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Posts: 2797
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to devilhand)
The fact the are on the list has no bearing in how beautiful they are.
Provably a bit of dud thread really. Not trying to spread negativity.
Just curious.
I like some rumba and tangos. But generally find them a bit cheesy.
Siguiriyas I feel like I will appreciate more one day. But have always found it a bit scary. I can play it but it's pretty grim. Dark and a bit to painful. I feel like I'm more scared of it than that I don't like it.
Really? Cuz I was going to suggest for your next poll if we can have a list of types of people we don’t like, allowing us to choose more than one as well. Also, guitar models and Luthiers we don’t like (such as Conde etc,) type of foro questions we despise, etc. Then this place would really get going, since nobody ever talks about this stuff.
Really? Cuz I was going to suggest for your next poll if we can have a list of types of people we don’t like
Nah, he is not spreading negativity - that would be if he had asked "What is your most hated palo?" (I bet this would remind you more of devilhand's style) If someone rates all palos between 8 and 10 out of 10, their least favourite is still an 8/10
Siguiriyas I feel like I will appreciate more one day. But have always found it a bit scary. I can play it but it's pretty grim. Dark and a bit to painful. I feel like I'm more scared of it than that I don't like it.
Try Serrana which is a lighter version of Siguiriya.
Yeah I mean, i hope I've been here long enough and shpwn myself to not be a troll type of guy who is able to post this kind of thing without people thinking malicious.
I remember in Spain this summer. I met bursche from her on the foro. Great player. He said something along the lines of he doesn't play alegrias cos it's too happy. Not dark enough. I don't think he was joking. Just blew my mind a bit. I absolutely love alegrias.
Also... isn't livianas like siguiriyas? The Livianas I've heard I always really dig
Thanks for reminding me of some classic devil hand moments. "Flamenco has too many notes" :palmas is the most annoying bit"
I’ve kind of come around to devilhand’s camp when it comes to Palmas and especially a lot of footwork in recordings. If it sounds canned I tend to skip the track. But the recent thread about compression suggests to me that that might have something to do with it. Recently, I find highly processed sound hard to listen to, in general. Some TV and radio programs really over-do it, for sure, I can hardly listen to them I find it so grating. It could be my hearing is changing with age, though, as it never used to bother me so much. In a live situation I find Palmas and tacón can really drive the music and I like it a lot, it’s essential, it really is just a recorded sound thing, in my case.
Oh, and I selected alegrias. Not as a negative thing, more in the manner konstantin puts it. But, again, live I really like alegrias, just less so on recordings. I don’t think you’re trolling either, it’s a valid poll.
I guess I'd rank them according to how often they get the cheese treatment. Sevillanas is probably the winner on that front. Nothing against the palo itself. Just not a huge fan of orchestra arrangements played on a synth.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Yeah I mean, i hope I've been here long enough and shpwn myself to not be a troll type of guy who is able to post this kind of thing without people thinking malicious.
It's neither trolling nor malicious in my opinion. I wish there were more members making a choice in your poll, it's interesting.
Interesting rob cheers. Re sound compression. I haven't thought much on it actually. My eyes have recently started going so I've been more concerned with the l that! But I must say now you mention I think I may have started to find some things more difficult to listen to.
On a record, I can perhaps agree. To much trebly clapping and footwork can be rough. But I assumed he meant in general.
Oh I forgot sevillianas! Yeah that's defo the subject of some cheesy doings.
And yeah I suppose some of those alegrias from 20/30 years back With all the strings n that. I'm not keen. But raw. I love it .
Gerardos classic alegrias. With the high strings over it. I can't really listen to. But I love playing it. Especially that opening chord sequence.
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to mark indigo)
La serrana es un estilo flamenco con copla de cuatro versos de rima par, el primero y el tercero de siete sílabas y el segundo y el cuarto pentasílabos. A esta copla se añade un terceto en el que riman sus versos primero y tercero, de cinco sílabas, mientras que el segundo, de siete sílabas, queda libre.
Es un cante de ambiente campero, con temas que aluden a la sierra con los hombres que la surcaban en aquella época (pastores, bandoleros, contrabandistas, arrieros....), lobos, corderas, ...etc. Lógicamente la alusión al término "serrana" viene referida a la sierra andaluza y, en concreto, se ha orientado geográficamente a la Serranía de Ronda. La serrana carece de modalidades, ya que hay sólo un estilo de serrana.
Posts: 2797
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to mecmachin)
Oh that's a good one for the list actually. I'm not that keen. Only really hear the trad style versions. And always feels a bit twee work the hat business.
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to mecmachin)
doing missionary work for sevillanas:
Great idea.
For me there are no bad palos, only that any can be done better or worse according to my personal taste. Flamenco is broad. Two people can both say they love flamenco and have completely different musical tastes and sensibilities. Same as in jazz, classical, rock etc...
Here's Camaron, Manuela Carrasco, Tomatito and Joaquin Amador por sevillanas.