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El Craic

Posts: 164
Joined: Jul. 28 2003
From: Atlantic battered NW Ireland


Hi everyone i have a quick question re. Burguet guitars. Who's played them and what do they think? They were recommended to me and I do trust the opinion of this person but would be interested in other's views.


You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 16 2003 14:50:45
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

El Craic, hi, I don't know anything about Burgeut guitars, but perhaps you'd like to hear about what I'm playing. I got a Vicente Carillo blanca from (Tom Nunez), and am very happy with it. When I was in a month-long workshop in Spain, I played quite a few guitars of other students, including two Condes, and I have to say my Carillo outclassed them all. Of course, these were the infamous cheap Condes (Well at $4000+ they're hardly cheap!), which although they had a great sound were monsters to play. The Carillo came with a great action and a beautiful blanca sound. The neck is quite wide for a flamenco, but if you play with a capo that problem is alleviated. I know it sound like I work for Vicente Carillo, but I think he does a great job and would like to see the word spread. Anyways, hope this helps.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 16 2003 15:56:39
El Craic

Posts: 164
Joined: Jul. 28 2003
From: Atlantic battered NW Ireland

RE: Burguet (in reply to Miguel de Maria

Gracia'! Worked 3 shelves in El Mundo Flamenco in London recently. Very expensive. Quite liked one Vernal. A mate is always lending me his Gerundino but he won't give it to me . There is also Sean O'Brien's mate in Cadiz and Sean seems reasonably trustworthy (i hope sean is suitably teased if he read that). Have to try lots more I guess!


You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 17 2003 10:16:31

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic


Worked 3 shelves in El Mundo Flamenco in London recently. Very expensive. Quite liked one Vernal

Don't buy from there, too pricey. If you mean Bernal, try Melchor who has contacts in Jerez. I rate them highly for sound and value.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 17 2003 10:35:06
El Craic

Posts: 164
Joined: Jul. 28 2003
From: Atlantic battered NW Ireland

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

hi simon, sorry sorry Valeriano Bernal is who i meant. But ur right El M Flamenco is way too pricey, i was with our very good friend Melchor at the time (so he told me about Bernal) and we had a little juerga on El Mundo Flamenco's CCTV :-) so yes i'll stick this in my option bag. Thanx!!


You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 17 2003 10:54:24

Posts: 1767
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

Hi, El Craic!

I have two Burguet guitars, one old one a 2F 1989. A very nice guitar.

And a ABF 2002, the topmodel from Amalio Burguet.
This is a beautiful guitar, I payed 3100 euro for it.
It is the easiest playable guitar I ever tried, and that is a lot!
It have a very fast action, and the neck is slim.
the sound is like a real blanca, and, if you want very agressive.

In the beginning of this year, I could buy a Gerundino, ( never thought I could get one anymore) So, now I am selling the ABF in Holland.

But if you look for a good guitar, I would surely try a Burguet, you get a lot of guitar for your money.
Good luck with your guitarhunt, and remember, only trust your own two ears!
Greetings, Peter.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 17 2003 15:18:53

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

Hola Emma

I won't give you my Gerundino either, but I will find you a guitar when you come to Cadiz. Do not buy a guitar in London. If you like Valeriano, go to visit him in Algodonales, or I can get you a 1985 primera especial for 2000 euros.

Un abrazo

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 18 2003 21:45:40
El Craic

Posts: 164
Joined: Jul. 28 2003
From: Atlantic battered NW Ireland

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

Hello Sean I hope u r freezing ur wossname off in Cai like I am today in el norte.

Well, Gerundino likes his Burguet (thanx for that G) and owner I spoke to certainly coaxes a really, really lovely sound out of his so I do want to see one as well, but hopefully I'll play a few before March so I know what i like/don't like about them, and I'll see u in March and then we can decide :-)


You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 20 2003 8:44:35


Posts: 389
Joined: Aug. 18 2003

RE: Burguet (in reply to El Craic

My tupence worth, the Burgeut 2f I tried, had a very rasping attack, instantly satisfying, but the depth or width of the guitar was so shallow, it was almost like playing an electro acoustic, and was mainly an accompaniment sounding guitar.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2003 20:28:41
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