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There is a new social media format called Clubhouse ( I’m not affiliated with it) and it might be interesting to use it as a part of Flamenco Foro because it’s audio. We could use it to sample guitar sound and discuss falsetas or technical issues in real time as part of the Foro.
I joined - you can read more about the format here;
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
Just use Discord like normal people.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
I’m not very familiar with this new-fangled platform but my initial reaction is one of discomfort.
I would be concerned it could alter the multi-national/cultural nature of the Foro by advantaging native English speakers, which could discourage non-native speakers from participating in the discussions. Also, there are those amongst us who manage to appear far more quick-witted with the written word than we could ever hope to with the spoken. For example, it took me well over an hour to come up with the previous two sentences.
The character of the Foro would also be fundamentally altered as information would become transient. Part of the strength of the place is its strongly archival nature. I’m not convinced formalizing such a cross platform relationship would serve the Foro well in the long term.
But it’s 3AM here and I haven’t really thought this through. No reason to let that stop me from throwing in a few cents, though, lol.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
The clubhouse format is designed for moderating and regulation live conversations in which someone or a small group present a topic and then others message the moderator if they want to add to the conversation. So it’s like a lecture with questions or folks who want to build on the topic.
It’s not designed to embarrass people who don’t want to speak, but they can still listen to the conversation.
Besides Oprah uses it.
I thought for some conversations it might be a way to go further and for those Don’t like writing as much as talking, it might be better for them.
Thoughts could be, someone wants to live perform falsetas or a new solo and then talk about it live, then follow up by chatting in writing.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
Sorry, I really didn't mean it that way. Just forget what I was saying. Give it a try and see how it goes.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
Mind you, if people just delete half of what they say, right, left, center, willy-nilly, and sideways, then it might as well move to that format.
Yes, here’s looking at you, Piwin, the Crown Prince of Post Removal.*
Not to say I’m against editing for content or of a person removing posts if they feel what they said wasn’t germaine to the discussion or somehow not in the best interests of the Foro, but man, it gets frustrating seeing a string of post deletions, especially after had read them and knowing that they contained good content. I’d rather the feature be there than not, however.
*And Piwin, your posts are great, so pls don’t take offence. I guess I just feel I feel a tad deprived when I see you’ve removed a post, as I quite enjoy reading what you have to say. But I do respect your decisions, misguided as they may be, lol. I mean, so what if you dissed Oprah?
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
so pls don’t take offence
Hey man, I got a royal title of it. No complaints here.
Now I just need to ask Escribano if he can change my status "Fellow" to "Crown Prince of Post Removal".
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
Your post seemed fine to me. Tbh I don't know much about Oprah, but in general I don't have much nice to say about billionaires. I've worked with enough uber-affluent to be convinced that Jesus had the right idea when he said that a rich man can't thread a needle through a camel's ass. Or something. Wait. What is it again? It's harder for a rich man to sew than for a camel to get into heaven. No that can't be right. It's harder for heaven to fit through a needle than for a camel to... Goddamit... Is there even a ****ing camel in this saying?!
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to Piwin)
Umm...no camel. Wait a minute...yes, camel. Actually, a lot of camels got messed up by rich folk due to that saying....
P.S. I did edit my posts to remove the political content. In my case, I was stepping on estabanana’s suggestion thread with some pretty unrelated stuff, which wasn’t cool.
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
so what if you dissed Oprah?
Oprah deserves to be dissed. With her mantra of everyone having his own "truth," she is as responsible as anyone for mainstreaming the lies and misrepresentations of the Trumpsters. Kellyanne Conway, for example, with her "alternative facts," would fit right in on an episode with Oprah. How can Oprah criticize Trump if she thinks everyone's own "truth" is equally valid? She never got out of her "post-modernist" phase.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
That was more or less the gist of my rant, Bill. I probably should have left it up, but it drifted sideways.
I am honored to have carried your rant forward, Rob.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to BarkellWH)
Apparently Oprah and Prince Harry are getting together to do a series on mental health featuring all sorts of anguish, hair pulling, garment rending, and tooth gnashing by their sensitive and highly successful friends; creatives all. The news says Oprah is preemptively blasting anyone who may shame someone (rich) for their frail psyche for, as Harry says, we all carry unresolved trauma and grief.
Yes, we most certainly do, mine generally having something to do with a lack of funds, lack of booze, or some combination of the two. But enough about me, and back to old Harry...
It’s not easy being special, and dealing with one’s highly paid entourage can be oh so draining. Let alone having a yard overrun with squawking chickens, and not a rooster in sight. Oh, and having a father refuse to pay for security so you don’t lose face from pedalling around the Boulevards without two or three burly dudes in dark sunglasses conspicuously trailing you in a slow moving Black Cadillac armoured SUV. All that is enough to scar anyone. Heck, I’m getting messed up just thinking about it. Rent on a $14M hovel ain’t chump change, either, so I’m sure I can feel his pain.
It’s not that I have anything against mental health, except that I don’t have any. One always scorns that which one desires yet does not possess, I suppose. Sigh...I need a drink. But in all of this I sense an opportunity for our newly decorated HRH Piwin, CPPR, Esq., Etc..., so some good may come of it, after all.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
Vente pa'Cai, cabron! Aquí tenemos cerveza, manzanilla, brandy, coñac, whiskey y cachondeo para todos los verdaderos aficionados, hartos de los póliticos y la verborrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
Ok, I’m going to abandon this idea, I wouldn’t want to have a reasonable formally organized conversation with any of you lest I feel guilty I have stolen from you your right to uncivil disobedience.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
I did give what I felt was a considered opinion on the idea.
There’s nothing preventing people from using the Foro as a launching pad to offsite conversation, IMO, and I can see how formalizing that could be of some advantage for some of the more guitar-centric teaching/learning posts. But, the transitory nature of a real-time discussion platform will naturally lead to a loss of the preservation of the kind of information that the Foro was built upon and that, to me, is a disadvantage.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
What’s the difference?
Rahsaan Roland Kirk said every time I go out and play the saxophone the notes go up into the air and disappear, you can’t have a note, you can’t destroy a note.
Some things are as they are and are beautiful because they disappear. The thing that makes a moment ‘flamenco’ is like what Rahsaan says, it can’t be held in your hand or stored on a hard drive, it’s something else.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to estebanana)
... (in reply to RobF)
Vente pa'Cai, cabron! Aquí tenemos cerveza, manzanilla, brandy, coñac, whiskey y cachondeo para todos los verdaderos aficionados, hartos de los póliticos y la verborrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For you the doctor recommends less whiskey and more chamomile tea. Come to Japan you cochino and I’ll show you how to fish properly and catch giant tai snapper instead of your tiny little trout.
RE: The Clubhouse App as adjunct For... (in reply to RobF)
I sense an opportunity for our newly decorated HRH Piwin, CPPR, Esq., Etc..., so some good may come of it, after all.
Now that I'm royalty, I figured there might be a way for me to get my hands on some of that Asturias mafia cash. But I looked it up. The next in line to the throne is a 15 year old girl, so not possible. Ask me again in 3 years? Besides, apparently she's leaving to go study somewhere in Wales. And I can't handle that many consonants, so that's a no go. Or maybe I can look and see if there's an old widowed aunt somewhere in the family, and then pull a Macron.
Ugh. Even joking about this makes me uncomfortable. It's lewd. Or as they say in Welsh: llwlllrrmedddllllwlrmldh.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."