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Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
Grabby Aliens
Heard about this a while ago and figured it was wild conjecture based on little to no data. However, after hearing what he is saying, watching the super nerd push back (they can’t seem to challenge the core conjectures), and thinking about it myself, it is frankly logically sound and deeply disturbing. We are 10 to power 18 too early, plain and simple. This is based on our existence, stellar evolution, and simply TIME. He really has got something here.
I personally think (my own conjecture) a model like this could explain dark matter and dark energy very simply, coupled with the anomalous galaxies that either have few or no stars (all dark) or NO dark matter (stars obey Einstein with no dark matter support). It could simple be SLOW aliens (don’t expand fast) that in fact have already engineered the galactic filaments (yes they are here, we see Moon sized tech but don’t recognize it as such yet), plus the 7 bill.year mid point realization that that vacuum decay thing is a legit problem, such that accelerated expansion (dark energy) could preserve/protect the already engineered galactic islands after 150 bill years (the light speed destruction bubble would never reach them).
Lmao. Been a long time since I've seen that piece of sh1t out and about.
I can't watch this, but he almost always pulls the same econcel trick so here's the tip: look for the assumption(s) that is actually just mid 20th century economic theory but is being passed off as something else. 9 times out of 10 it'll be evolutionary biology. Find that, and usually everything else unravels.
That's all I can say, unfortunately. Just seeing his face on the thumbnail makes my skin crawl. Eek.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Been a long time since I've seen that piece of sh1t out and about….Find that, and usually everything else unravels.
That's all I can say, unfortunately.
Thanks for your input. I have no clue what you are talking about, and can’t figure it out myself like “solve the mystery of the BS scientific model”. I was hoping a debunk or refutation video existed, or some literature at least but I have not found any yet. I will keep looking. Honestly, I am only seeing support of the model currently.
So the big killer to the theory is that the concept that we have arrived 10 to the 18 years too early, is based on Red Dwarf abundance and potential life spans. So it turns out until we actually start finding majority of life around those stars, the data implies these stars are not capable of support life as we have in our solar system. It seems those stars are skewing the statics of our earliness, we are not early if it is the case only sunlike stars have good chances of sustaining life. Basically it is this guy’s 2nd issue with grabby aliens. Honestly I had been waiting all this time for a refutation.