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Posts: 786
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Guitarists Disease
Do you or anyone you know have this problem? You are constantly searching for, trading, selling and buying guitars in the quest for the “perfect instrument”? Perhaps you have traveled around the world to obtain that “perfect instrument”.
There are many good guitars that have been made. Some are better than others. It is nice when you know enough about guitars to realize you have a good one in your hands. It really is not difficult to find a good guitar. If you do not know too much about the subject find someone to assist you. Watch your budget and buy the best you can afford.
The next part of the process is to learn how to play the instrument. By the way there are and have been a number of guitarists who can play well on just about anything that has six strings. Some people will never be happy even if they owned all the top end guitars ever made. The secret may be that not everyone is a “world class player”. Learn to accept your playing ability and enjoy it. Try to do your best and not be frustrated.
I had for 15 years the same guitar, a Burguet 2f. Never thought of buying an other, till a frend of mine bought a conde A26. I played on it, and the secomd later, I knew I did not like my own guitar anymore...... Trouble! I decided, then I wanted a new guitar,search, search, and it would cost me a lot of money. I came up, the guitars I liked, where about 3000-5000 euro. More trouble. Then I started thinking, well, if I spend that kind of money, I can also try to get the best (for me) the one I liked on every cd they play on it. A Gerundino I thought I was getting mad, spending that kind of money on that kind of guitars....... Than the big and bad question came into my head: Am I worth it.... think, think,( not to mention, the talks with my wife) I decided, If I play guitar for 1,2,and sometimes 3 hours a day, for hopefully another 40 years, yes, I am worth it! Then the endless internetsearch came, wrote letters to guitarists, sleeples nights, and finaly, finally I bought a Gerundino. Every day, I am happy when I take the guitar, it inspire me very much, and finally, my search is over, I never buy a guitar in my live! So, Tom, you see, I know what you talk about! greetings, Peter.
On the subject of guitars, I've just bought a new Ricardo Sanchis Carpio for £500, and to me it sounds nearly as good as a Gerundino, close grain Cypres back and sides, tight even grained spruce top, no glue leakage round the internal strutting, and a nice rasping tone. The depth or width of the guitar is slightly deeper than a traditional flamenco, nearly as thick as a classical, which gives it a bit more depth of tone, and a lovely deep orange colour to the wood. Whether it was just a one off, or if they are consistant I don't know. Billy
Boughtit from Music Exchange Stockport UK, It was the model F2. There are not a lot of guitar shops in the UK sell Ricardo Sanchis for whatever reason, although you can buy it direct from the maker if you want to take the risk.