
I think your view is correct. I mean, sometimes when people ask me; what do you play?, I answer with electric guitar and flamenco guitar. and always when I say this I'm thinking, well that last one not really because I don't know everything about flamenco and I'm not really spanish, not everything I play is in in compas. But When I play I feel like I'm a flamenco guitarist. I can relate to what is beng said in that music and I don't know another type in music that can bring those feelings. I like to play with dancers and it's the only style in wich you can just play with your guitar and fill up the romm with melody and rythm.
But the bottom line is what koella said; enjoy what you play en let other people enjoy it too, you only have one lifetime so......try to be the best as possible within your capabilities. that's what makes me practice and perform
Plus je connais les hommes, plus j'admire les chiens." E. Satie
Very good point, Hassurbanipal. I think different people have different opinions about what is flamenco. Some think anybody who has never accompanied doesn't play flamenco, some go as far as saying you need to be Spanish or a Gypsy.
I of course try to be as open-minded as possible being a relatively inexperienced payo myself. Although you can't make an album full of rumbas and call it flamenco, I don't think you can just call anything that doesn't sound right NOT flamenco, I'd say if it's trying to be in compás and in the right key yet isn't it's just BAD flamenco.
Here Edgar is doing something which he chooses not to call flamenco, and to me it's GOOD MUSIC
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
Thanks John very much. I do have a deep passion for flamenco I have played with dancers I have studied from some great masters but still so much to learn. I feel like I'm at a stand still until I go to Spain and it is driving me crazy.
I listened to Errol play Bronce Gitano on his my space page and it blew my mind, he plays it his own way but gives it so much life. I think I need to just keep pluging away at stuff I know is Flamenco until it sounds Flamenco coming from my guitar.
In the mean time I can't help but try and write my own Ideas on guitar.
And by the way I think my knowledge of Flamenco and my respect for it goes much further than my ability to play it.
I've been trying to listen closly to Other artists lateley and I have noticed that there are tiny nuances in compas and technique that can't be explained in music notation. If I play Bronce Gitano like it says in the notation it doesn't sound Flamenco. I'm starting to get some of these little nuances and hope that it only progresses.
By the way John, I really enjoyed your my space page, you are a great guitar player my friend.
May we find God through Flamenco instead of Angels and Demons
I enjoyed that, buleria to my ear. Really liked the closing sequences 3:10 3:30 and 3:45 nice bending and riff run on the bass. Great stuff, keep them coming.