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Hey, does anybody know, which luthier uses or has used this headstockshape? I bought a guitar without label and wonder, who built it. Any hint is appreciated. Thanks and greetings, Ben
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Posts: 1767
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands
RE: Does anyone know this headstock? (in reply to benros)
Hi Ben, did you look with a little mirror ( or try to make a film /pictures with your phone) at the backside of the top? Or he inside of the guitar. A lot of times guitar builders put a stamp or a signature inside.
RE: Does anyone know this headstock? (in reply to gerundino63)
Thanks Peter, so far i have only seen the guitar on photos, but thats definitely one of the first things, i will do, as soon, as i get my hands on it. But im too curious and thought, that probably somebody here on the foro has seen this headstock before or has a guess, where it probably was built. Greetings Ben
RE: Does anyone know this headstock? (in reply to benros)
The guitar arrived today and is really a great flamenca negra, skillfully built, interesting wood chocices and bracing pattern, beautiful rosette and bridge, nice setup (8mm at the bridge and 2,8mm at the 12th fret/E) and 665mm scale length. And its a raw brutal sounding cannon! Unfortunately no stamp or name of the luthier inside the guitar and it seems, that there never was a label inside. I will post some more pictures the upcoming days, but i am not very hopeful anymore, that i will find out, who has built it.
RE: Does anyone know this headstock? (in reply to benros)
benros, its a neat looking headstock. Is the top cedar or is the age of the guitar just making the spruce darker. What country did you purchase it in? USA?
RE: Does anyone know this headstock? (in reply to davewphx)
Hey Dave,
yes, the guitar is definitely well and skillful built and almost certain from a spanish luthier. I just cannot find out who built it. Its a cedar top and i bought it in germany. Im currently restoring the finish, so that i can apply a golpeador. I will post some better pictures, when its done.